< Mateo 4 >
1 Orduan Iesus eraman cedin Spirituaz desertura, deabruaz tenta ledinçát.
Then Jesus was carried up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted of the devil:
2 Eta barurtu cituenean berroguey egun eta berroguey gau, finean gosse cedin.
and having fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he hungered.
3 Eta ethorriric harengana tentaçaleac erran ceçan, Baldin Iaincoaren Semea bahaiz, errac harri hauc ogui eguin ditecen.
And the tempter coming up to him said, If thou be Son of God, speak, that these stones may become loaves of bread.
4 Baina harc ihardesten çuela erran ceçan, Scribatua duc, Ezta guiçona ogui beretic vicico, baina Iaincoaren ahotic ilkiten den hitz orotaric.
But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which goes out through God's mouth.
5 Orduan hura du eramaiten deabruac Ciuitate saindura, eta du eçarten templeco pinacle gainean.
Then the devil takes him to the holy city, and sets him upon the edge of the temple,
6 Eta diotsó, Baldin Iaincoaren Semea bahaiz, egotzac eure buruä beherera: ecen scribatua duc, Ecen cargu emanen drauèla hiçaz bere Aingueruèy, eta bere escuetan eramanen autela, eure oinaz harrian behaztopa ezadinçát.
and says to him, If thou be Son of God cast thyself down; for it is written, He shall give charge to his angels concerning thee, and on [their] hands shall they bear thee, lest in anywise thou strike thy foot against a stone.
7 Erran cieçon Iesusec, Berriz scribatua duc, Eztuc tentaturen eure Iainco Iauna.
Jesus said to him, It is again written, Thou shalt not tempt [the] Lord thy God.
8 Berriz hura du eramaiten deabruac gucizco mendi gora batetara, eta eracusten drautza munduco resuma guciac eta hetaco gloriá:
Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain, and shews him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory,
9 Eta diotsó, Hauc gucioc emanen drauzquiat, baldin ahozpez adora baneçac.
and says to him, All these things will I give thee if, falling down, thou wilt do me homage.
10 Orduan diotsó Iesusec, Habil Satan, ecen scribatua duc: Eure Iainco Iauna adoraturen duc, eta hura bera cerbitzaturen duc.
Then says Jesus to him, Get thee away, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt do homage to [the] Lord thy God, and him alone shalt thou serve.
11 Orduan vtziten du hura deabruac: eta huná, Aingueruäc ethor citecen, eta cerbitzatzen çuten hura.
Then the devil leaves him, and behold, angels came and ministered to him.
12 Eta ençun vkan çuenean Iesusec, ecen Ioannes presonér cela, retira cedin Galileara.
But having heard that John was delivered up, he departed into Galilee:
13 Eta vtziric Nazareth, ethor cedin eta habita Capernaum itsas aldecoan, Zabulongo eta Nephthalingo bazterretan:
and having left Nazareth, he went and dwelt at Capernaum, which is on the sea-side in the borders of Zabulon and Nepthalim,
14 Compli ledinçát Esaias Prophetáz erran içan cena, cioela,
that that might be fulfilled which was spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying,
15 Zabulongo lurrá eta Nephtalingo lurrá itsassorraco bide aldean Iordanaz berce aldetic, Gentilén Galileá:
Land of Zabulon and land of Nepthalim, way of [the] sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations:
16 Populu ilhumbean cetzanac argui handi ikussi vkan du: eta herioaren regionean eta itzalean ceunçaney argui altchatu içan çaye.
— the people sitting in darkness has seen a great light, and to those sitting in [the] country and shadow of death, to them has light sprung up.
17 Orduan-danic has cedin Iesus predicatzen, eta erraiten, Emenda çaitezte: ecen hurbil da ceruètaco resumá.
From that time began Jesus to preach and to say, Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn nigh.
18 Eta Iesusec Galileaco itsas aldean çabilala, ikus citzan bi anaye, Simon, Pierris erraiten dena, eta Andriu haren anayea, egoizten çutela sarea itsassora (ecen pescadore ciraden.)
And walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers;
19 Eta dioste, Çatozte ene ondoan, eta eguinen çaituztet guiça pescadore.
and he says to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 Eta hec bertan vtziric sareac iarreiqui içan çaizcan.
And they, having left their trawl-nets, immediately followed him.
21 Eta handic aitzinago iraganic, ikus citzan berceric bi anaye, Iaques Zebedeoren semea, eta Ioannes haren anayea, vnci batetan bere aita Zebedeorequin, bere sarén adobatzen ari ciradela: eta dei citzan.
And going on thence he saw other two brothers, James the [son] of Zebedee and John his brother, in the ship with Zebedee their father, mending their trawl-nets, and he called them;
22 Eta hec bertan vncia eta bere aita vtziric iarreiqui içan çaizcan.
and they, having left the ship and their father, immediately followed him.
23 Eta inguratzen çuen Galilea gucia Iesusec, hayén synagoguetan iracasten ari cela, eta resumaco Euangelioa predicatzen çuela, eta sendatzen çuela eritassun mota gucia, eta langore mota gucia populuaren artean.
And [Jesus] went round the whole [of] Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every bodily weakness among the people.
24 Orduan io ceçan haren famác Syria gucia: eta presenta cietzoten gaizqui ceuden guciac, eritassun diuersez eta tormentaz eduquiac, eta demoniatuac, eta lunaticoac, eta paralyticoac: eta sendatzen cituen.
And his fame went out into the whole [of] Syria, and they brought to him all that were ill, suffering under various diseases and pains, and those possessed by demons, and lunatics, and paralytics; and he healed them.
25 Eta gendetze handi iarreiqui cequión Galileatic, eta Decapolistic, eta Ierusalemetic, eta Iudeatic, eta Iordanaz berce aldetic.
And great crowds followed him from Galilee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judaea, and beyond the Jordan.