< Matthew 20 >

1 SPOTS' IM ĭstsĭn'naiisĭnni netoi'nitsiu nĭn'au, nap'ioyĭs ĭstsĭn'aim, annŏk kŏk'kŏnisuxiuŏk mŏk'anĭstosi ap'autŭkkix, mŏkapotomoyĭsax otsĭn'sĭmman.
"For the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out at dawn to hire workmen for his vineyard.
2 Ki ŏkh'situkkisax mŏkokuyĭsax tuks'kai ksĭstsikui tŭks'kŭmi apŭn'asaini itŭp'skuyuiax otsĭn'sĭmmani.
"And when he had agreed with the workmen for two shillings a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
3 Ki nioks'kaii itai'ksĭstsikumiopi mat'suxiu, ki stsik'ix nan'nuyiuax nam'itaipuyiax itau'pumopi,
"About nine o’clock he went out and noticed some other workmen standing idle in the market-place;
4 Ki an'ĭstsiuax nokŏt'sitappoak ĭnsĭm'man, ki mokŏm'otsĭssi kitak'okotopuau, ki itappo'iau,
"and he said to them, "‘Do you also go into the vineyard, and whatever is just I will pay you.’
5 Nau'yi itai'ksĭstsikumiopi, ki piksu'yi itai'ksĭstukumiopi, mat'sŭxiu, ki netoi' mat'anĭstsiu.
"So they went. Again at noon, and about three o’clock, he went out and did the same thing.
6 Ki nitsiko'puttuyi itai'ksĭstsikumiopi, itsŭx'iu ki ikon'oyiuax stsĭk'ix nam'itaipuyix, ki an'ĭstsiuax konai'ksĭstsikuyi kumaukai'amitaipuisks annom'?
"When he went out about five o’clock, he found others standing around, and said to them, "‘Why have you been standing here idle, all the day long?’
7 An'istsiauaie mats'itstsipa matap'pi nŏk' anikĭnan. An'ĭstsiuax, Nokŏt'sitappoak ĭnsĭm'man; ki mokŏm'otsĭssi kitak'okuinanipuau.
"‘Because no one has hired us,’ they replied. "He said to them, ‘Do you also go into the vineyard.’
8 Ki autŭkkus'si, insĭm'man ĭstsĭn'aim an'ĭstsiuaie otap'otomoki, ninikŏt'sĭsau ap'autŭkkix, ki ko'tsisau saiak'inosattaupiau, matom'okotsĭsau sako'ĭssix, ki tŭm'okotsĭsau matom'six.
"And when evening came, the Lord of the vineyard said to his steward, "‘Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last hired and ending with the first.’
9 Ki ĭstoto'sau nitsiko'puttuyi itai'ksĭstsikumiopi itaumŭtŭp'apotŭkkix, kŏnai'ĭnax ikŏno'kuyiau apŭn'asaini.
"When those came who had begun at five o’clock, they received two shillings apiece;
10 Ki matom'six ĭsto'sau, ŭs'taiau mŏkoku'yĭsauaie stsĭk'i; ki ikŏno'kuyiau apŭn'asaini.
"and when the first came they supposed that they would get more, but they also received each two shillings.
11 Ki otoku'yĭsauaie, itŭpaukape'poawtsiauaie nap'ioyĭs ĭstŏkhsĭn'ai,
"And as they took it they began to grumble against the master of the house.
12 Ki an' iau, anniks'isk sako'ĭsixk nituk'skau itai'ksĭstsikumiopi itapotŭkkiau, ki kanĭstokotaiau kanĭst'okokipĭnan ki ksĭstsiku'i ĭstsiksĭs'tutsĭssĭnni nitap'autŭkkipĭnan.
"‘Those last men,’ they said, ‘have toiled only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the burning heat of the day.’
13 Ki an'ĭstsiuaie tuks'kŭmi, Napi'a, kimat'omaikĭmatsĭstotopa: kikŭt'tomaiŏkhsitŭkkipa tuks'kŭmi apŭn'asaini?
"In reply he said to one of them. ‘My friend, I am doing no wrong. Did you not agree with me for two shillings?
14 Matsit' kitsinan' ki mĭs'taput; nitak'anĭstokotau am'o sako'ĭssiu kanĭst'okotopi.
"Take your wage and begone! I chose to give to this last man the same as to you.
15 Kŭttomŏkhsiuats nitsinan' nanĭstsitsitapi nŏk'anĭstutsĭssi? Kŭtaukapiu'ats koŏps'pi, mŏk'ŏkhsĭssi nitsinan'?
"Have I not the right to do what I choose with my own property? Or is your eye evil because I am generous?’
16 Ki sako'ĭssix akotom'siau, ki matom'six ak'sakoĭssiau; tŭkka akaiĕm'ix ni'nikŏttaiau, ki un'natosĭmix mat'toaiau.
"So the last shall be first, and the first, last."
17 Ki Jesus otsitŭpamĭssosi Jerusalem, na'tsikoputtsix otŭs'ksĭnĭmatsax itŭnĭstŭpĭp'iikax, ki an'ĭstsiuax,
When Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, he took the Twelve aside by themselves, and as they went he said to them.
18 Sat' sit aitŭpamĭssau'op Jerusalem, ki nĭn'au okku'i akitŭpomŭts'kau omŭk'atoiapiekuax ki ai'sĭnakix, ki akŭnĭstokŏkitsĭmŭt'tsiiauaie mŏks'eĭnsaie.
"Look! We are on the way up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn him to death,
19 Ki akŭtsitŭp'omŭtskau Gentiles mŏkitapapĭstotoŏssauaie, ki mŏkitstsipĭs'ossauaie, ki mŏkauai'stŏsauaie; otsoks'kaiksĭstsikusi ak'ŭtsipuau.
"and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified; and on the third day he will rise from the grave."
20 Zebedee oku'ix oksĭs'toauai ipok'itotomiauax oku'ix, ki atsĭmmĭm'miauaie, ki au'kŏmŏnĭstsiauaie tuks'kaii.
Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, kneeling down and begging a favor of him.
21 Ki an'ĭstsiuaie, Tsa kanĭstsitsitapa? An'ĭstsiu aie. Anit am'ox nitai'akokosĭx mŏkittaupĭsau kitsĭn'naiisĭnni, tuks'kŭma netots'i, ki tuks'kŭma e'aksĭsauotsi.
"What is it you wish?" he said. She answered, "Command that these my two sons may sit upon your right hand and your left in your kingdom."
22 Jesus an'iu, kimatsksĭnip'uaua kitau'kŏmŏnikipuai, Kikŭtaiakokotsĭmipuau annŏk' kos'ŏk nimutai'aksĭmipŭk? Kikŭtaiakokotŭstapĭnŭkipuau ŭsta'pĭnŭksĭnni nimutai'akŭstapĭnŭkipi? An'ĭstsiauaie, nitokot'ŭnĭstspĭnan.
23 An'ĭstsiuax kitak'ŭtsĭmipuau no'kosă, ki kitak'ŭstapĭnŭkipuau ŭsta'pĭnŭksĭnni nimut'akŭstapĭnŭkiipi; ki nimatsinanĕstsau kŏkokotosuai kŏkittaupisuai netots'i ki e'aksĭsauotsi nesto'a, ki anniks'isk matap'pixk Nin'a ŭk'aisŭppŭtsĭstotomoyiuax, otaksinan'oaiau.
"None of you indeed shall drink," he answered, "but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."
24 Ke' pix otokh'tsĭmsau ĭstsĭmmĭm'miauax na'tsitappix ipapiĭmmotseiix.
When the ten heard of this, they were indignant at the two brothers;
25 Ki Jesus ninikŏt'siuax, ki an'istsiuax, kits'ksĭnipuau Gentiles otsĭn'aimoauax otain'aiĭskotokoaiauax ki anniks'isk omŭx'ĭnaxk nokŏtai'naiĭskotokoaiauax.
but Jesus called them to him and said. "You know how the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.
26 Ki mataketŭmanistsiu'ă ksĕsto'au: annŏk' ak'omŭksĭmŏk, ŭnanĭstap'otŭksi;
"Not so shall it be among you. But whoever among you wishes to become great, shall be your minister,
27 Ki annŏk' kitaks'ĭnnauŭkŏk ŭnanĭstap'otŭksi:
"and whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be your slave;
28 Nin'au okku'i matŭtoto'ats mŏk'apotomoŏsaie, mŏk'apotomoŏsi umut'oto, ki mŏk'itatsuaumŭtskotosi akaitappix opai'tappiisĭnni.
"just as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
29 Ki otsĭstŭpaatosau Jericho, akai'tappix ipokiuo'iauaie.
Now as they were leaving Jericho a great crowd followed him.
30 Ki satsit, natsitappix naps'tsix pitsiko'-otsim i tau' pix otokh'tsĭsau Jesus umutak'itsskosaie awk'umiau, ki an'iau, kĭm'okinan, Nin'a David okku'i.
And two blind men, sitting by the side of the road, heard that it was Jesus who was passing by, and cried out, "Have pity on us, Master, Son of David!"
31 Ki o' tappiisĭn'na ai'semiauax mŏkstaie'puyĭsax: ki matsĭstawk'umiau ki an'iau kĭm'okinan, Nin'a, David okku'i.
But the crowd checked them, to make them keep still. They cried out all the louder, saying, "Master, have pity on us, Son of David!"
32 Ki Jesus itsipu'yiu, ki nan'nikŏttsiuax, ki an'iu, Tsa kŏk'anĭstutopuau?
Then Jesus stopped and called to them, "What do you want me to do for you?"
33 An'ĭstsiauaie, Nin'a mŏksikauopiisaii noŏps'pĭnanix.
"Master," they answered, "let our eyes be opened."
34 Ki Jesus kaiĭm'iuax, ki itsĭksen'iuax oŏps'puauax, ki oŏps'puauax kau'opiau, ki itopokiuo'iauaie.
Then Jesus, moved with compassion, touched their eyes, and they saw at once, and followed him.

< Matthew 20 >