< 2 Sa:miuele 6 >

1 Da: ibidi da bu Isala: ili dadi gagui dunu noga: i amo gilisimusa: bu wele sia: i. Ilia idi da dunu 30,000 agoane.
Then David again gathered together all the elect men of Israel, thirty thousand.
2 E da ili bisili, Ba: ila agolo, Yuda soge ganodini, amoga oule asi. Ilia da Gode Ea Gousa: su Sema Gagili (amoga da Hina Gode Bagadedafa Ea Dio gala. Ea Fisu da `selabimi’ amoga gadodili ba: sa, ) amo bu gaguli misa: ne asi.
And David arose and went away, with the entire people who were with him from the men of Judah, so that they might lead back the ark of God, over which is invoked the name of the Lord of hosts, who sits upon the cherubim above it.
3 Ilia da Gode Ea Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo Abinada: be ea diasu agolo da: iya galu amoga lale, gaguli fula ahoasu gaheabolo bulamagauga hiougima: ne, amo da: iya ligisi. Asa amola Ahaiou (Abinada: be egefela) da amo gaguli fula ahoasu ea ahoabe amo adonana ahoanu.
And they placed the ark of God on a new cart. And they took it from the house of Abinadab, who was in Gibeon. And Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart.
4 Ahaiou da bisili ahoanu.
And when they had taken it from the house of Abinadab, who was in Gibeon, Ahio preceded the ark as the keeper of the ark of God.
5 Da: ibidi amola Isala: ili dunu huluane da Hina Gode Ea nodoma: ne, gogosa: amola gesami hea: sa ahoanebe ba: i. Ilia da sani baidama, ilibu, gesolo dabi, amola gisanidulu amo dudududaha ahoasu.
But David and all of Israel played before the Lord on every kind of musical instrument made of wood, and on harps, and lyres, and timbrels, and bells, and cymbals.
6 Ilia da Na: igone widi dadabisu sogebi doaga: loba, bulamagau da didigaboi. Asa da ea lobo ligiagale, Gousa: su Sema Gagili mae sa: ima: ne banene gagui.
And after they had arrived at the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah extended his hand to the ark of God, and he touched it, because the oxen were kicking and had caused it to tip.
7 Amogaluwane hedolo, Hina Gode da Asama ougi. E da Asa fane legei. Bai e da Gode Ea Gousa: su Sema Gagili amoma nodoiba: le, e da hame beda: i. Asa da amogawi Gousa: su Sema Gagili dafulili bogoi dagoi.
And the indignation of the Lord was enraged against Uzzah. And he struck him for his temerity. And there he died, beside the ark of God.
8 Amaiba: le, amogainini amo sogebi ea dio da `Bilese Asa’ dialu. (Amo ea dawa: loma: ne da “Asa ea se Iasu”). Hina Gode da ougili Asa medole legeiba: le, Da: ibidi amola da ougi bagade ba: i.
Then David was saddened because the Lord had struck Uzzah. And the name of that place was called: the Striking of Uzzah, even to this day.
9 Amalalu, Da: ibidi da Hina Godeba: le beda: i galu. E da amane sia: i, “Na da habodane Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo bu gaguli masa: bela: ?”
And David was very fearful of the Lord on that day, saying, “How shall the ark of the Lord be brought to me?”
10 Amaiba: le, e da amo Yelusaleme moilai bai bagadega hame gaguli masunu dawa: i. E da logo yolesili, dunu ea dio amo Oubede Idome (Ga: de moilai bai bagade dunu) amo ea diasuga Gousa: su Sema Gagili gaguli asi.
And he was not willing to send the ark of the Lord to himself in the city of David. Instead, he sent it into the house of Obededom, the Gittite.
11 Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo da amogawi oubi udiana dialu. Amola Hina Gode da Oubede Idome amola ea sosogo fi ilima hahawane dogolegele hamoi.
And the ark of the Lord dwelt in the house of Obededom the Gittite, for three months. And the Lord blessed Obededom, and all his household.
12 Hina Da: ibidi da Oubede Idome amola ea sosogo fi da Gousa: su Sema Gagili ouligibiba: le, Hina Gode Ea ilima amola ilia gagui amoma hahawane dogolegele hamosu, amo nabi. Amaiba: le, e da gilisisu bagade hamone, Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo Oubede Idome ea diasuga lale, bu Yelusaleme moilai bai bagadega gaguli asi.
And it was reported to king David that the Lord had blessed Obededom, and all that was his, because of the ark of God. Therefore, David went and brought the ark of God, from the house of Obededom, into the city of David with joy. And there were with David seven choirs, and calves for victims.
13 Da: ibidi da dunu amo da Gousa: su Sema Gagili gaguli ahoasu, ilia da emo gafeyale osa: le gale aligima: ne sia: i. Amalalu, e da bulamagau gawali amola sefena bulamagau mano Godema gobele sali.
And when those who were carrying the ark of the Lord had traveled six steps, he immolated an ox and a ram.
14 Da: ibidi da ahea: iai abula buluale gale banene idiniginisi. E da Hina Godema nodone, ea gasa defele bagadewane giginisa lai.
And David danced with all his ability before the Lord. And David was girded with the linen ephod.
15 Amola e amola Isala: ili dunu huluane ilia da nodone wele sisa: ne amola `dalabede’ fulabolalu, ilia da Gousa: su Sema Gagili Yelusaleme moilai bai bagadega gaguli asi.
And David, and all the house of Israel, were leading the ark of the testament of the Lord, with jubilation and the sound of the trumpet.
16 Ilia da Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo Yelusaleme ganodini gaguli ahoanoba, Solo idiwi Maiga: le da fo misa: ne agenesi amoga gadili ba: lu, hina bagade Da: ibidi giginisa lalebe amola soagala: ga gadolalebe ba: beba: le, e higale ba: i.
And when the ark of the Lord had entered into the city of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looking out through a window, saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord. And she despised him in her heart.
17 Ilia da Gousa: su Sema Gagili amo gaguli misini, abula diasu amo Da: ibidi ea hamoi, amo ganodini ligisi. Amalalu, Da: ibidi da Hina Godema gobele salasu amola Hahawane Gilisili olofole Iasu amo hamoi.
And they led in the ark of the Lord. And they set it in its place in the middle of the tabernacle, which David had pitched for it. And David offered holocausts and peace offerings in the sight of the Lord.
18 E da gobele salasu hamoi dagoloba, e da Hina Gode Bagadedafa Ea Dioba: le, ea fi dunuma hahawane dogolegele sia: i.
And when he had completed offering holocausts and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts.
19 Amola e da ili huluane ilima ha: i manu sagoi. E da Isala: ili dunu amola uda huluane afae afae ilima agi ga: gi afae amola hu damui gobele gala: i afae amola fofogai waini fage mogili ilima sagoi. Amalalu, dunu huluane da ilia diasuga buhagi.
And he distributed to the entire multitude of Israel, as much to men as to women, to each one: one loaf of bread, and one piece of roasted beef, and fine wheat flour fried with oil. And all the people went away, each one to his own house.
20 Amogalu fa: no, Da: ibidi da hi diasu ea sosogo fi gousa: musa: ahoanoba, Maiga: le da gadili e ba: la misi. E amane sia: i, “Isala: ili hina bagade da wali eso ea dio gaguia gadoma: ne hidale bagade hamoi! E da gagaoui dunu agoane, ea ouligisu dunu ilia hawa: hamosu a: fini ba: ma: ne, ea abula gisa: le fasi!”
And David returned, so that he might bless his own house. And Michal, the daughter of Saul, going out to meet David, said: “How glorious was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself before the handmaids of his servants, and being unclothed, as if one of the performers were unclothed.”
21 Da: ibidi da bu adole i, “Na da Hina Godema nodone gigini. Bai E da dia ada, ea sosogo amo fisili, na Ea fi Isala: ili ouligima: ne ilegei dagoi. Amola na da mae yolesili, Hina Godema nodoma: ne bu gigininimu.
And David said to Michal: “Before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father, and rather than his entire house, and who commanded me, that I should be the leader over the people of the Lord in Israel,
22 Amola bu gogosiasu ba: mu. Di da na da hamedei dunu dawa: mu. Be amo ouligisu dunu ilia hawa: hamosu a: fini da na nodone ba: mu.”
I will both play and demean myself, more so than I have done. And I will be little in my own eyes. And with the handmaids, about whom you are speaking, I will appear more glorious.”
23 Solo idiwi Maiga: le da gebewane aligime esalu.
And so, there was no child born to Michal, the daughter of Saul, even to the day of her death.

< 2 Sa:miuele 6 >