< Yelemaia 33 >

1 Na da hina bagade gagoi ganodini, udigili hawa: hamosu dunu agoane ganodini esaloba, Hina Gode Ea sia: ne iasu da nama bu doaga: i.
And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah, the second time, when he was yet imprisoned in the guard-court, saying:
2 Hina Gode, amo da osobo bagade hamone, ganumugini, ea sogebi amoga ligisi, E da nama sia: i. Dunu amo Ea Dio da Hina Gode, da nama amane sia: i,
Thus, saith Yahweh, who doeth it, —Yahweh, who fashioneth it to establish it, Yahweh, is his name:
3 “Dia Nama wele sia: sea, amasea Na da dima bu adole imunu. Na da dima liligi ida: iwane amola fofogadigi gala amo di hame dawa: liligi, dima adomu.
Call unto me that I may answer thee, —and tell thee things great and inaccessible, which thou hast not known.
4 Na, Hina Gode, Isala: ili fi dunu ilia Gode, da Yelusaleme diasu huluane amola Yuda hina bagade ea diasu, amo da Ba: bilone dunu ilia doagala: beba: le, mugului dagoi ba: mu, amane sia: sa.
For, Thus, saith Yahweh God of Israel, Concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, —which are thrown down against the earthworks and against the sword:
5 Mogili da Ba: bilone fi dunu ilima gegemu. Be Ba: bilone gegesu dunu da doagala: su osobo bi hamomu, amola ilima bu gegemu da hamedei. Bai Na da bagade ougiba: le, amo dunu fane legele, diasu da bogoi da: i hodo amoga nabai dagoi ba: mu. Yelusaleme fi da wadela: le bagade hamobeba: le, Na da ili yolesi dagoi.
In entering to fight with the Chaldeans, it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have smitten in mine anger and in mine indignation, —and because of whom I have hidden my face from this city, —by reason of all their wickedness.
6 Be fa: no, Na da amo moilai bai bagade amola ea fi dunu uhinisimu. Na da olofosudafa amola gaga: su ilima olelemu.
Behold me! laying upon her a bandage of healing, so will I heal them, —And will reveal to them abundance of prosperity and truth;
7 Na da Yuda amola Yelusaleme fi amo bu hahawane bagade gaguiwane esaloma: ne, logo doasimu. Amola ilia musa: hou baligimusa: , Na da amo fedege agoane diasu agoane ili bu gagumu.
And I will bring back Them of the captivity of Judah, and Them of the captivity of Israel, —And I will build them, as at the first;
8 Ilia da Nama wadela: le hamosu. Be ilia wadela: i hou amola odoga: su hou, Na da gogolema: ne olofole, dodofemu.
And I will purify them, from all their iniquity wherewith they have sinned against me, —And I will grant pardon for all their iniquities Wherewith they have sinned against me, and Wherewith they have transgressed against me;
9 Na da Yelusaleme amo hahawane amola nodone amola hidale ba: mu. Amola fifi asi gala da hou ida: iwane gala Na da Yelusaleme fi ilima hamosa, amola hahawane bagade gagui hou Na da ilima iaha, amo nababeba: le, beda: ga yagugumu.”
So shall she become to me—A name of joy, A praise and An adorning, To all the nations of the earth, —Who will hear all the good which I am doing them, And will dread and be deeply moved over all the good and over all the prosperity which I am causing her.
10 Hina Gode da amane sia: i, “Dunu da amo soge da wadela: i hafoga: i soge defele amola amo ganodini da dunu amola ohe hame esala, amane sia: daha. Dafawane! Yuda moilai amola Yelusaleme logo da hame agoane ba: sa. Dunu amola ohe da amo ganodini hamedafa esalebe ba: sa. Be amo sogebi ganodini fa: no dilia da dunu ilia sia: bu nabimu.
Thus, saith Yahweh—Again, shall be heard in this place, as to which ye are saying, Deserted, it is without man or beast, In the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, Which are desolate without man or inhabitant or beast
11 Dilia da hahawane sia: amola uda lasu lolo nabe hahawane sia: bu nabimu. Dunu da Na Debolo amoga hahawane nodone iasu gaguli masea, gesami hea: lalebe dilia nabimu. Ilia da amane sia: mu, ‘Hina Gode Bagadedafa Ema nodone sia: ma. Bai E da noga: idafa amola Ea asigidafa hou da fifi ahoanebe.’ Amo soge ea musa: gagui bagade hou defele, Na da amo bu hahamomu. Na, Hina Gode, da sia: i dagoi.”
The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness The voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, The voice of them who are saying, Praise ye Yahweh of hosts, For good is Yahweh For age-abiding is his lovingkindness, The voice of them who are bringing a thank-offering into the house of Yahweh, —For I will bring back the captives of the land, as at the first, Saith Yahweh.
12 Hina Gode Bagadedafa, da amane sia: i, “Wali amo soge da wadela: i hafoga: i soge amola amo ganodini da dunu amola ohe hame esala. Be fa: no, sibi ha: i manu soge ida: iwane gala amoga sibi ouligisu dunu da ilia sibi fi ouligilalebe bu ba: mu
Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Again, shall there be in this place—Which is deserted without man or even beast—And all the cities thereof, —The home of shepherds, causing flocks to lie down.
13 Agolo soge moilai, amola agolo fonobahadi goumi baiga gala, amola Yuda gagoe (south) soge amola Bediamini ea soge amola moilai fonobahadi Yelusalemega sisiga: le diala, amola Yuda moilai huluane, amo ganodini sibi ouligisu dunu da bu ilia sibi fi idimu. Na, Hina Gode, da sia: i dagoi.”
In the cities of the hill country, In the cities of the lowland, and In the cities of the South, and In the land of Benjamin, and In the places round about Jerusalem, and In the cities of Judah, Again shall the flock pass over the hands of the numberer, Saith Yahweh.
14 Hina Gode da amane sia: i, “Eso da misunu amoga Na Isala: ili fi amola Yuda fi ilima ilegele sia: i liligi, Na da dafawane hamomu.
Lo! days are coming, Declareth Yahweh, —when I will establish my good word, which I have spoken—As to the house of Israel And concerning the house of Judah:
15 Amo esoha, Na da Da: ibidi egaga fi moloidafa ‘Amoda’ - Hina Bagade hamoma: ne ilegemu. Amo Hina Bagade da moloidafa hou soge huluane ganodini hamonanumu.
In those days and at that time, will I cause to bud unto David A Bud of righteousness, —And he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land:
16 Yuda dunu amola Yelusaleme dunu da gaga: su ba: mu. Ilia da olofole, gaga: iwane esalumu. Amola Yelusaleme moilai bai bagade ea dio ilia da ‘Hina Gode ninia Gaga: sudafa’ asulimu.
In those days, Judah shall be saved, and, Jerusalem abide, securely, —And, this, is that which shall be proclaimed to her—Yahweh, our righteousness!
17 Na, Hina Gode, da amane ilegesa, ‘Da: ibidi egaga fi dunu afadafa da mae fisili, Isala: ili fi ilima hina bagade esalumu.
For, Thus, saith Yahweh, —There shall not be wanting to David—A man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;
18 Amola Lifai fi gobele salasu dunu, ilia mae fisili, Nama hawa: hamonanumu, amola gobei iasu amola gagoma iasu amola gobele salasu Nama ianumu.”
Nor to the priests the Levites, shall there be wanting—A man, before me, To offer an ascending-sacrifice, or To make a perfume with a gift, or To offer a [peace-] offering, all the days!
19 Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i,
And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah saying:
20 “Na da fedege agoane eso amola gasi amoma ili da ilia misunu defele mae fisili misa: ne, Gousa: su hamoi dagoi. Amola amo Gousa: su fimu da hamedeidafa.
Thus, saith Yahweh, If ye can break, My covenant of the day, and My covenant of the night, That there be not day and night in their season,
21 Amo defele, Na da Na hawa: hamosu dunu Da: ibidi egaga fi da mae fisili hina bagade hamonanoma: ne, Gousa: su hamoi. Amola Na da Lifai fi gobele salasu dunu ilia da mae fisili, Nama hawa: hamonanoma: ne, Gousa: su hamoi dagoi. Amo Gousa: su ela fimu amola da hamedei.
My covenant also, may be broken With David my servant, that he shall not have a son, to reign upon his throne, —And with the Levites the priests, mine attendants:
22 Na da Na hawa: hamosu dunu Da: ibidi egaga fi ilia idi amo bagade hamomu amola Lifai fi gobele salasu dunu ilia idi bagade hamomu. Amasea, gasumuni muagado gala amo idimu da hamedei amola sa: iboso hano wayabo bagade bega: gala amo idimu da hamedei, amo defele Da: ibidi egaga fi amola Lifai gobele salasu iligaga fi amo idimu da hamedei ba: mu.”
As, the host of the heavens, cannot be recorded, Nor the sand of the sea, be measured, So, will I multiply, The seed of David my servant, And the Levites who attend upon me.
23 Hina Gode da nama amane sia: i,
And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah, saying:
24 “Di da ba: bela: ? Dunu ilia da Na Isala: ili fi amola Yuda fi (amo fi aduna Na da ilegei) amo yolesi dagoi, amane sia: daha. Amaiba: le, ilia da Na fi ilima higale ba: sa. Amola ilia da Isala: ili da wali Na fidafa hame, agoane dawa: sa.
Hast thou not observed what, this people, have spoken saying, The two families which Yahweh did choose, he hath even cast them off? And so, my people, they despise, as though they could not again become a nation in their sight!
25 Be Na, Hina Gode, da eso amola gasi amoma Gousa: su hamoi. Na da sema amo da osobo bagade amola mu ouligisa, amo Ni fawane hamoi.
Thus, saith Yahweh, If my covenant of day and night, the ordinances of the heavens and the earth, I did not appoint,
26 Na da amo dafawane hamoi amola amo defele Na Gousa: su Na da Ya: igobe egaga fi amola Na hawa: hamosu dunu Da: ibidima hamoi, amo Na da eso huluane ouligimu. Na da Da: ibidi egaga fi dunu afadafa, amo A: ibalaha: me amola Aisage amola Ya: igobe iligaga fi amo ouligima: ne, ilegemu. Na da Na fi ilima bu asigili, ilia bu bagade gaguiwane esaloma: ne, logo doasimu.”
The seed of Jacob also and of David my servant, might I cast off so as not to take of his seed as rulers unto the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, —For I will bring back them of their captivity, and will have compassion upon them.

< Yelemaia 33 >