< 1 Korinthians 3 >

1 Ime miri vayi, me na tre niyi ni na ndi bi ruhu na ama nadi bi nema kpain bi mir ziza ni de kristi.
Brothers, I couldn’t speak to you as to spiritual, but as to fleshly, as to babies in Christ.
2 Me noyi mada ra ana hla wu sain mana, bina iri na kio zizan mal rina
I fed you with milk, not with solid food, for you weren’t yet ready. Indeed, you aren’t ready even now,
3 Du zizan 'a bibi n'ma kpa, wa ingu ni do shishi he ni mi suron bi. Du naki bina to bina bi n'ma kpa na? Zirmbi wa indi ba tsra yi to?
for you are still fleshly. For insofar as there is jealousy, strife, and factions amongst you, aren’t you fleshly, and don’t you walk in the ways of men?
4 Din iridi wa tre wawu “ni wu Bulus wawu ni kongon Afollos” naki bina ndi nlege na?
For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” aren’t you fleshly?
5 Me miya a nah Afollos? Anha Bulus? ana bi waba kuyir ni son mba, wabi kpaye ni ba nawa Irji noba du' na.
Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed, and each as the Lord gave to him?
6 Ime me chu, u Apollos mba a bwa m'maa wu Rji a du ba Rju.
I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.
7 Naki iwa achu, ke niwa bwa m'ma ba na kpe na. Ama a hi Rji mba ni du gbro.
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
8 Wa achu niwa a bwa m'ma ba riri, u ko nha ani kpa knima tsra ni du wa a tei.
Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labour.
9 Naki wawu mbu k'mir Rji kpukpambi duma wa ki zama ijhuma a tie ta.
For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s farming, God’s building.
10 Ni alherin Rji wa ba ne, cikake wu meh wa meh zinci harsashi, uri ani meh ni whu me, du naki kowane indi aniya yada imeh ma ni he gyagyer.
According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.
11 Ba indi wa ni zinci harsashinma kan niwa ba riga da ziye wato Yesu Almasihu
For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.
12 Zizan'a indi wa meh nitu har sashi rhi kan, wu zina riya ni wu ozurfa, koni wu titta bi daraja ni kukor, ni ciyawa ni tattaka.
But if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw,
13 du induma ni mlaye wa vyi wu mlaya ni he. Ani wu mlaya ni luwu. iluwu ni shell wu bima wa konha a teir.
each man’s work will be revealed. For the Day will declare it, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself will test what sort of work each man’s work is.
14 Wu indiri wa duma abi, anika zizima.
If any man’s work remains which he built on it, he will receive a reward.
15 Toki wu indi wa induma a gonlu wawu aniyi da shaya asara u wawu ni tu ma ani nawo ama da kir.
If any man’s work is burnt, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, but as through fire.
16 Binato di bi hai kadi u Rji u Ruhu Rji ani son ni kpambi na?
Don’t you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?
17 Indi wa akpa haikali Rji u Ruhu Rji ti meme Irji game ni kpa ti meme. haikali Rji awu tsraki wukitaa me anaki.
If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, which you are.
18 Du ndio duna gur tuma n, idi wa aya tuma ani wawu kpe, ni son bi wawu, waniya ni wawu a zan konha, di wawu a he ni hikima niton mbu wu zizan du k'ma ti wawu don da zama u hikima. (aiōn g165)
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks that he is wise amongst you in this world, let him become a fool that he may become wise. (aiōn g165)
19 U hikima wu gbugbu'u yi kalacu mu ni Rji naki itre ma ba hna da tre “ani vuu bi hikima ni makircin mba.”
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He has taken the wise in their craftiness.”
20 Har luwa 'Irji to mer bi hikima a wu megye”.
And again, “The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless.”
21 Tok ni meryi du ndio du na wur who ni indi na duka koge hi wume.
Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours,
22 Ni Bulus u Apollos, U kefas, u gbu-gblu u rai, u que u kpi wu zizan, u kpi bi ye no ko shishi, wawu ba wu mbi.
whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come. All are yours,
23 U biyi biwu kristi, u kristi hi wu Rji
and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.

< 1 Korinthians 3 >