< Yoube 33 >

1 Amola wali, Yoube! Na sia: huluane noga: le nabima!
Wherefore, Iob, I pray thee, heare my talke and hearken vnto all my wordes.
2 Na da na asigi dawa: suga liligi huluane sia: musa: momagele esala.
Beholde now, I haue opened my mouth: my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.
3 Na sia: huluane da moloidafa amola na da dafawane sia: fawane sia: mu.
My words are in the vprightnesse of mine heart, and my lippes shall speake pure knowledge.
4 Gode Ea A: silibu da na da: i hahamoi amola nama esalusu i.
The Spirite of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almightie hath giuen me life.
5 Di da nama bu adole imunu defele galea, nama adole ima. Dia fofada: mu sia: amo hahamoma.
If thou canst giue me answere, prepare thy selfe and stand before me.
6 Ani galu da Gode Ea siga ba: ma: ne defele esala. Gode da ani laga osoboga hahamoi.
Beholde, I am according to thy wish in Gods stead: I am also formed of the clay.
7 Amaiba: le, di da nama beda: mu bai da hame gala. Na da di hame banenesimu!
Beholde, my terrour shall not feare thee, neither shall mine hand be heauie vpon thee.
8 Na da nabi, di da amane sia: i,
Doubtles thou hast spoken in mine eares, and I haue heard the voyce of thy wordes.
9 ‘Na da hame giadofai. Na da wadela: le hame hamosu. Na da moloidafa amola wadela: i hou hame dawa:
I am cleane, without sinne: I am innocent, and there is none iniquitie in me.
10 Be Gode da udigili nama doagala: musa: , logo hogosa. E da na Ea ha lai dunu defele ba: sa.
Lo, he hath found occasions against me, and counted me for his enemie.
11 E da na emo sia: inega la: gisa. E da na osa: le gagabe huluane ha: giwane sosodo aligisa.’
He hath put my feete in the stockes, and looketh narrowly vnto all my paths.
12 Be Yoube! Na da dima sia: sa! Di da giadofai dagoi. Gode Ea hou da osobo bagade dunu huluane ilia hou baligisa.
Behold, in this hast thou not done right: I will answere thee, that God is greater then man.
13 Dia abuliba: le Gode da ninia egane sia: be amoma hame adole iaha, Ema amane diwaneya udidisala: ?
Why doest thou striue against him? for he doeth not giue account of all his matters.
14 Gode da gebewane sia: nana, sia: nana, be dunu afae da Ea sia: hame naba.
For God speaketh once or twise, and one seeth it not.
15 Gasia, dunu ilia da golasea, Gode da simasia amola esala ba: su amodili ilima olelesa.
In dreames and visions of the night, when sleepe falleth vpon men, and they sleepe vpon their beds,
16 Ilia da Ea sia: nabimusa: , E da ilima logesa. Amasea, ilia da Ea sisane sia: nabasea, beda: gia: sa.
Then he openeth the eares of men, euen by their corrections, which he had sealed,
17 Gode da ilia wadela: le hamosu logo hedofamusa: sia: sa. E da ili hidale agoane gasa fi hou hamosa: besa: le, ilima sia: sa.
That he might cause man to turne away from his enterprise, and that he might hide the pride of man,
18 E da ili gugunufinisima: ne logo hame doasimu. E da ili bogosa: besa: le gaga: sa.
And keepe backe his soule from the pit, and that his life should not passe by the sword.
19 Gode da dunu moloma: ne, olo amola da: iba: le se iasu ema iasisa.
He is also striken with sorow vpon his bed, and the griefe of his bones is sore,
20 Olo madelai dunu, ea da magedasu hou fisisa. Ha: i manu noga: idafa ea higa: i ba: sa.
So that his life causeth him to abhorre bread, and his soule daintie meate.
21 Ea da: i da udigili geloga: le, gasa dabuawane ba: sa.
His flesh faileth that it can not be seene, and his bones which were not seene, clatter.
22 Ea da bogoi sogega masunu gadenei ba: sa.
So his soule draweth to the graue, and his life to the buriers.
23 Gode Ea a: igele dunu osea: idafa da e moloiwane hamoma: ne olelesa. Amabela: ? A: igele dunu afae da amo oloi dunu fidimusa: misa: bela: ?
If there be a messenger with him, or an interpreter, one of a thousand to declare vnto man his righteousnesse,
24 A: igele dunu da ema asigiba: le, amane sia: mu. ‘E masa: ne yolesima! Ea da bogoi sogega gudu hame sa: imu. Ea halegale masa: ne, dabe da wea!”
Then will he haue mercie vpon him, and will say, Deliuer him, that he go not downe into the pit: for I haue receiued a reconciliation.
25 Ea da: i hodo da bu gaheabolowane gasa fimu.
Then shall his flesh be as fresh as a childes, and shall returne as in the dayes of his youth.
26 Ea da Godema sia: ne gadosea, E da ea sia: nabimu. Ea da hahawane Godema nodone sia: ne gadomu. Gode da ea hou huluane bu hahamomu.
He shall pray vnto God, and he will be fauourable vnto him, and he shall see his face with ioy: for he will render vnto man his righteousnes.
27 Dunu afae afae, ea da odagiaba amane sisane fofada: mu, ‘Na da wadela: le hamoi dagoi. Na da molole hame hamoi, be Gode da na gaga: i.
He looketh vpon men, and if one say, I haue sinned, and peruerted righteousnesse, and it did not profite me,
28 E da na bogoi sogega sa: imu logo amo hedofaiba: le, na da esalebe wea.’
He will deliuer his soule from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
29 Gode da amo hou huluane gebewane hamonana.
Lo, all these things will God worke twise or thrise with a man,
30 E dunu ea esalusu amo gaga: le, amola amo dunu hahawane esaloma: ne hamosa.
That he may turne backe his soule from the pit, to be illuminate in the light of the liuing.
31 Wali, Yoube! Na sia: be goe nabima! Ouiya: ma! Na sia: na: !
Marke well, O Iob, and heare me: keepe silence, and I will speake.
32 Be di da sia: galea, na naba: ! Di da moloidafa galea, na da dia: sia: hame gua: mu!
If there be matter, answere me, and speak: for I desire to iustifie thee.
33 Be amai hame galea, ouiya: ma! Amola na sia: nabima! Amola di da bagade dawa: su hou lama: ne, na da dima olelemu.
If thou hast not, heare me: holde thy tongue, and I will teach thee wisedome.

< Yoube 33 >