< Malasu 3 >

1 Nagofe! Na adi hou olelebe amo mae gogolema amola eso huluane dawa: laloma amola na sia: be defele hamoma.
My son, mine instruction, do not thou forget, and, my commandment, let thy heart observe;
2 Amola na olelebe amoga di da hahawane ode bagohame esalusu amola didili hamosu ba: mu.
For, length of days and years of life, and blessedness, shall they add to thee.
3 Dia eno dunu fidisu hou mae yolesima amola hohonosu maedafa hamoma. Amo hou huluane dia galogoaga noga: le idinigima amola dia dogoga fedege agoane dedema.
Lovingkindness and faithfulness, let them not forsake thee, —bind them, upon thy neck, write them upon the tablet of thy heart:
4 Di agoane hamosea, Gode amola osobo bagade dunu ilia da dima hahawane ba: mu.
So find thou favour and good repute, in the eyes of God and man.
5 Hina Godema dia asigiga amola dogoga dawa: ma. Amola dia osobo bagadega dawa: amoga mae hamoma.
Trust thou in Yahweh, with all thy heart, and, unto thine own understanding, do not lean:
6 Be Hina Godema dawa: ma, adi liligi dia hamosea. Amasea, Hi fawane da logo moloidafa gala dima olelemu.
In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and, he, will make straight thy paths.
7 Di disu amane mae dawa: ma di fawane da dawa: gala, amo mae dawa: ma. Be Hina Gode Hima fawane nabima, amola wadela: i hou hamomu higama.
Do not become wise in thine own eyes, revere Yahweh, and avoid evil:
8 Dia amane hamosea, amo hou da manoma ida: iwane agoai ba: mu amola dia aiya da bahomu amola dia se da uhi dagoi ba: mu.
Healing, shall it be to thy body, and refreshing, to thy bones.
9 Di da Godema dawa: beba: le, dia hamoi liligi gobele salasu iabe defele ima amola dia sogega bugibi liligi baligili noga: idafa Godema ima.
Honour thou Yahweh, with thy substance, and with the firstfruit of all thine increase;
10 Dia amane hamosea, dia ifabi amo ha: i manu bagadewane ba: mu amola dia diasu ganodini gagoma amola waini bagade ba: muba: le, legemu da hamedei ba: mu.
So shall thy storehouses be filled with plenty, and, with new wine, shall thy vats overflow.
11 Nagofe! Gode E da di dawa: ma: ne se iasea, noga: le dawa: ma amola amo da Gode Ea sisasu amo dawa: ma.
The, chastening of Yahweh, my son, do not reject, nor loathe his rebuke;
12 Ada da ea mano amoma e da asigisa amoma dawa: ma: ne ema se iaha. Amo defele, Gode E da nowa dunu E da ema asigisia amoma se iasu amoga olelesa.
For, whom Yahweh loveth, he correcteth, he causeth pain to the son in whom he delighteth.
13 Dunu nowa da Bagade Dawa: su Hou hogoi helesea, e da nodoi esalumu.
How happy the man who hath found wisdom, and the man who draweth forth understanding,
14 Silifa amola gouli amola ilia bidi lasu ilegei da bagade. Be Bagade Dawa: su Hou da amo ea bidi lasu ilegei da baligi dagoi.
For better is her merchandise, than the merchandise of silver, yea, than gold, her increase;
15 Amola Bagade Dawa: su Hou amo da igi ida: iwane amo ea bidi lasu defei bagade baligisa. Amola Bagade Dawa: su Hou amo da liligi huluane dia hanai amo da baligi dagoi.
More precious, is she, than corals, yea, none of thy delightful things, doth equal her:
16 Bagade Dawa: su Hou amo da dima hahawane esalusu iaha amola osobo bagadega fifi asi helemu. Amola di da amo hou ganodini bagade gaguiwane esalumu.
Length of days, is in her right hand, in her left, are riches and honour;
17 Bagade dawa: su esalusu hou amo da dima hou ida: iwane hamoma: ne olelesa amola di logo noga: iga oule ahoa.
Her ways, are ways of pleasantness, and, all her paths, are peace;
18 Nowa da Bagade Dawa: su Hou amoma dawa: sea, ilia da nodoi esalumu. Amola Bagade Dawa: su Hou da hahawane esalusu ilima imunu.
A tree of life, is she, to them who secure her, —and, they who hold her fast, are every one to be pronounced happy.
19 Gode E da ea Bagade Dawa: su Hou amo ganodini osobo bagade amo hahamoi amola ea dawa: su amoga da mu amola hahamoi dagoi.
Yahweh, in wisdom, founded the earth, establishing the heavens with understanding;
20 Gode Ea Bagade Dawa: su Hou amoga hano amola mu mobi (amo da osobo bagadega gibu iaha) hamoi dagoi.
By his knowledge, the resounding deeps were burst open, and, the skies, drop down dew.
21 Nagofe! Dia Bagade Dawa: su Hou ida: iwane amo noga: le gaguma amola noga: le ba: ma. Amo liligi dia mae yolesima.
My son, let them not depart from thine eyes, guard thou counsel, and purpose:
22 Amo hou amo da dima esalalalusu imunuyo. Amola nodosu hou di da ba: mu amola hahawane esalusu lamu.
So shall they become life to thy soul, and an adorning to thy neck;
23 Amasea, di da logoga ahoasea, di da hame dafamu.
Then, shalt thou walk securely in thy way, and, thy foot, shall not stumble;
24 Di da hamedafa beda: mu, golasea. Amola di da hahawane mae nedigili golamu, gasi ganodini.
When thou sittest down, thou shalt have no dread, yea thou shalt lie down, and sweet shall be thy sleep.
25 Amola di da adi hou doaga: mu amoga di da hame beda: mu. Amola amo hou da fo mabe agoai gala wadela: i hamosu dunuma doaga: sa, be di da hame beda: mu.
Be not thou afraid of sudden dread, nor of the desolation of the lawless, when it cometh.
26 Hina Gode Ea da di gaga: mu. Amola Hi fawane da di sani ganodini mae sa: ima: ne hamomu.
For, Yahweh, will be in all thy ways, and will keep thy foot from the snare.
27 Dia da fidimu logo ba: sea, eno dunuma hou ida: iwane hamoma amola fidima.
Withhold not good from them who ask it, when it is in power of thy hand to do it:
28 Dia na: iyado amo ea fidima: ne sia: sea, amola asa o aiya amane mae sia: ma. Be e hedolowane waha fidima.
Do not say to thy neighbour, Go and come again, and to-morrow I will give, when thou hast it by thee.
29 Dia na: iyado amo da: i dioma: ne mae sia: ma. Amola e da dia fi gadenene esala e da dima dafawaneyale dawa: sa.
Devise not against thy neighbour an injury, seeing that, he, dwelleth securely by thee.
30 Eno dunuma di udigili mae sia: ga gegema. Amola bai hame galea, di mae sia: ga gegema.
Contend not with a man without cause, if he hath dealt thee no wrong.
31 Amola di da gegebe dunu ilima di mae mudama. Amola, ea hamobe amane mae hamoma.
Do not thou envy the man of violence, neither choose thou any of his ways;
32 Amola amai dunu ilima Hina Gode E da hahawane dogolegele hame ba: sa amola e da ilima bagadewane higasa. Be Hina Gode E da dunu nowa e da moloi hou hamosea, E da ilima Ea ilegesu olelesa.
For, an abomination to Yahweh, is the tortuous man, but, with the upright, he is intimate.
33 Hina Gode da wadela: i hou hamosu dunu ea sosogo ilima gagabusu iaha. Be nowa dunu da moloi hou hamosea, E da amo ea sosogo hahawane dogolegele fidisa.
The curse of Yahweh, is in the house of the lawless one, but, the home of the righteous, he blesseth.
34 Amola nowa dunu e da gasa fi hou hamosa amola hi hou da eno ilia hou baligisa dawa: sa, Hina Gode da hahawane hame ba: sa. Be E da nowa da moloi hou hamosa, ilima E da hahawane gala.
Though at scoffers he scoffeth, yet, to the humbled, he granteth favour.
35 Amola dunu amo da Bagade Dawa: su Hou hamosa, dunu eno da ilima nodomu. Be gagaoui dunu ilia hou hamobeba: le da baligili gogosia: su ba: mu.
Honour, shall the wise inherit, —but, as for dullards, shame shall carry them away.

< Malasu 3 >