< Woshetswotsi 24 >

1 Úúts aawoniyere il kahni naasho Hanani eenash ikikuwotsnat T'ert'elusi eteef Nemo sheengshdek' dantsonton K'isari maants bíami, boowere dats k'eeziruwo Filiksok t'int P'awlosi bo s'aami,
And after five days came down the chief priest Ananias, with the elders, and a certain orator — Tertullus, and they made manifest to the governor [the things] against Paul;
2 P'awlosi s'eegdek't t'intsetsok'on T'ert'elus hank'o eton s'aamiyo dek't b́tuwi. «Shiimetso Filikso! niyatse tuwtson ay jeeno daatsrone, n sheeng k'eezonowere noashosh sheeng wonewo daatsere,
and he having been called, Tertullus began to accuse [him], saying, 'Much peace enjoying through thee, and worthy deeds being done to this nation through thy forethought,
3 Ayidek'at mangtso Filikso n k'alts sheeng keewan jamoke jam weeron een údone nodek'iri.
always, also, and everywhere we receive it, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness;
4 Andmó t ja'irawo k'awunon neesh t keewit keewo n doon noon nk'ebetuwok'o neen k'oniruwe,
and that I may not be further tedious to thee, I pray thee to hear us concisely in thy gentleness;
5 Ashaan noosh gondshoodo wotwutsere, datsatse fa'a Ayhudi jamwotsats dimbiro b́tuuziri, noimnetiyatse k'aldek'ets naazrawiwotsi eteefwotsshowere boon jishirwooniye.
for having found this man a pestilence, and moving a dissension to all the Jews through the world — a ringleader also of the sect of the Nazarenes —
6 Ik' moonowere kimshosh bíetfere bín nodetsi, bíyats not'intsts s'aami jaman ar b́ wottsok'o nee ntookon bín aatr dano falitune.» ik ik bitsuwotsitsere han boyits dabfno [No nemok'on bíyats angsheyish gawurone b́teshi, Ernmó gin jishiruwo Lusyos waat angnon nookishotse fos'dek't bíami, bín s'aamirwotsu níyok boweetwok'o bíazazi]
who also the temple did try to profane, whom also we took, and according to our law did wish to judge,
and Lysias the chief captain having come near, with much violence, out of our hands did take away,
having commanded his accusers to come to thee, from whom thou mayest be able, thyself having examined, to know concerning all these things of which we accuse him;'
9 Ayhudiyots «Jam keewan aree» Etfetst s'amiyosh ik wotbowtsi.
and the Jews also agreed, professing these things to be so.
10 Dats k'eeziruwo Filiks b́kishon kolat P'awlos b́ keewitwok'owa bíeti, P'awlos hank'o ett bíaaniy. «Ay dúrosh datsan keewutso nwoto tdantsosh taan s'amiyets keewosh aani tdek'etuwok'o nshinaats tt'intsor ayidek'at geneeúwefetsatniye,
And Paul answered — the governor having beckoned to him to speak — 'Knowing [that] for many years thou hast been a judge to this nation, the more cheerfully the things concerning myself I do answer;
11 Ik' k'onosh Iyerusalem maants ti'amron tatse git aawoniyere b́bowok'o nee ntookon danofalfnee,
thou being able to know that it is not more than twelve days to me since I went up to worship in Jerusalem,
12 Ik'i mootse wotowa ayhudiwots Ik' k'oni mootse wee kitotse kontonuwor t mooshfere wee asho dimbirosh ttuuzfere taan daatsratsne,
and neither in the temple did they find me reasoning with any one, or making a dissension of the multitude, nor in the synagogues, nor in the city;
13 And tiats bot'intsts s'amiyosh gawo b́jamon neesh t'intsosh falratsne.
nor are they able to prove against me the things concerning which they now accuse me.
14 Ernmó han neesh kish kitso shunfee, bo kooti dana bo etiru imnetiyi kayo no nihotsko Izar Izeweri Ik'irwe, Muse nemonat Nebiyiwots mas'aafotse guut'ets jamo amanirwe.
'And I confess this to thee, that, according to the way that they call a sect, so serve I the God of the fathers, believing all things that in the law and the prophets have been written,
15 Bowere bojangirwok'o taawor kaawwotsnat morretsuwots k'irotse botuwitwok'o Ik'on jangirwe.
having hope toward God, which they themselves also wait for, [that] there is about to be a rising again of the dead, both of righteous and unrighteous;
16 Mansha Ik'onat ash shinatse nib s'ayino tdetsetuk'o jamaawo kup'irwe.
and in this I do exercise myself, to have a conscience void of offence toward God and men always.
17 «Iyerusalemitsnowere tkeshiyak ay natuwots bobeshiyakon t jirwotssh tep'wotit gizonat Ik'osh imet mebi gizo dek'at tweyi.
'And after many years I came, about to do kind acts to my nation, and offerings,
18 Ik'o mootsnowere taan daatstsuwots man tk'alfere, manoori gizeyonuwere s'ayini fino fin tk'rtsok'one, taantonuwere ay asho aaliye b́teshi, dimbironwere tuuratse.
in which certain Jews from Asia did find me purified in the temple, not with multitude, nor with tumult,
19 Ernmó Isiyon waats ayhudiwots manoke fa'ane boteshi, bo taan bos'aamit keewo detsfno wotiyal nshinaats t'inr keewune.
whom it behoveth to be present before thee, and to accuse, if they had anything against me,
20 Haniyakonowere moosh mooshiyiruwots shinats tt'iinoor t t'afitso fa'ewotiyal t'ints ashaanots keewune.
or let these same say if they found any unrighteousness in me in my standing before the sanhedrim,
21 Arikon bo taalotse need'dek'at ‹K'irtsuwots tuwo fa'e tiettsosh hambets angshosh it shinats t'inre› etaat een k'aaron keewure, haniyere okoon k'osho tk'alts keewo aaliye.»
except concerning this one voice, in which I cried, standing among them — Concerning a rising again of the dead I am judged to-day by you.'
22 Filiksmó Krstiyani imnetiyi jango sheengshdek't b́dantsotse «Kes' azazefo Lusyos b́waatsok'on itjangosh angshituwe» ett boon deenb́k'ri.
And having heard these things, Felix delayed them — having known more exactly of the things concerning the way — saying, 'When Lysias the chief captain may come down, I will know fully the things concerning you;'
23 P'awlosi kotiru bali naashoshowere «Ayide b́ kic'irawonat b́ jaguwotswere bish k'alo bogetso baziyerawon b́kotetuwok'wa» bí eti.
having given also a direction to the centurion to keep Paul, to let [him] also have liberty, and to forbid none of his own friends to minister or to come near to him.
24 Muk' aawwotsiyere hakon Filkis Dursili eteets b́mááts ayhudiyunton b́weyi, P'awlosnowere s'egiydek't Iyesus Krstos shútson amani jango b́keewufere b́shshi.
And after certain days, Felix having come with Drusilla his wife, being a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith toward Christ,
25 P'awlos kááwu woti jangonat took kewdek'i jango weet angshonowere b́keewor Filiks shatt «And k'ayamee, taash b́k'anoor k'osh aawots neen s'eegituwe» bí eti.
and he reasoning concerning righteousness, and temperance, and the judgment that is about to be, Felix, having become afraid, answered, 'For the present be going, and having got time, I will call for thee;'
26 Filiks P'awlosoke gubo dek'osh jangitniye b́tesh, mansh ayoto P'awlosi s'eegiyir b́keewifoni.
and at the same time also hoping that money shall be given to him by Paul, that he may release him, therefore, also sending for him the oftener, he was conversing with him;
27 Git natoniyere okoon P'ork'iyos Fist'os Filikis shegro b́beyok b́beeyi, Filiks ayhudiwotsi geneúshosh geeyat P'awlosi b́ tipetsok'on k'azb́k'ri.
and two years having been fulfilled, Felix received a successor, Porcius Festus; Felix also willing to lay a favour on the Jews, left Paul bound.

< Woshetswotsi 24 >