< 1 Sa:miuele 22 >

1 Da: ibidi da Ga: de moilaiga hobeale, magufu gelaba Adalame moilai gadenene amoga asi. Ea olalali amola sosogo fi eno da e amogawi esalebe nababeba: le, ilia da ema madelamusa: asi.
David therefore departed thence, and escaped, into the cave of Adullam, —and, when his brethren and all the household of his father heard it, they went down unto him, thither.
2 Amola dunu 400 eno, mogili da enoga banenesi, mogili da hame gagui, mogili da enoma dabe imunu gala o hahawane hame esala, ilia Da: ibidima madelale, e da ilia bisilua hamoi.
And there gathered themselves unto him—every one that was in distress, and every one that had a creditor, and every one embittered in soul, and he came to be over them as a prince, —and there were with him, about four hundred men.
3 Da: ibidi da amo sogebi yolesili, Misiba moilai Moua: be soge ganodini amoga asi. E da Moua: be hina bagade ema amane sia: i, “Dafawane! Dia na ada amola ame ela misini dilimagai esalawane, na da Gode Ea nama adi hamomu ganabela: le, hogoma: ma.”
And David departed thence, to Mizpah of Moab, —and said unto the king of Moab, I pray thee, let my father and my mother dwell with you, until that I know what God will do for me.
4 Amaiba: le, Da: ibidi da ea ada amola ame Moua: be hina bagade ea ouligima: ne yolesilalu, Da: ibidi da Adalame magufu gelaba wamoaligili esalu defele, ela da amogawi esalu.
So he set them before the king of Moab, —and they dwelt with him, all the days that David was in the fortress.
5 Amalalu, balofede dunu Ga: de da Da: ibidima misini, amane sia: i, “Gui maedafa esaloma! Hedolodafa Yuda sogega masa!” Amaiba: le, Da: ibidi da yolesili amola Helede iwilaga asi.
Then said Gad the prophet unto David—Thou must not abide in the fortress, go and get thee into the land of Judah. So David departed, and entered the forest of Hereth.
6 Eso afaega, Solo da Gibia sogega agolo damana ea goge agei hi loboga gaguli amola ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ilia e beba: le sisiga: le aligili, ‘da: malisige’ ifa ougiha esalu. E da Da: ibidi amola ea dunu ili ba: i sia: be nabi galu.
And, when Saul heard that David was discovered, and the men that were with him—Saul, being seated in Gibeah under the tamarisk-tree in Ramah, with his spear in his hand, and all his servants stationed by him, —
7 Amola e da ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunuma amane sia: i, “Dilia Bediamini dunu nabima! Dilia adi dawa: bela: ? Da: ibidi da dili huluanema soge amola waini efe sagai ima: bela: ? E da dili huluane ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu hamonesima: bela: ?
then said Saul unto his servants who were stationed by him—Hear, I pray you, ye Benjamites! What! even to all of you, will the son of Jesse give fields and vineyards? All of you, will he appoint to be princes of thousands, and princes of hundreds?
8 Amo dawa: beba: le, dilia da na sogebi lamusa: wamo sia: ga ilegesala: ? Dilia afaega da nama nina: manodafa amoea Da: ibidima gilisi amo nama hame sia: i. Afaega da nama hame asigisa amola Da: ibidi ninia: dunudafa da wahadafa na fane legema: ne logo hogolala. Amola na manodafa da Da: ibidi e noga: le denesima: ne sisasa.”
That ye have conspired, all of you, against me, and there is none to uncover mine ear as to the covenanting of my son with the son of Jesse? And none from among you that taketh pity upon me, and that uncovereth mine ear [to this], —that, mine own son, hath stirred up, my servants, against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
9 Douege da Solo amola ea ouligisu dunu amo ili gilisili lelefula. E amane sia: i, “Na da Da: ibidi amo Noube moilai bai bagadega, Ahaidabe egefe Ahimelege ema ahoanebe ba: i.
Then answered Doeg the Edomite—he, being stationed near the servants of Saul—and said, —I saw the son of Jesse coming into Nob, unto Ahimelech son of Ahitub;
10 Ahimelege da Hina Godema Da: ibidi da adi hamoma: bela: le adole ba: i. Amalalu, e da Da: ibidima ha: i manu amola Filisidini dunu Goulaia: de ea gegesu gobihei i.”
Then enquired he for him of Yahweh, Provisions also, gave he unto him, —and, the sword of Goliath the Philistine, gave he unto him.
11 Amaiba: le, Solo da gobele salasu dunu Ahimelege amola ea sosogo fi huluane (amo amola da Noube gobele salasu dunu esalu) amo huluane lala masa: ne sia: sili, amola ilia da Soloma mafia: i.
Then the king sent to call Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, the priest, and all the house of his father—the priests, who were in Nob, —and they came, all of them, unto the king.
12 Solo da Ahimelegema amane sia: i, “Ahimelege nabima!” Ahimelege da bu adole i, “Hina! Na da dia hawa: hamosu dunu wea!”
And Saul said, Hear, I pray thee, thou son of Ahitub! And he said—Behold me! my lord.
13 Solo da ema adole ba: i, “Abuliba: le, di amola Da: ibidi ali da na sogebi lamusa: sia: ga ilegesala: ? Abuliba: le, di da ha: i manu amola gegesu gobihei ianu, Godema Da: ibidi ea hawa: hamoma: ne adole ba: bela: ? E da wali nama ogobele amola na fane legemusa: logo hogolala.”
And Saul said unto him, Wherefore have ye conspired against me, thou, and the son of Jesse, —in that thou gavest him bread and a sword, and didst enquire for him of God, that he might rise up against me, that he might lie in wait, as at this day?
14 Ahimelege da bu adole i, “Da: ibidi da dia baligili moloidafa hawa: hamosu ouligisu dunu. E da disoa: dafa, dia da: i ouligisu dunu ilia hina gala. Amola dia diasua fi amola hawa: hamosu dunu huluane da ema nodosa.
Then Ahimelech answered the king, and said, —But who, among all thy servants, like David, is, faithful, being son-in-law to the king, and, cometh near to have audience with thee, and is, honoured in thy household?
15 Dafawane! Na da e fidima: ne, Godema sia: ne gadolesi, amola amo da degabo hame galu. Be na amola na sosogo da dia sogebi lamusa: wamowane ilegemu hame dawa: Hina noga: idafa! Dia da niniagoane diwaneya udidimu da defea hame.”
Did I, that day, begin to enquire for him of God? Far from me! Let not the king impute to his servant such a thing, nor to any of the household of my father, for thy servant knoweth nothing of all this, less or more.
16 Solo da amane sia: i, “Ahimelege! Di amola dia sosogo huluane da bogogia: mu.”
And the king said: Thou shalt, die, Ahimelech, —thou and all the household of thy father.
17 Amalalu, e da da: igene ouligisu dunu e gadenene lelefulubi ilima amane sia: i, “Hina Gode Ea gobele salasu dunu medole legema! Bai ilia amola Da: ibidi da gilisili wamowane ilegele, Da: ibidi ea hobea: i amo nama mae olelele, ilia ogogole hame dawa: be sia: i, be ilia da dawa: i galu.” Be da: igene ouligisu dunu ilia da lobo lalegadole, Hina Gode Ea gobele salasu dunu fane legemu higa: iba: le, hame hamoi.
And the king said unto the runners that were stationed by him—Turn ye round and put to death the priests of Yahweh, because, their hand also, is with David, and because they knew that he was, in flight, and unveiled not mine ear. But the servants of the king were not willing to thrust forth their hand, to fall upon the priests of Yahweh.
18 Amaiba: le, Solo da Douegema amane sia: i, “Dia ili fane legema!” Amalalu, Douege da ili huluane fane legei. Amo esoha e da gobele salasu dunu85 (huluane da Ifode gaguli ahoasu defele esalu) amo hulu fane legei dagoi.
Then said the king to Doeg, Turn, thou, and fall upon the priests. So Doeg the Edomite turned, and, himself, fell upon the priests, and put to death, that day, four score and five men bearing an ephod of linen;
19 Amola Solo da dunu huluane gobele salasu dunu ilia moilai Noube amoga esalebe, amo huluane fane legema: ne sia: i. Dunu amola uda amola mano, mano dudubu, bulamagau, dougi, sibi-huluanedafa da fane legei dagoi ba: i.
Nob also, the city of the priests, smote he with the edge of the sword, both men and women, children and sucklings, —and oxen and asses and sheep, with the edge of the sword.
20 Be Ahimelege egefe afae ea dio amo Abaia: da e hobeale asili, Da: ibidima madelai.
But there escaped one son of Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, whose, name, was Abiathar, —and he fled after David.
21 E da Da: ibidima Solo ea da Hina Gode Ea gobele salasu dunu fane legei, amo adodole i.
So Abiathar told David, —that Saul had slain the priests of Yahweh.
22 Da: ibidi da ema amane sia: i, “Amohaga na da Douege esalebe ba: loba, na da dawa: digi, e da Soloma adomu galebeya dawa: i galu. Amaiba: le, na giadofale hamobeba: le, dia sosogo huluane da bogogia: i.
Then said David to Abiathar—I knew, that day, when Doeg the Edomite was, there, that he would, surely tell, Saul. I, am chargeable with all the lives of the house of thy father.
23 Ani esala: di! Mae beda: ma! Solo da di amola na fane legemusa: hanai. Be di da ani esalea gaga: i ba: mu.”
Abide with me! do not fear, for, whoso seeketh my life, seeketh thy life, —for, in safeguard, shall thou be, with me.

< 1 Sa:miuele 22 >