< 2 Hina 1 >

1 Isala: ili hina bagade A: iha: be da bogoi. Amogalu fa: no Moua: be soge fi dunu da Isala: ili fi ilima odoga: i.
Then Moab revolted against Israel, after the death of Ahab.
2 Isala: ili hina bagade A: ihasaia da ea hina bagade diasu Samelia ganodini, amo da: iya gadonini osoba gudu gala: la sa: ili, se bagade nabi. Amaiba: le, e da sia: adola ahoasu dunu amo Filisidini soge ganodini Egelone moilai bai bagade fi ilia ogogosu ‘gode’ Ba: ilesibabe, ema e da uhima: bela: le o hame uhima: bela: le, amo adole ba: ma: ne asunasi.
And Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber, which was in Samaria, and became sick, —so he sent messengers, and said unto them—Go enquire of Baalzebub, god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this sickness.
3 Be Hina Gode Ea a: igele dunu da Disiabe balofede dunu Ilaidia, e da amo adola ahoasu dunu ilima amane adole ba: ma: ne sia: i, “Dilia da abuliba: le Egelone fi ilia ‘gode’ Ba: ilesibabe amo ea fada: i sia: naba ahoabela: ? Bai Isala: ili soge ganodini Gode hame esala, dilia dawa: sala: ?
But, the messenger of Yahweh, spake unto Elijah the Tishbite, Rise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, —and say unto them—Is it, because there is no God in Israel, that, ye, are going to enquire of Baalzebub, god of Ekron?
4 Hina bagade A: ihasaiama amane sia: ma, ‘Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, Di da dia se nabi amo mae uhini, di da bogomu.’” Ilaidia da Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i defele hamoi.
Wherefore, Thus, saith Yahweh, From the bed whereunto thou hast gone up, shalt thou not come down, for thou shalt, surely die. And Elijah departed.
5 Amaiba: le, sia: adola ahoasu dunu ilia da hina bagadema buhagi. Hina bagade da amane sia: i, “Dilia abuliba: le buhagibala: ?”
And, when the messengers returned unto him, he said unto them—How is it that ye have returned?
6 Ilia bu adole i, “Ninia da logoa dunu gousa: le, e da nini dima buhagili misini, Hina Gode dima sia: i liligi dima adoma: ne sia: i. Hina Gode da amane sia: i, ‘Di da abuliba: le Egelone fi ilia ‘gode’ Ba: ilesibabe amo ea fada: i sia: naba ahoabela: ? Bai Isala: ili soge ganodini Gode hame esala, dilia dawa: sala: ? Di da dia se nabi amo mae uhini, di da bogomu.’”
And they said unto him—A man, came up to meet us, and said unto us—Go, return unto the king who sent you, and ye shall say unto him, Thus, saith Yahweh—Is it, because there is no God in Israel, that, thou, art sending to enquire of Baalzebub, god of Ekron? Therefore, from the bed whereunto thou hast gone up, shalt thou not come down, for thou shalt, surely die.
7 Hina bagade A: ihasaia da ilima amane adole ba: i, “Dunu e da haboda: i ganabela: ?”
And he said unto them, What was the manner of the man who came up to meet you, —and spake unto you these words?
8 Ilia bu adole i, “E da ohe gadofoga hamoi abula ga: ne amola bulamagau gadofoga bulu ga: i ba: i.” Hina bagade da ha: giwane adole i, “Go da Ilaidia goa!”
And they said unto him—A hairy man, with a leathern girdle girt about his loins. And he said—Elijah the Tishbite, it was.
9 Amalalu, e da dadi gagui ouligisu dunu afae amola dadi gagui dunu 50 agoane Ilaidia lala masa: ne asunasi. Dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da asili, ba: loba, Ilaidia da agolo da: iya esalebe ba: i. E da Ilaidiama amane sia: i, “Gode Ea hawa: hamosu dunu! Hina bagade da di gudu sa: ima: ne sia: sa.”
Then sent he unto him a captain of fifty, with his fifty, and he went up unto him, and lo! he abode on the top of the mountain, and he said unto him, O man of God! the king, hath said, Come down!
10 Ilaidia da bu adole i, “Defea! Na da Gode Ea dunu galea, lalu da muagadonini sa: ili, di amola dia dunu fane legei ba: mu.” Hedololewane, lalu da sa: ili, ouligisu dunu amola ea dadi gagui dunu nene dagoi.
And Elijah responded and said unto the captain of fifty, If, then, a man of God, I am, let fire come down out of the heavens, and devour thee and thy fifty. So there came down fire out of the heavens, and devoured him and his fifty.
11 Hina bagade da ouligisu dunu eno amola dadi gagui 50 agoane Ilaidiama heda: ma: ne asunasi. Amoga asili, ouligisu dunu da amane sia: i, “Gode Ea dunu! Hina bagade da di wahadafa sa: ima: ne sia: sa!”
Then he again sent unto him another captain of fifty, with his fifty. And he also spake and said unto him, O man of God! thus, saith the king, Haste thee, come down!
12 Ilaidia da bu adole i, “Defea! Na da Gode Ea dunu galea, lalu da muagadonini sa: ili, di amola dia dunu fane legei ba: mu.” Hedololewane, lalu da sa: ili, ouligisu dunu amola ea dadi gagui dunu nene dagoi.
And Elijah responded and said unto them—If, a man of God, I am, let fire come down out of the heavens, and devour thee and thy fifty. And there came down a fire of God, out of the heavens, and devoured him and his fifty.
13 Eno agoane, hina bagade da ouligisu dunu amola dadi gagui dunu 50 agoane asunasi. Ouligisu dunu e da agoloba: le heda: le, Ilaidia ea midadi muguni bugili, ha: giwane amane adole ba: i, “Gode Ea dunu! Di da nama amola na dunuma asigima! Nini mae medole legema!
Then he again sent a third captain of fifty, with his fifty, —and the third captain of fifty ascended and came near, and bowed down upon his knees before Elijah, and made supplication unto him, and said unto him, O man of God! let my life, I pray thee, and the lives of these thy fifty servants, be precious in thine eyes.
14 Ouligisu dunu aduna musa: misi amola ilia dunu da muagadodini lalu misini, amo nene dagoi ba: i. Be nama asigima!”
Lo! there hath come down fire out of the heavens, and devoured the captains of the former fifties, with their fifties, —now, therefore, let my life be precious in thine eyes.
15 Hina Gode Ea a: igele dunu da Ilaidiama amane sia: i, “Ali gilisili sa: ima! Amola mae beda: ma!” Amaiba: le, Ilaidia da ouligisu dunu ela A: ihasaia ema asili,
And the messenger of Yahweh said unto Elijah, Go down with him, do not fear because of him, So he arose, and went down with him, unto the king;
16 ema amane sia: i, “Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Di da abuliba: le amo Egelone ‘gode’ Ba: ilesibabe ema ea fada: i sia: nabimusa: , sia: adole ahoasu dunu asunasibala: ? Bai Isala: ili soge ganodini Gode hame esala, di dawa: sala: ? Di da amo hamobeba: le, mae uhini bogomu.”
and said unto him—Thus, saith Yahweh—For that thou didst send messengers to enquire of Baalzebub, god of Ekron, was it because there was no God in Israel, for whose word thou couldst enquire? Therefore, from the bed whereunto thou hast gone up, shalt thou not come down, for thou shalt, surely die.
17 Hina Gode da Ilaidia ea lafidili sia: i defele, A:ihasaia da bogoi. A: ihasaia da egefelali hame galu. Amaiba: le, eaeya Youla: me da e bagia hina bagade hamoi. E da Yuda hina bagade Yihoula: me (Yihosiafa: de egefe) ea ouligibi ode aduna ouligilalu, Isala: ili hina bagade hamoi.
And he died, according to the word of Yahweh which, Elijah, had spoken, and Jehoram reigned in his stead, in the second year of Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, —because he had no son.
18 Hina bagade A: ihasaia ea hamoi liligi oda amo huluane da “Isala: ili hina bagade Ilia Hamonanu Meloa” amo ganodini dedene legei.
Now, the rest of the story of Ahaziah, the things that he did, are, they, not written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

< 2 Hina 1 >