< Gobele Salasu 4 >

1 Hina Gode da Mousesema e da Isala: ili dunuma amane alofele sia: ma: ne sia: i,
YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Nowa da Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i hame dawa: beba: le giadofai galea, e da amane hamoma: mu,
"Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'If anyone sins unintentionally, in any of the things which YHWH has commanded not to be done, and does any one of them:
3 Gobele salasu Ouligisu dunu da giadofabeba: le, fofada: su da Isala: ili dunu huluane ilima doaga: sea, e da bulamagau mano gawali (noga: idafa, ledo hamedei) ea giadofabeba: le dabe ima: ne, Hina Godema gobele salimu.
if the anointed priest sins so as to bring guilt on the people, then let him offer for his sin, which he has sinned, a young bull without blemish to YHWH for a sin offering.
4 E da bulamagau gawali amo Abula Diasu holeiga oule asili, ea dialuma da: iya ea lobo ligisili, Hina Gode ba: ma: ne amo bulamagau medole legemu.
He shall bring the bull to the door of the Tent of Meeting before YHWH; and he shall lay his hand on the head of the bull and kill the bull before YHWH.
5 Amasea, gobele salasu hina dunu da bulamagau ea maga: me mogili lale, Abula Diasua golili gaguli masunu.
The anointed priest shall take some of the blood of the bull, and bring it to the Tent of Meeting.
6 E da ea lobo sogo maga: mega gele, amo maga: me hadigi Abula (amo da Abula Diasu afafaia) ea midadi fesuale agoane foga: gagala: mu.
The priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle some of the blood seven times before YHWH, before the veil of the sanctuary.
7 Amasea, e da maga: me eno amo hono da gabusiga: manoma oloda ea hegomaiga gala amoga foga: gagala: mu. E da maga: me eno diala amo oloda (Abula Diasu holeiga diala amola amoga ilia da gobele salasu liligi gobesisa) amo ea baiga sogadigimu.
The priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before YHWH, which is in the Tent of Meeting; and he shall pour out all of rest of the blood of the bull at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
He shall take all the fat of the bull of the sin offering off of it; the fat that covers the entrails, and all the fat that is on the entrails,
9 E da amo bulamagau ea sefe, sefe da iga dedebosa (oso sefe), fogome ganumui amola ilia sefe amola habe ea la: idi noga: iwane, amo lale,
and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the cover on the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away,
10 oloda (amoga ilia da gobele salasu liligi gobesisa) amo da: iya gobesimu. E da Hahawane Gilisili Olofole Iasu ohe ea sefe gobesisu amo defele gobesimu.
as it is taken off of the bull of the sacrifice of peace offerings. The priest shall burn them on the altar of burnt offering.
11 Be amo bulamagau ea gadofo, ea hu huluane, ea emo amola ea iga huluane,
The bull's skin, all its flesh, with its head, and with its legs, its entrails, and its dung,
12 e da abula diasu gilisisu amoga gadili gaguli asili, ledo hamedei sogebi (amoga ilia da nasubu duduli fasisu) amogai nema: ne gobesimu.
even the whole bull shall he carry forth outside the camp to a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on wood with fire. Where the ashes are poured out it shall be burned.
13 Be Isala: ili fi dunu huluane da hame dawa: beba: le Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i afae giadofasea,
"'If the whole congregation of Israel sins, and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done any of the things which YHWH has commanded not to be done, and are guilty;
14 ilia wadela: i hou hamoi ilia dawa: sea, ilia huluane da bulamagau mano gawali ilia Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu ima: ne, Hina Gode Ea Abula Diasu amoga oule masunu.
when the sin in which they have sinned is known, then the assembly shall offer a young bull for a sin offering, and bring it before the Tent of Meeting.
15 Isala: ili fi ilia ouligisu dunu da bulamagau ea dialuma da: iya ilia lobo ligisili, amogawi medole legemu.
The elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the bull before YHWH; and the bull shall be killed before YHWH.
16 Gobele Salasu hina dunu da bulamagau ea maga: me mogili lale, Abula Diasu ganodini gaguli misunu.
The anointed priest shall bring of the blood of the bull to the Tent of Meeting:
17 E da ea lobo sogo maga: me ganodini gele, hadigi Abula ea midadi fesuale agoane foga: gagala: mu.
and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before YHWH, before the veil.
18 Amasea, e da maga: me eno amo hono da gabusiga: manoma oloda ea hegomaiga gala, amoga foga: gagala: mu. E da maga: me eno diala amo oloda (Abula Diasu holeiga diala amola amoga ilia da gobele salasu liligi gobesisa) amo ea baiga sogadigimu.
He shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before YHWH, that is in the Tent of Meeting; and the rest of the blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
19 Amasea, e da sefe huluane lale, oloda da: iya gobesimu.
All its fat he shall take from it, and burn it on the altar.
20 E da Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu ima: ne gobele salasu defele, amo bulamagau gobele salimu. Amasea, Isala: ili fi dunu ilia wadela: i hou da gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi ba: mu.
Thus shall he do with the bull; as he did with the bull of the sin offering, so shall he do with this; and the priest shall make atonement for them, and they shall be forgiven.
21 Amasea, e da hi Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu ima: ne, bulamagau amo abula diasu gilisisu gadili gaguli asili gobesisa, amo defele e amo bulamagau gobesimu. Amo gobele salasu da Isala: ili fi dunu huluane ilia wadela: i hou dodofema: ne hamosa.
He shall carry forth the bull outside the camp, and burn it as he burned the first bull. It is the sin offering for the assembly.
22 Be fi ouligisu dunu da hame hanaiba: le amola hame dawa: beba: le, Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i afae giadofasea,
"'When a ruler sins, and unwittingly does any one of all the things which YHWH his God has commanded not to be done, and is guilty;
23 dunu eno da e da giadofai ema olelesea, e da goudi gawali ida: iwane ledo hamedei, gaguli misa: ne sia: ma.
if his sin, in which he has sinned, is made known to him, he shall bring as his offering a goat, a male without blemish.
24 E da amo goudi ea dialuma da: iya ea lobo ligisili, oloda ea gagoe (north) la: idi, (amoga ohe gobele salasu hamoma: ne ilia medole legebe) amoga medole legemu. Amo gobele salasu iasu da ouligisu dunu ea wadela: i hou fadegale fasima: ne hamosa.
He shall lay his hand on the head of the goat, and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt offering before YHWH. It is a sin offering.
25 Gobele salasu dunu da ea lobo sogo maga: me ganodini gele, hono amo oloda hegomaiga gala amoga legelu amola maga: me eno diala amo oloda ea baiga sogadigimu.
The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering. He shall pour out the rest of its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering.
26 Amasea, e da Hahawane Gilisili Olofole Iasu ohe ilia sefe gobesibi defele, amo goudi ea sefe huluane oloda da: iya gobesimu. Gobele salasu dunu da amomane fi ouligisu dunu ea Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu ima: ne, gobele salasu hamomu. Amasea, ea wadela: i hou da gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi ba: mu.
All its fat he shall burn on the altar, like the fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall make atonement for him concerning his sin, and he will be forgiven.
27 Be dunudafa da mae dawa: le, Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i afae giadofale, wadela: i hou hamosea,
"'If anyone of the common people sins unwittingly, in doing any of the things which YHWH has commanded not to be done, and is guilty;
28 dunu eno da ea giadofai amo ema olelesea, e da goudi aseme noga: idafa, ledo hamedei, amo Godema ima: ne gaguli misa: ne sia: ma.
if his sin, which he has sinned, is made known to him, then he shall bring for his offering a goat, a female without blemish, for his sin which he has sinned.
29 E da amo goudi ea dialuma da: iya ea lobo ligisili, oloda ea gagoe (north) la: ididili (amoga ilia da gobele salasu ohe medole legesu) amoga medole legemu.
He shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and kill the sin offering in the place of burnt offering.
30 Gobele salasu dunu da ea lobo sogo amo goudi ea maga: me ganodini gele, hono amo oloda ea hegomaiga dialebe amo foga: gagala: mu. Amola maga: me eno diala amo oloda ea baiga sogadigimu.
The priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering; and the rest of its blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar.
31 Amasea, e da goudi aseme ea sefe huluane bosolimu (ilia da ohe Hahawane Gilisili Olofole Iasu hamoma: ne medole legei sefe fadegasu defele). Amasea, e da amo sefe oloda da: iya gobesimu. Hina Gode da amo gobele salasu gabusiga: hahawane naba. Gobele salasu dunu da agoane hamosea, e da amo dunu ea wadela: i hou hamoi dabe iaha. Amola amo dunu da gogolema: ne olofosu ba: mu.
All its fat he shall take away, like the fat is taken away from off of the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall burn it on the altar for a pleasant aroma to YHWH; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.
32 Dunu da Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu imunusa: , sibi gaguli masea, e da sibi aseme ida: iwane ledo hamedei gaguli misunu da defea.
"'If he brings a lamb as his offering for a sin offering, he shall bring a female without blemish.
33 E da amo sibi ea dialuma da: iya ea lobo ligisili, oloda ea gagoe (north) la: ididili (amoga ilia da gobele salasu ohe medole lelegesu) amoga medole legemu.
He shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and kill it for a sin offering in the place where they kill the burnt offering.
34 Gobele salasu dunu da ea lobo sogo amo sibi ea maga: me ganodini gele, hono amo oloda ea hegomaiga diala amoga legemu. Amola maga: me eno diala amo oloda ea baiga sogadigimu.
The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering; and all the rest of its blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar.
35 Amasea, e da sibi aseme ea sefe huluane duga: le (ilia da sibi Hahawane Gilisili Olofole Iasu hamoma: ne medole legei ea sefe duga: su defele), amo sefe amola ha: i manu iasu Hina Godema i, amo gilisili gobesimu. Agoane hamobeba: le, gobele salasu dunu da amo dunu ea wadela: i hou hamoi ea dabe iaha. Amasea, amo dunu ea wadela: i hou da gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi ba: mu.
All its fat he shall take away, like the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall burn them on the altar, on the offerings of YHWH made by fire; and the priest shall make atonement for him concerning his sin that he has sinned, and he will be forgiven.

< Gobele Salasu 4 >