< Rom 13 >
1 Konuworu naash wottso b́ daatsit Ik' shunon b́ wottssotse and datsk'eziruwots bo naash Ik'on b́ wottsotse ash jamo naashwotssh alewo bísh geyife.
2 Mansh naashuwotsi k'efitu jamo Ik' aloniye b́k'efiri, aleraw jamonuwere sezi angsheyo b́ tookats dowetuwe.
3 Dats k'eziruwotsi shatet gond finirwotsi bako sheeng finiruwotsiyaliye, naashuwotsi shat k'azo geefneya? Bére sheeng fino finowe, booke údo daatsitune.
4 Naasho neesh sheengo b́ k'alituwok'o naashiyets Ik' guutsoniye, dats k'eeziruwo shiki gorado bí'ed hank'on woto b́k'aztsotse gond fintso nwotiyal dats k'eeziruwo share, bíwere gond finiruwotsi sezosh Ik' weer wershono kitsr Ik'osh finitune.
5 Mansh mengst naashuwotssh alewo itsh geyife, it aletwere Ik' fay mec'ro shatoon b́ woterawo it nibo itn b́ gac'ituwosh woto geyituwe.
6 Ereero it imiru manshe, naashuwots finan finosh botuu Ik'osh finoshe.
7 Eshe danbi naashuwotssh k'alo geyituwu jamo k'aluwere, ereero bísh wotituwosh ereero, t'ilisho bísh wotituwosh t'ilisho imere, shatetwono sharere, mango bísh wotituwosho mango imere.
8 Kon k'awuntsonúwor itatse beek'aye, itatse beeyet k'awuntsoniye itats atseyo shúnee mec'r wotowe, ash shunetuwo nemo finats jitsre.
9 «Wido amk'aye, úd'́k'aye, úmp'k'aye, k'osh ashk wotts keewu jamo tewunk'aye» etiru tzaziyotsnat k'osh tzazi jamwots, «Asho ntookok'o woshde'er shune» etiru ik tzaziyotse ko'eyat bofa'oni.
10 Ash shuniru jamo b́ shuniru ash manats gond keewo k'alatse, mansh ash shuniruwo nem jamo finats jitsre etee.
11 Eshe tokrotse it tuwit sa'ato and b́bodtsok'o dande'ere, shini noamanortsoniyere bogo and no kashit aawo iki nomaants t'inre.
12 T'úwonu beshe b́ beshiri, aawonu t'inree, eshe t'aluwotse fineyiru finon fink'ayone, sháánon bin finet kes'i tahono tahade'one.
13 Weral míshon, mashon, widonat máátsonat nungushi iko ikats keshon, fayonat okooron b́ woterawo aawu shanon beyiruwu ashuwotskok'o s'ayinon sha'owone.
14 Eshe Doonzo Iyesus Krstosi tahade'ere bako it meets shuni shashuwo kishosh gawuk'ayre.