< 2 Yohans 1 >

1 Tiyoke eenashoke, marat'ets moogenunat b nana'otsnsh, Tí s'uzi b́woteftsere ar dants jamwotswere iti shunfne.
THE presbyter to the elect Kuria and to her sons, whom I love in truth, nor I only, but all they who know the truth,
2 Aranwere no dagotse fa'onat shino maantsisho dúre dúron noonton beetwoniye. (aiōn g165)
on account of the truth which abideth in us, and is with us for ever; (aiōn g165)
3 Ik'o nihonat b́ naay Iyesus Krstotsoke s'aatona, mihretiyona, jenonwere, aronat shunon noonton wotowe.
Grace be with you and mercy and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from Jeshu Meshiha the Son of the Father, in truth and in love.
4 N nana'uwotsitse ik ikuwotsi niho noon bí azaztsok'on arikeewon kup'at boere t datstsotse ayidek'at gene'owere.
I have rejoiced much to have found of thy sons who walk in the truth, after the commandment we have received from the Father.
5 Moo genee, andoor oona neesha, neesh t guut'irwan tzazi handr ark'aye, and t guut'irwan «No ats atsewo shunewone» etts shintson dek't nowooke teshts tzaziyoniye.
And now I entreat thee, Kuria, -no new commandment writing to thee, but that which we have had from the beginning, -that we love one another.
6 Ari shuna eto Ik' tzaziyo fina etee. Tzaziymanwere shintson it shishtsok'on «Shunon beewere, » ettsoniye.
And this is love, that we walk according to the commandment; this commandment is according to that which you have heard from the beginning, that in it we should walk.
7 Iyesus ash wotat meetson b́ be'etsok'o amanerawwots ash sheeliyru aywots datsanatse tuurne. Mank'o ashaan ant'elcirwonat Krstosi k'efirwoniye.
Because many deceivers are come out into the world who confess not that Jeshu Meshiha came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and antichrist.
8 Itmó it k'awntso s'eenon dek'osh kup'ore, it fintso b́ t'afrawok'o korde'ere.
Be watchful of yourselves, that not any thing perish which you have wrought; but (that with) a complete reward you may be recompensed.
9 Krstos danits danaats s'ap'de'er beerawo bíatsnowere wokar ametuwonton Ik'o aaliye, Krstos danits danaats s'ap'de beet ashontonmó Nihonat Nayon bíntoniye bofa'oni.
Every one who transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of the Meshiha, hath not Aloha. He who abideth in his doctrine, this hath both the Father and the Son.
10 Dan han b́deshawo konwor itok b́wetitkawotiyal it meyits kindshk'ayere, dab́ jamonor bín aatk'ayere.
If any one come to you, and this doctrine bring not, receive him not into the house, and "Joy to you," and " Farewell," say not to him.
11 Bín jam aatit asho bínton gond fino kaytsoni b́wotiti.
For he who saith to him, " Farewell," becometh a participator of his evil deeds.
12 Itsh guut'osh t geyirwo ay keewo detsfe, wotowa eree jamo dabdayon wosho geeratse, Maniyere itok borr noonon itn keewiye tgeyiriye, manwere noshunewo s'een b́ wotituwok'o geeyatniye.
Though I have many things to write to you, I will not with parchment and ink; but I hope to come to you, and mouth with mouth to speak, that our joy may be complete.
13 N mish marat'etsu nana'uwots neesh jamo woshernee.
The sons of thy elect sister ask your peace. Grace be with you. Amen.

< 2 Yohans 1 >