< Matthieu 6 >
1 Lakait evezh na rafec'h ho madoberoù dirak an dud, evit bezañ gwelet ganto; rak n'ho po ket a c'hopr digant ho Tad a zo en neñvoù.
“When you do your good deeds, make certain that you do not do them when other people are watching so that they may see you [and think highly of you]. If [you do good deeds merely in order that other people may think highly of you, God], your Father who is in heaven, will not give you any reward.
2 Pa ri eta aluzen, na son ket an drompilh a-raok ac'hanout, evel ma ra ar bilpouzed er sinagogennoù hag er straedoù, evit bezañ meulet gant an dud. Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, o deus o gopr.
So, whenever you give something to the poor, do not [announce it as people announce something that they want other people to know about] by playing a [fanfare] on a trumpet [MET]. That is what the hypocrites do (in the synagogues/in the Jewish meeting places) and on the main roads in order that people might [see what they do and] praise them. Keep this in mind: [People praise those hypocrites], [but] that is the [only] reward they will receive!
3 Met pa rez aluzen, gra na ouezo ket da zorn kleiz ar pezh a ra da zorn dehou,
Instead [of doing as they do], when you give something to the poor, do not let other people know that you are doing that [MET].
4 evit ma vo da aluzen graet e-kuzh; da Dad a wel e-kuzh hag en rento dit [dirak an holl].
In that way, you will be giving to the poor secretly. [As a result God], your Father who observes [you] while no one else sees [you], will reward you.
5 Pa bedit, na vezit ket evel ar bilpouzed; rak int a gar pediñ en o sav er sinagogennoù hag e kornioù ar straedoù, evit bezañ gwelet gant an dud. Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, o deus o gopr.
Also when you pray, do not do what the hypocrites do. They like to stand in the Jewish meeting places and on the corners of the main streets to pray, in order that other people will see them [and think highly of them]. Keep this in mind: [People praise them, but] that is the [only] reward they will get.
6 Met te, pa bedez, kae ez kambr, hag, o vezañ serret an nor, ped da Dad a zo e-kuzh; da Dad a wel e-kuzh hag en rento dit [dirak an holl].
But as for you, when you pray, go into your private room and close the door in order to pray to [God], your Father, whom no one can see. He observes you where no one else observes you, and he will reward you.
7 Pa bedit, n'en em servijit ket a adlavarioù ven, evel ar baganed; rak krediñ a reont ez eo dre galz a gomzoù e vint selaouet.
When you pray, do not repeat words many times as the people who do not know God do [when they pray. They repeat meaningless words] because they think that if they use many words, their gods will listen to them and give them [what they ask for].
8 Na vezit ket eta heñvel outo; rak ho Tad a oar petra hoc'h eus ezhomm, a-raok ma c'houlennit digantañ.
Do not [repeat words] as they do, because [God] your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
9 C'hwi eta, pedit evel-henn: Hon Tad hag a zo en neñv, ra vo santelaet da anv,
So pray [things] like this: Father, [you who are] in heaven, we [(exc)] desire that you be honored/revered {that people honor/revere you}.
10 ra zeuio da rouantelezh, ra vo graet da volontez war an douar evel en neñv,
We [(exc)] desire that people let you rule [over their lives]. We(exc) want [people who live] on the earth to do what you desire, as those who live in heaven [do what you want them to do].
11 ro deomp hiziv hor bara pemdeziek,
Give us [(exc)] each day the food [SYN] that we [(exc) need for] that day.
12 pardon deomp hor pec'hedoù evel ma pardonomp ivez d'ar re o deus manket ouzhimp,
Forgive our sins just like we [(exc)] have forgiven the people who sin against us [(exc)].
13 ha n'hon lez ket da gouezhañ en temptadur, met hon diwall diouzh an droug, rak dit eo ar ren, ar galloud hag ar gloar evit kantvedoù ar c'hantvedoù. Amen!
Do not let us(exc) do wrong things when we(exc) are tempted {someone or something tempts us}, and rescue us [(exc)] when Satan the evil one tempts us to do evil things.”
14 Rak, mar pardonit d'an dud o mankoù, ho Tad neñvel a bardono ivez deoc'h.
“[Forgive the people who sin against you], because, if you forgive other people, [God], your Father who is in heaven, will forgive your [sins].
15 Met ma ne bardonit ket d'an dud o mankoù, ho Tad ne bardono ket kennebeut deoc'h ho re.
But if you do not forgive other people, neither will God forgive your sins.”
16 Pa yunit, na gemerit ket ur min trist, evel ar bilpouzed; rak dispenn a reont o dremm, evit diskouez d'an dud e yunont. Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, o deus o gopr.
“When you abstain from eating food [in order to please God], do not look sad as the hypocrites look. They make their faces appear sad in order that people will see that they are abstaining from food [and will think highly of them]. Keep this in mind: [People will think highly of those people for that], but [that is the only] reward those people will get!
17 Met te, pa yunez, laka c'hwez-vat war da benn, ha gwalc'h da zremm,
Instead, [each of] you, when you abstain from food, should comb your hair and wash your face [as usual],
18 evit na vo ket gwelet gant an dud e yunez, met hepken gant da'z Tad a zo e-kuzh; da Dad a wel e-kuzh hag en rento dit [dirak an holl].
in order that other people will not notice that you are fasting [because you will look as you always do]. But [God], your Father, whom no one can see, [will observe that you are abstaining from food. God] your Father sees [you] even though no one else sees [you], and he will reward you.”
19 Na zastumit ket teñzorioù deoc'h war an douar, e-lec'h ma'z int distrujet gant ar preñved ha gant ar mergl, hag e-lec'h ma toull al laeron ha ma skrapont;
“Do not [selfishly] accumulate large quantities of money and material goods for yourselves on [this] earth, because [the earth is where everything is destroyed. For example], on earth termites ruin things, and things rust, and thieves enter [buildings] and steal things.
20 met dastumit teñzorioù evidoc'h en neñv, e-lec'h n'int distrujet na gant ar mergl na gant ar preñved, hag e-lec'h na doull ket al laeron, ha na skrapont ket.
Instead, do [deeds that will please God. Your doing such deeds will be like] storing treasures in heaven [MET]. [Nothing perishes in heaven]. In heaven no termites ruin [things], nothing rusts, and thieves do not enter buildings and steal.
21 Rak el lec'h ma'z emañ da deñzor, eno ivez e vo da galon.
[Remember that] the things [that you think are the most] valuable are [the things that] you will be constantly concerned about [MET]. [So if you want to be storing treasures in heaven], you [need to be] constantly thinking [about God and heaven], [instead of your earthly possessions].”
22 Al lagad eo lamp ar c'horf; mar deo eta da lagad yac'h, da holl gorf a vo sklêrijennet;
“Your eyes are [like] a lamp [MET] for your body, because they enable you to see things. So if your eyes are healthy, you are able to see everything well [MET]. [Similarly, if you are generous with your money and other possessions, you will be able to know much of what God wants you to know] [MET].
23 met mar deo fall da lagad, da holl gorf a vo en deñvalijenn. Mar deo eta teñval ar sklêrijenn a zo ennout, pegen bras e vo an deñvalijenn-se!
But if your eyes are bad, you are not able to see things well. And if that continues, the time will come when you will not be able to see at all. You will be in complete darkness [MET]. [Similarly, if you continue to be greedy, you will be in spiritual darkness. If all that your eyes can see and your mind can think about involves your greedily desiring material possessions, all that you do will be evil] [MET].”
24 Den ebet ne c'hell servijañ daou vestr; rak, pe e kasaio unan hag e karo egile, pe en em stago ouzh unan hag e tisprizo egile. Ne c'hellit ket servijañ Doue ha Mammon.
“No one is able to serve two [different] bosses [at the same time]. If [he tried to do that], he would dislike one of them and love the other one, or he would be loyal to one of them and despise the other one [DOU]. [Similarly], you cannot [devote your life to] worshipping God and [worshipping] money and material goods [at the same time].”
25 Abalamour da-se e lavaran deoc'h: Na vezit ket nec'het evit ho puhez, petra a zebrot ha petra a evot, nag evit ho korf, gant petra e viot gwisket. Ar vuhez, ha n'eo ket muioc'h eget ar boued, hag ar c'horf, muioc'h eget an dilhad?
“Because [you should be concerned about what God thinks is important and not about material goods, I] tell you that you should not worry about [things that you need in order to] live. [Do not worry] about whether you will have [enough food] to eat, and [something] to drink, or [enough] clothes to wear. It is important to have [sufficient] food [and drink] and clothing, but the way you conduct your lives is much more important [RHQ].
26 Sellit ouzh laboused an neñv: ne hadont ha ne vedont ket, ne zastumont netra er solieroù, hag ho Tad neñvel a vag anezho. Ha ne dalvezit ket kalz muioc'h egeto?
Look at the birds. They do not plant [seeds, and they do not] harvest [crops] and gather them into barns. [But they always have food to eat because God], your Father who is in heaven, provides food for them. And you are certainly worth a lot more than birds [RHQ]! [So you can be assured that God will supply what you need!]
27 Piv ac'hanoc'h a c'hell, gant e holl enkrez, astenn e vuhez eus un ilinad?
(None of you can, just by worrying, [add time to your life]./Can any of you, just by worrying, [add time to your life]?) [RHQ] [You cannot] add [even] one minute to your life! [So you should not worry about things such as food and clothing!]
28 Perak ivez oc'h nec'het diwar-benn ho dilhad? Sellit penaos e kresk lili ar parkeier: ne labouront ket, ne nezont ket;
You should also not worry about [whether you will have enough] clothes [to wear] [RHQ]. Think about the way flowers [grow] in the fields. They do not work [to earn money], and they do not make their own clothes.
29 koulskoude, e lavaran deoc'h, Salomon memes en e holl c'hloar n'eo ket bet gwisket evel unan anezho.
But I tell you that even though [King] Solomon, who [lived long ago], [wore very beautiful clothes], his clothes were not as beautiful as one of those [flowers].
30 Mar gwisk eta Doue evel-se geot ar parkeier, a zo hiziv hag a vo warc'hoazh taolet er forn, pegement muioc'h e wisko ac'hanoc'h, tud a nebeud a feiz?
God makes the wild plants very beautiful, [but they grow] in the field [for only a short time]. One day they grow, and the next day they are thrown into an oven {someone [cuts them and] throws them into an oven} [to be burned to make heat for baking bread. But you are more important to God than wild plants are, and you live much longer]. So (God will certainly provide clothes for you who [live a long time but] trust him so little!/will not God surely very adequately clothe you, [who live a long time but] trust him so little?) [RHQ]
31 Na vezit ket nec'het, o lavarout: Petra a zebrimp? Petra a evimp? Gant petra en em wiskimp?
Because of God’s caring for you, do not worry and say, ‘Will we have anything to eat?’ or ‘Will we have anything to drink?’ or ‘Will we have clothes to wear?’ [RHQ]
32 Rak ar baganed eo ar re a glask an holl draoù-se. Ho Tad neñvel a oar hoc'h eus ezhomm anezho.
Those who do not know God are always worrying about things like that. But God, your Father who is in heaven, knows that you need all those things, [so you should not worry about them].
33 Klaskit kentoc'h rouantelezh Doue hag e reizhder, hag an holl draoù-se a vo roet deoc'h ouzhpenn.
Instead, the most important thing you should be concerned about is to let [God] completely direct your life, and to strive [to live] righteously. [If you do that], all the things that you [need] will be given to you {God will give you all the things [that you need]}.
34 Na vezit ket eta nec'het gant an deiz war-lerc'h; an deiz war-lerc'h a gemero preder anezhañ e-unan. Da bep devezh eo a-walc'h e boan.
So [each day] do not be worried about what will happen to you the next day, because [when] that day [PRS] comes, [you] will be concerned about [what happens during] that day. You will have enough to be concerned about each day. [So do not worry ahead of time].”