< Rom 4 >

1 Eshe meetson nonih wottso Abraham daatsre noetetuwo eebi?
What shall we say then, that Abraham our father hath found concerning the flesh?
2 Abraham kááwu b́wot finona wotink'ere, bín b́ it'et keewo daatsiyank'e b́teshi, ernmó Ik'i shinatse it'o falratse.
For if Abraham were iustified by workes, he hath wherein to reioyce, but not with God.
3 S'ayin mas'aafo, «Abarham Ik'on amanere, bíamantsonwere kááwu b́wottsok'o wotatniye bísh b́taaweyi» etfe.
For what saith the Scripture? Abraham beleeued God, and it was counted to him for righteousnesse.
4 Finiru asho b́ daatsitwo bí angi k'awnts wottsoni bako bísh imet imoniyaliye.
Nowe to him that worketh, the wages is not counted by fauour, but by dette:
5 Asho sheeng fino b́t'ut'alor dab́ morretswotsi Kashitwo Izar Izeweri bíamaniyal bíamantso kááw wotar bísh taawetwe.
But to him that worketh not, but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly, his faith is counted for righteousnesse.
6 Dawit b́kaaton Ik'o sheeng finalon kááw b́woshit asho awuk'o derek b́wottsok'o b́ kitsor hank'owe bíeti,
Euen as Dauid declareth the blessednesse of the man, vnto whom God imputeth righteousnes without workes, saying,
7 «Bo daro boosh oorowe eteetsuwotsnat Bomorro boosh ipk'reets ashuwots Derekne!
Blessed are they, whose iniquities are forgiuen, and whose sinnes are couered.
8 Doonzo b́morro bíats b́taawurawu asho Deereke!»
Blessed is the man, to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne.
9 Bére, Dawit b́keewuts deeran gofdamiyetsuwots s'uzsheya? Himó gof damiyerawwotsshe? Gof daamiyerawtsshowere, «Abraham Ik'o bíamanere bíamantsman bísh kááwu wotat b́taaweyi» etrone.
Came this blessednesse then vpon the circumcision onely, or vpon the vncircumcision also? For we say, that faith was imputed vnto Abraham for righteousnesse.
10 Eshe Abrahamsh b́imnetiyo kááwu wotat bísh b́taawe awure? Gofo bíamftse shinemó gofo bíamiyake? Gofo bímfetsere shina bako gofo bíamiyakaliye.
Howe was it then imputed? when he was circumcised, or vncircumcised? not when he was cricumcised, but when he was vncircumcised.
11 Abraham gofo bíamfetsere shino b́imnetiyo kááwu wotat b́datsetsok'o kitsosh milikito bísh b́wotituwok'o gofo bí amiye, hanuwere ando gofo boamaawo amanitu jamwots kááwu wotar botaawetuwok'o boosh niho b́wotishe.
After, he receiued the signe of circumcision, as the seale of the righteousnesse of ye faith which he had, when he was vncircumcised, that he should be the father of all them that beleeue, not being circumcised, that righteousnesse might be imputed to them also,
12 Mank'owere Abraham gof amtsuwotsshor nihe, gof amtsuwotssh niho b́wottsonuwere gof boamtso s'uzosh b́woterawo bí gofo bí amfetsere shino b́detsts imnetiyi shuutso sha'iruwotsshe.
And the father of circumcision, not vnto them onely which are of the circumcision, but vnto them also that walke in the steppes of the faith of our father Abraham, which he had when he was vncircumcised.
13 Abrahamnat b́ naaro datsu b́naatetwok'o Ik'o b́ jangiyi imnetiyon b́daatsts kááwona bako nem kotonaliye.
For the promise that he should be the heire of the worlde, was not giuen to Abraham, or to his seede, through the Lawe, but through the righteousnesse of faith.
14 Ik'o b́jangitsman naatetwots nemo s'eentsde'e kotet ashuwotsi wotiyalma imnetiyo k'awuntso deshatse, b́jangtsonwere k'awntsalke.
For if they which are of the Lawe, be heires, faith is made voide, and the promise is made of none effect.
15 Nemo b́dowet Ik'i faye, ernmó nemo bíaalink'e morro berawuk'ee.
For the Lawe causeth wrath: for where no Lawe is, there is no transgression.
16 Mansh Ik'o b́jangitsman bodaats imnetiyona b́ tesh, Ik' jangitsanwere Abraham naar jamwotssh Ik'oki s'aaton imek b́woto arikee. Manúwere nemo shoydek't sha'iru ashuwots s'uzsh b́woterawo Abrahamkok'o amants jamwotsshe, mank'onowere Abraham noúnetssh nihe
Therefore it is by faith, that it might come by grace, and the promise might be sure to all the seede, not to that onely which is of the Lawe: but also to that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of vs all,
17 Abraham jangosh, «Ay ashuwots niho neen woshre» ett guut'ere, bí k'irtsuwotsi tuuzituwonat aalo b́ fa'ok'o woshituwo Izar Izeweri bí amantsotsne.
(As it is written, I haue made thee a father of many nations) euen before God whom he beleeued, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those thinges which be not, as though they were.
18 Abrahamsh n naaro ayider ayituwe ett keewetsok'on ay ashi niho b́wotituwok'o bí amananat b́ jang eegoru jangosh wotit keewo bíalefere.
Which Abraham aboue hope, beleeued vnder hope, that he should be the father of many nations: according to that which was spoken to him, So shall thy seede be.
19 B́ idmewo bal natok'o b́teshtsotse b́ meetso b́maawutsotse k'irts ashok'o b́wottsotse shuwo b́falrawonat Sarawwere mahanat gawertsu b́wottsotse shuwo b́falrawok'o b́danaloru b́ imnetiyon maawk woteratse.
And he not weake in the faith, considered not his owne bodie, which was nowe dead, being almost an hundreth yeere olde, neither the deadnes of Saraes wombe.
20 B́ imnetiyon kup' wotat Ik'osh manga b́ imi bako Ik'o bísh b́ jangitsatse aman k'azoon b́jamon hakebaka eraatse.
Neither did he doubt of the promise of God through vnbeliefe, but was strengthened in the faith, and gaue glorie to God,
21 Ik'o b́jangitsonowere s'eentsitwo b́wotok'o b́ maac'i s'eenona bíamnefo b́teshi.
Being fully assured that he which had promised, was also able to doe it.
22 Mansha b́ amantso kááw wotat b́ taaweyi.
And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousnesse.
23 Ernmó, «Kááwu wotat bísh taawere» ett guut't aap'etso Abraham s'uzsh b́woterawo
Nowe it is not written for him onely, that it was imputed to him for righteousnesse,
24 noshorniye, nodoonz Iyesusi k'irotse tuuztso Izar Izeweri amaniruwotssh nooshor no amantso kááwu wotar b́taaweti.
But also for vs, to whom it shalbe imputed for righteousnesse, which beleeue in him that raised vp Iesus our Lord from the dead,
25 Nodoonz Iyesuswere no morrosha ett k'irosh beshyat b́imeetsonat nonowere kááw woshosh k'irotse tutsoniye.
Who was deliuered to death for our sinnes, and is risen againe for our iustification.

< Rom 4 >