< Mateo 3 >

1 Bada dembora hartan ethor cedin Ioannes baptista, predicatzen çuela Iudeaco desertuan:
In those dayes Ihon the Baptyst came and preached in the wildernes of Iury
2 Eta cioela, Emenda çaitezte: ecen ceruètaco resumá hurbil da.
saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde.
3 Ecen haur da Esaias Prophetáz erran içan cena, cioela, Desertuan oihuz dagoenaren voza da, Appain eçaçue Iaunaren bidea, çucen itzaçue haren bidescác.
This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght.
4 Ioannes hunec bada çuen bere abillamendua camellu biloz, eta larruzco guerricoa bere guerruncean inguru: eta haren viandá cen othiz eta bassa eztiz.
This Iho had hys garmet of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony.
5 Orduan ethor cedin harengana Ierusaleme eta Iudea gucia, eta Iordanaren inguruco comarca gucia.
The went oute to hym Ierusalem and all Iury and all ye regio roude aboute Iorda
6 Eta batheyatzen ciraden harenganic Iordanean, bere bekatuac confessatzen cituztela.
and were baptised of him in Iorda cofessynge their synnes.
7 Ikussiric bada anhitz Phariseuetaric eta Sadduceuetaric ethorten ciradela haren baptismora, erran ciecén, Vipera castá, norc auisatu çaituzte hira ethortecoari ihes daguioçuen?
When he sawe many of ye Pharises and of ye Saduces come to hys baptim he sayde vnto the: O generacio of vipers who hath taught you to fle fro the vengeauce to come?
8 Eguin itzaçue bada fructuac emendamenduaren digneac.
Brynge forth therfore the frutes belongynge to repentauce.
9 Eta ezteçaçuela presumi ceuroc baithan erraitera, Abraham dugu aita: ecen badiotsuet, Iaincoac harri hautaric-ere Abrahami haour suscita ahal dieçaqueola.
And se that ye ons thynke not to saye in your selues we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldern vnto Abraha.
10 Bada ia aizcorá arborén errora eçarria da: beraz arbore fructu onic eguiten eztuen gucia piccatzen da eta sura egoizten.
Euenowe is ye axe put vnto ye rote of ye trees: soo that every tree which bringeth not forthe goode frute is hewe doune and cast into ye fyre.
11 Eguia da, nic batheyatzen çaituztet vrez emendamendutara: baina ene ondoan ethorten dena, ni baino borthitzago da, ceinen çapatén ekarteco ezpainaiz digne: harc batheyaturen çaituzté Spiritu sainduaz eta suz.
I baptise you in water in toke of repentauce: but he ye cometh after me is myghtier then I whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy gost and with fyre:
12 Bere bahea bere escuan du, eta garbituren du bere larraina: eta bilduren du bere oguibihia granerera: baina lastoa choil erreren du behinere hiltzen ezten suan.
which hath also his fan in his hod and will pourge his floure and gadre ye wheet into his garner and will burne ye chaffe with vnquecheable fyre
13 Orduan ethor cedin Iesus Galileatic Iordanera Ioannesgana, harenganic batheya ledinçát.
Then cam Iesus from Galile to Iordan vnto Ihon to be baptised of hym.
14 Baina Ioannesec haguitz empatchatzen çuen hura, cioela, Nic behar diat hireganic batheyatu, eta hi ethorten aiz enegana?
But Ihon forbade hym saynge: I ought to be baptysed of the: and comest thou to me?
15 Eta ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran cieçón, Vtzac oraingotz: ecen hunela complitu behar diagu iustitia gucia. Orduan vtzi ceçan eguitera.
Iesus answered and sayd to hym: Let it be so now. For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all rightwesnes. Then he suffred hym.
16 Eta Iesus batheyatu cenean, bertan ilki cedin vretic: eta huná, irequi içan çaizcan ceruäc, eta ikus ceçan Iaincoaren Spiritua vsso columba baten guissán iausten eta haren gainera ethorten
And Iesus assone as he was baptised came strayght out of ye water. And lo heue was ope over hym: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende lyke a doue and lyght vpon hym.
17 Eta huná vozbat cerutic, cioela, Haur da ene Seme maitea, ceinetan neure atseguin ona hartzen baitut.
And lo there came a voyce from heven sayng: Thys ys that my beloved sonne in whom is my delyte.

< Mateo 3 >