< 2 K'orontos 5 >

1 And gofok'o wotts datsatsi nomeetso b́gahor ash kishon b́ woterawo Ik'on ageets dúre dúri beyoko darotse nodetstsok'o danfone. (aiōnios g166)
For we have known that if our earthly house of the tabernacle may be thrown down, a building from God we have, an house not made with hands — age-during — in the heavens, (aiōnios g166)
2 Andi beshit gofanitse nobeyor kashe no k'ushiri.
for also in this we groan, with our dwelling that is from heaven earnestly desiring to clothe ourselves,
3 Mansh no meets datsatsan b́k'alewor araats wotaarr datseratsone.
if so be that, having clothed ourselves, we shall not be found naked,
4 Arikon k'iritwo kashots b́k'ot'etwok'o tahdek'osha bako noatse giinbazeyo no shunaawotse noo daritsi atso han abaats dabde'er tahdek'o geefone, mansh datsatsi dunkaniyotse fa'uwots noo noats b́mangre kasho nok'as'iri.
for we also who are in the tabernacle do groan, being burdened, seeing we wish not to unclothe ourselves, but to clothe ourselves, that the mortal may be swallowed up of the life.
5 Keewansh noon k'anitso Ik'oniye, maniyere bog keewo noosh b́ imetu jamosh agito b́ wotish b́ shayiro noosh imtso bíne.
And He who did work us to this self-same thing [is] God, who also did give to us the earnest of the Spirit;
6 Datsatse no atson no befetsosh doonzo'atse no woktsok'o no danaloru jam aawo bín amanetuwone.
having courage, then, at all times, and knowing that being at home in the body, we are away from home from the Lord, —
7 No nobeyir amanona bako keewwotsi bek'onaliye.
for through faith we walk, not through sight —
8 No beewok wotts meetsanitsere k'aleyar doonzonton wotoshe no tewniri, mansh amanon beetuwone.
we have courage, and are well pleased rather to be away from the home of the body, and to be at home with the Lord.
9 No meetsanton nowotiyal wee bíyatse no k'aleyal no k'os'ó doonzo geneúshe.
Wherefore also we are ambitious, whether at home or away from home, to be well pleasing to him,
10 Datsatsi beyon nok'altso gond wotowa doo keewosh ik iko b́ finok'o b́ k'auntso dek'osh noúnets Krstos angshi jori shinats t'ino noosh geyife.
for all of us it behoveth to be manifested before the tribunal of the Christ, that each one may receive the things [done] through the body, in reference to the things that he did, whether good or evil;
11 Doonzo shato eeg b́wottsok'o no dantsosh, ashuwotssh sheenga err bodek'etwok'o woshitwone, no eeg nowotok'o Ik'o danfee, itwere it nibotse eeg nowotok'o it danetuwok'o jangirwe.
having known, therefore, the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, and to God we are manifested, and I hope also in your consciences to have been manifested;
12 Nibotse beyiruwon b́ woterawo be'eyiruwon it'iruwotssh aaniyo it falituwok'o noon it it'etuwok'o itsh gowo imetuwone bako aani no itsh notooko úderatsone.
for not again ourselves do we recommend to you, but we are giving occasion to you of glorifying in our behalf, that ye may have [something] in reference to those glorifying in face and not in heart;
13 Geetsuwotsi no wotiyalowere Ik'osha etaatniye nogeyi, nibetsuwotsi woterone wotiyalowere itsha etaatniye nibetsuwotsi nowoti.
for whether we were beside ourselves, [it was] to God; whether we be of sound mind — [it is] to you,
14 Manjangosh Krstos shuno noon detsetwe. Iko jametsosh b́k'irre jametsotswotswere bok'iro dandek'roone.
for the love of the Christ doth constrain us, having judged thus: that if one for all died, then the whole died,
15 Kashon fa'a jamwots boosh k'irtsonat k'irotse tuutsosh bobeetuwok'owa bako haniyak botookosha err boberawok'o Krstos jametswotsshowere k'irre.
and for all he died, that those living, no more to themselves may live, but to him who died for them, and was raised again.
16 Haniyere okoon noo asho konnor meetsi s'iil s'iilon s'iilatsone, haniyere shin Krstosnor nos'iil ash jamikok'o meetsi s'iil s'iilona wotiyal shinomaants han k'alratsone.
So that we henceforth have known no one according to the flesh, and even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no more;
17 Mansh eshe asho konuwor wotowa Krstos jiro b́wotiyal handr azeeke, nattso beshwtseree, jamonu handr wotwtsere.
so that if any one [is] in Christ — [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.
18 Jamhan b́wotuwere noon b́ tookonton Krstosn manitsonat maniyi fino noosh imts Ik'one.
And the all things [are] of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and did give to us the ministration of the reconciliation,
19 Hanuwere Ik'o Krstosn datsatsi ashjamo b́tookonton maniree etee, bo naandonowere boats taawratse, nooshowere asho doonzonton nomaniyish bí aap'o noosh imre.
how that God was in Christ — a world reconciling to Himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses; and having put in us the word of the reconciliation,
20 Ik'o ashuwotsi noweeron b́ s'egetwotse Krstos shegro wotat wosherone, mansh «Ik'onton manewere!» err Krstos shútson itn k'onitwone
in behalf of Christ, then, we are ambassadors, as if God were calling through us, we beseech, in behalf of Christ, 'Be ye reconciled to God;'
21 Noo Krstosn Ik' kááw fino kayituwotsi nowotitwok'o Ik'o morr deshawo Krstosi no morrosh wosho b́wotitwok'o b́ k'ali.
for him who did not know sin, in our behalf He did make sin, that we may become the righteousness of God in him.

< 2 K'orontos 5 >