< Woshetswotsi 21 >

1 Boo'atse nok'aleyakon Markabats keshdek'at kawon K'osi eteets ats k'aron gúrts datsuk noami, yats gúúrok'on Rúdi eteets ats k'aron gúrts datsuk nobodi, manokno P'at'ray eteets kitots no'ami.
And it came to pass, at our sailing, having been parted from them, having run direct, we came to Coos, and the succeeding [day] to Rhodes, and thence to Patara,
2 Manokno Fink'e datso maants amiru Markabu daatsat bíyats keshdek'at sha'osh notuwi.
and having found a ship passing over to Phenicia, having gone on board, we sailed,
3 K'op'ros aats k'aron gúrts datsu nogiro maants k'azk'rat Sori datso maants amaat Tiros aats k'ari gúroki datsuk no'ami, markabunwere bkuro manok orsho bín geyfe bteshi.
and having discovered Cyprus, and having left it on the left, we were sailing to Syria, and did land at Tyre, for there was the ship discharging the lading.
4 Manokere amantsuwotsi geeyat nodatsiyakon bonton shawat aawosh manoke noteshi. Bowere S'ayn shayiron jisheyat P'awlossh «Iyerusalem maants amk'aye» ett bokeewi.
And having found out the disciples, we tarried there seven days, and they said to Paul, through the Spirit, not to go up to Jerusalem;
5 Manoke no ja'ats aawman b́ s'uwutsok'on boatse k'aleyat sha'o notuwi, jametsuwotsuwere bomááts máátsonat bonana'uwotsnton wotat kitoniyere nokeshfetso noon bodeni, aats k'ari gúrats tuk'maldek'at Ik'o no k'oniyakon nok'aleyi.
but when it came that we completed the days, having gone forth, we went on, all bringing us on the way, with women and children, unto the outside of the city, and having bowed the knees upon the shore, we prayed,
6 No jamiyakon no markabots no nokindre bo bomoo maants k'az bo aani.
and having embraced one another, we embarked in the ship, and they returned to their own friends.
7 T'rositse tuwat P'et'elemays maants nobodi, manokno amantsuwotsnton gonkeyat jamo no'ateyakon bonton ik aawo nojini.
And we, having finished the course, from Tyre came down to Ptolemais, and having saluted the brethren, we remained one day with them;
8 Yaats guurok'on manokere keshat K'isariyo maants no'ami, bíyokno shawat Dak'oniyotsitsere ik wottso doo shishiyo nabiruwo Filp'os meyits kindat bínton nobeyi.
and on the morrow Paul and his company having gone forth, we came to Caesarea, and having entered into the house of Philip the evangelist — who is of the seven — we remained with him,
9 Bíwere bek'on keewo boosh imets awd baar nana'a mááts amawwotsi detsfe b́teshi.
and this one had four daughters, virgins, prophesying.
10 Ay aawosh manokere nobemanoor Agabosi eteets Nebiyo Yhud datsatse b́weyi.
And we remaining many more days, there came down a certain one from Judea, a prophet, by name Agabus,
11 Nebiyanuwere nook t'int, P'awlos edo k'aaúdek't b́ took kishonat b́tufuwotsi tipt «S'ayin shayiro eedan doonzi Iyerusalemn fa'a ayhudiyots hank'o tifde'er Ik' ash woterawwotssh beshide'er imetune etfe» bí eti.
and he having come unto us, and having taken up the girdle of Paul, having bound also his own hands and feet, said, 'Thus saith the Holy Spirit, The man whose is this girdle — so shall the Jews in Jerusalem bind, and they shall deliver [him] up to the hands of nations.'
12 Man noshishtsok'on noowere manoke fa'a ashuwotswere P'awlos Iyerusalem maants bíamawok'o nok'oni.
And when we heard these things, we called upon [him] — both we, and those of that place — not to go up to Jerusalem,
13 P'awlosmó «Hank'o eepat eegishe tnibo shiyanon it tiitsiri? Taa doonzo Iyesus shúts jangosh Iyerusalemitse tipee mec'r b́woterawo k'irosh k'andek'ktaane» ett bíaani.
and Paul answered, 'What do ye — weeping, and crushing mine heart? for I, not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem, am ready, for the name of the Lord Jesus;'
14 Bo izono de'atse bíere «Beree doonzo bíettsok'o wotowe» etaat k'aznok'iri.
and he not being persuaded, we were silent, saying, 'The will of the Lord be done.'
15 Manokno muk' aawwotssh noteshiyakon nok'ac'o k'anidek'at Iyerusalem maants noami.
And after these days, having taken [our] vessels, we were going up to Jerusalem,
16 K'isariyitse fa'a amants ik ikuwots noonton tohaat boweyi, boowere Mnason meyts nokashdek'etwok'o b́moo maants noon bojishi, ashaamanwere shini amantso K'op'ros datsatse shuweke b́teshi.
and there went also of the disciples from Caesarea with us, bringing with them him with whom we may lodge, a certain Mnason of Cyprus, an aged disciple.
17 Iyerusalemits nobodtsok'on amantsuwots geneúwon noon bodek'i.
And we having come to Jerusalem, the brethren did gladly receive us,
18 Yaats guurok'on P'awlos noonton Yak'obok bíami, Ik'i maa eenash jamwots manokna botesh.
and on the morrow Paul was going in with us unto James, all the elders also came,
19 P'awlos jametsuwotsi jamo b́aatiyakon b́weeron Ik'o Ik' ashwoteraw ashuwotsitse b́k'alts jamo ik ikon b́ keewi.
and having saluted them, he was declaring, one by one, each of the things God did among the nations through his ministration,
20 Man boshishtsok'on jametsuwots doonzo boúdi, P'awlosshowere hank'o boeti, «Eshuwonoo! ay kumon taawetu amantsuwots ayhudiwotsitse bo beyiruwok'onat jametsuwotswor bo nemosh okooretsuwotsi bowottsok'o danfnee,
and they having heard, were glorifying the Lord. They said also to him, 'Thou seest, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews who have believed, and all are zealous of the law,
21 Nee Ik' ash Woteraw ashuwotsitse beyiru ayhudiyi jamwotssh ‹It nanaúwotsi gofo damik'ayere wee nemok'o fink'ayere› etaat daniyat Muse nemo b́ gahituwok'o nk'aliri ett keeweyirwo bo shishrne.
and they are instructed concerning thee, that apostasy from Moses thou dost teach to all Jews among the nations, saying — Not to circumcise the children, nor after the customs to walk;
22 Eshe eeg k'ale b́ geyiyiti? n woono arikon shishrne,
what then is it? certainly the multitude it behoveth to come together, for they will hear that thou hast come.
23 Eshe no no'etetuwo k'aluwe, noyitse wosho detsts awd ashuwots fa'ane.
'This, therefore, do that we say to thee: We have four men having a vow on themselves,
24 Boon de'amr bonton wotar ntooko s'ayintsuwe, botook s'iiro bos'agetuwok'o Ik' moosho imet mebi gizono nee boosh daye, hank'o n k'aliyal níats keewets jamo k'awuntsalk b́wottsok'onat neewere n tookon Muse nemosh alek nwottsok'o jametsuwots danetunee.
these having taken, be purified with them, and be at expence with them, that they may shave the head, and all may know that the things of which they have been instructed concerning thee are nothing, but thou dost walk — thyself also — the law keeping.
25 Ik' ashwoterawwots jirwotsitse amantsuwotsmó Woteraw ik'osh b́ t'intsotse kiimts woshi misho maak'ayere, s'atsonowere maak'ayere, guuk'at k'irts gizi meetso maak'ayere, widats wokoore ett guutt'eets keewu detsts woshi work'ato guut'dek'at itsh wosherone.»
'And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.'
26 Maniyere hakon P'awlos ashuwotsi dek'amt yaats guurok'on b́tooko b́s'ayintsi, bos'ayinet aawwots awur bo s'uwitwok'onat ik ikuwots jangoshowere Ik'osh imet mabi gizo b́ dashet gizwo awur b́wottsok'o daniyosh Ik'i moots b́kindi.
Then Paul, having taken the men, on the following day, with them having purified himself, was entering into the temple, announcing the fulfilment of the days of the purification, till the offering was offered for each one of them.
27 Shawt aawu manu beshosh b́t'intsk'on Isiyon waats ayhudiyots P'awlosi Ik'i mootse bobek'tsosh ash jamo bíyats tizt bín bodetsi,
And, as the seven days were about to be fully ended, the Jews from Asia having beheld him in the temple, were stirring up all the multitude, and they laid hands upon him,
28 «Israe'el ashuwotso! noosh gaatsowere! no ashonat no nemon, beyokanowere c'ashfetst dats datsatsi ash jamonowere daniruwo ashaaniye, hanuwere boratse ett Ik' ash woteraw ashuwotsi Ik' moots kindsht s'ayin beyokan k'imhsre!» ett bokuhi.
crying out, 'Men, Israelites, help! this is the man who, against the people, and the law, and this place, all everywhere is teaching; and further, also, Greeks he brought into the temple, and hath defiled this holy place;'
29 Hano boetuwere maniyere shin Efesonn shuwetso T'rofimos bínton kitotse bek't boteshtsoosh P'awlos bín Ik' moots dek't b́kindtsok'o boosh bíarernee.
for they had seen before Trophimus, the Ephesian, in the city with him, whom they were supposing that Paul brought into the temple.
30 Kit jamunwere dimbir bwutsi, ash jamonuwere wos'fere ikwotdek't waat P'awlosi detsdek't geetsfere Ik'i mootse bokishi, Ik'i maa fengeshuwotswere iknun is'ebowutsi.
All the city also was moved and there was a running together of the people, and having laid hold on Paul, they were drawing him out of the temple, and immediately were the doors shut,
31 Ashuwots P'awlosi úd'osh bogeetsok'on «Iyerusalem kitu bjamoon dimbir bwutsi» etiru wosho Rom datsatsi kes' naashok b́bodi.
and they seeking to kill him, a rumour came to the chief captain of the band that all Jerusalem hath been thrown into confusion,
32 Mansh bí kes'fuwotsnat bali naashuwotsi b́shuutsats jishdek't ashuwots maants kaari wos'fere bíami. Ashuwotswere kes'fuwotsnat boon jishiruwon bobek'tsok'on P'awlosi jot'o k'azbok'iri.
who, at once, having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them, and they having seen the chief captain and the soldiers, did leave off beating Paul.
33 Jishiruwonuwere P'awlosok t'int detsdek't git habliyon b́tipetuwok'o bíazazi, maniyere hakon koni b́wottsok'onat eeg b́k'altsok'owo danosh geeyat bíaati.
Then the chief captain, having come nigh, took him, and commanded [him] to be bound with two chains, and was inquiring who he may be, and what it is he hath been doing,
34 Ash ashonwere ik ikwots ik keewo boere k'oshuwotsuwere k'osh keewa boetfera botesh, azazirumanwere ash ash kuhatse tuutson ari keewo dano b́maawtsotse P'awlosi kes' kes'fuwots kot bokotiru gimbiyok de'er boametuwok'o bí azazi.
and some were crying out one thing, and some another, among the multitude, and not being able to know the certainty because of the tumult, he commanded him to be carried to the castle,
35 P'awlos bíyats need'dek' dambaan kesheyirwok b́bodtsok'on ash jamo ayidek't b́faytsatse tuutson gondo biats betsosh bogeyiruwosh kes' kes'fuwots bín kurdek't k'azboami.
and when he came upon the steps, it happened he was borne by the soldiers, because of the violence of the multitude,
36 Ash ashonwere «Bín úd'ewe» etfere b́shuutso bosha'i.
for the crowd of the people was following after, crying, 'Away with him.'
37 Kes' kes'fuwots bo koti gimbiyok bín kindshosh bot'intsok'on P'awlos kes'iruwots abaatse alirwoh «Ik keewo neesh t keewituwok'o eekituneya taasha?» bí eti. Altsmanuwere «Grik dats noon keewu keewo danfiya? bí eti.
And Paul being about to be led into the castle, saith to the chief captain, 'Is it permitted to me to say anything unto thee?' and he said, 'Greek dost thou know?
38 Eshe, and karnon fayo tizat awd kum kash úd'tswotsi woruwo maants dek't t'afts Gbs' asho nenalneya?»
art not thou, then, the Egyptian who before these days made an uprising, and did lead into the desert the four thousand men of the assassins?'
39 P'awloswere «Taa Kilk'iyitse fa'a daneek wotts T'erses kitutse shuwets Ayhudi ash taane, oona neesha ashuwotssh t keewituwok'o taash eekowe» bí eti.
And Paul said, 'I, indeed, am a man, a Jew, of Tarsus of Cilicia, of no mean city a citizen; and I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.'
40 B́ keewituwok'o b́ ektsok'on P'awlos bíyatsneedeyiruwats need'dek't ash ashuwots s'ik boetetuwok'o b́kali, ash asho s'ik boettsok'on Ibrayist'iyi noon keewon hank'o ett keewo dek'btuwi.
And he having given him leave, Paul having stood upon the stairs, did beckon with the hand to the people, and there having been a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew dialect, saying:

< Woshetswotsi 21 >