< Yoube 33 >

1 Amola wali, Yoube! Na sia: huluane noga: le nabima!
Howbeit hear, Job, my words, and hearken to my speech.
2 Na da na asigi dawa: suga liligi huluane sia: musa: momagele esala.
For behold, I have opened my mouth, and my tongue has spoken.
3 Na sia: huluane da moloidafa amola na da dafawane sia: fawane sia: mu.
My heart [shall be found] pure by [my] words; and the understanding of my lips shall meditate purity.
4 Gode Ea A: silibu da na da: i hahamoi amola nama esalusu i.
The Divine Spirit is that which formed me, and the breath of the Almighty that which teaches me.
5 Di da nama bu adole imunu defele galea, nama adole ima. Dia fofada: mu sia: amo hahamoma.
If thou canst, give me an answer: wait therefore; stand against me, and I [will stand] against thee.
6 Ani galu da Gode Ea siga ba: ma: ne defele esala. Gode da ani laga osoboga hahamoi.
Thou art formed out of the clay as also I: we have been formed out of the same [substance].
7 Amaiba: le, di da nama beda: mu bai da hame gala. Na da di hame banenesimu!
My fear shall not terrify thee, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee.
8 Na da nabi, di da amane sia: i,
But thou hast said in mine ears, (I have heard the voice of thy words; ) because thou sayest, I am pure, not having sinned;
9 ‘Na da hame giadofai. Na da wadela: le hame hamosu. Na da moloidafa amola wadela: i hou hame dawa:
I am blameless, for I have not transgressed.
10 Be Gode da udigili nama doagala: musa: , logo hogosa. E da na Ea ha lai dunu defele ba: sa.
Yet he has discovered a charge against me, and he has reckoned me as an adversary.
11 E da na emo sia: inega la: gisa. E da na osa: le gagabe huluane ha: giwane sosodo aligisa.’
And he has put my foot in the stocks, and has watched all my ways.
12 Be Yoube! Na da dima sia: sa! Di da giadofai dagoi. Gode Ea hou da osobo bagade dunu huluane ilia hou baligisa.
For how sayest thou, I am righteous, yet he has not hearkened to me? for he that is above mortals is eternal.
13 Dia abuliba: le Gode da ninia egane sia: be amoma hame adole iaha, Ema amane diwaneya udidisala: ?
But thou sayest, Why has he not heard every word of my cause?
14 Gode da gebewane sia: nana, sia: nana, be dunu afae da Ea sia: hame naba.
For when the Lord speaks once, or a second time,
15 Gasia, dunu ilia da golasea, Gode da simasia amola esala ba: su amodili ilima olelesa.
[sending] a dream, or in the meditation of the night; (as when a dreadful alarm happens to fall upon men, in slumberings on the bed: )
16 Ilia da Ea sia: nabimusa: , E da ilima logesa. Amasea, ilia da Ea sisane sia: nabasea, beda: gia: sa.
then opens he the understanding of men: he scares them with such fearful visions:
17 Gode da ilia wadela: le hamosu logo hedofamusa: sia: sa. E da ili hidale agoane gasa fi hou hamosa: besa: le, ilima sia: sa.
to turn a man from unrighteousness, and he delivers his body from a fall.
18 E da ili gugunufinisima: ne logo hame doasimu. E da ili bogosa: besa: le gaga: sa.
He spares also his soul from death, and [suffers] him not to fall in war.
19 Gode da dunu moloma: ne, olo amola da: iba: le se iasu ema iasisa.
And again, he chastens him with sickness on his bed, and the multitude of his bones is benumbed.
20 Olo madelai dunu, ea da magedasu hou fisisa. Ha: i manu noga: idafa ea higa: i ba: sa.
And he shall not be able to take any food, though his soul shall desire meat;
21 Ea da: i da udigili geloga: le, gasa dabuawane ba: sa.
until his flesh shall be consumed, and he shall shew his bones bare.
22 Ea da bogoi sogega masunu gadenei ba: sa.
His soul also draws nigh to death, and his life is in Hades.
23 Gode Ea a: igele dunu osea: idafa da e moloiwane hamoma: ne olelesa. Amabela: ? A: igele dunu afae da amo oloi dunu fidimusa: misa: bela: ?
Though there should be a thousand messengers of death, not one of them shall wound him: if he should purpose in his heart to turn to the Lord, and declare to man his fault, and shew his folly;
24 A: igele dunu da ema asigiba: le, amane sia: mu. ‘E masa: ne yolesima! Ea da bogoi sogega gudu hame sa: imu. Ea halegale masa: ne, dabe da wea!”
he will support him, that he should not perish, and will restore his body as [fresh] plaster upon a wall; and he will fill his bones with morrow.
25 Ea da: i hodo da bu gaheabolowane gasa fimu.
And he will make his flesh tender as that of a babe, and he will restore him among men in [his] full strength.
26 Ea da Godema sia: ne gadosea, E da ea sia: nabimu. Ea da hahawane Godema nodone sia: ne gadomu. Gode da ea hou huluane bu hahamomu.
And he shall pray to the Lord, and his prayer shall be accepted of him; he shall enter with a cheerful countenance, with a full expression [of praise]: for he will render to men [their] due.
27 Dunu afae afae, ea da odagiaba amane sisane fofada: mu, ‘Na da wadela: le hamoi dagoi. Na da molole hame hamoi, be Gode da na gaga: i.
Even then a man shall blame himself, saying, What kind of things have I done? and he has not punished me according to the full amount of my sins.
28 E da na bogoi sogega sa: imu logo amo hedofaiba: le, na da esalebe wea.’
Deliver my soul, that it may not go to destruction, and my life shall see the light.
29 Gode da amo hou huluane gebewane hamonana.
Behold, all these things, the Mighty One works in a threefold manner with a man.
30 E dunu ea esalusu amo gaga: le, amola amo dunu hahawane esaloma: ne hamosa.
And he has delivered my soul from death, that my life may praise him in the light.
31 Wali, Yoube! Na sia: be goe nabima! Ouiya: ma! Na sia: na: !
Hearken, Job, and hear me: be silent, and I will speak.
32 Be di da sia: galea, na naba: ! Di da moloidafa galea, na da dia: sia: hame gua: mu!
If thou hast words, answer me: speak, for I desire thee to be justified.
33 Be amai hame galea, ouiya: ma! Amola na sia: nabima! Amola di da bagade dawa: su hou lama: ne, na da dima olelemu.
If not, do thou hear me: be silent, and I will teach thee.

< Yoube 33 >