< Lukas 18 >
1 Eta erran ciecen comparationebat-ere fin hunetaracotz ecen bethi othoitz eguin behar dela, enoyatu gabe:
He was speaking then (and *ko*) a parable to them about it needing always to pray (they *no*) and not to lose heart
2 Cioela, Iugebat cen hiri batetan Iaincoaren beldur etzenic, eta nehorçaz conturic eguiten etzuenic:
saying; A judge certain there was in a certain city God not fearing and man not respecting.
3 Eta cen hiri hartan emazte alhargumbat, eta ethor cedin harengana, cioela, Eguidac iustitia neure partida contrastaz.
A widow then there was in the city that and she was coming to him saying; do avenge me of the adversary of mine.
4 Eta harc etzuen deus eguin nahi vkan dembora lucez: baina guero erran ceçan bere baithan, Iaincoaren beldur ezpanaiz-ere eta nehorçaz conturic ez eguitenagatic:
And not (he was desiring [to do] *N(k)O*) for a time. afterward however he said within himself; If even God not I fear (nor *N(k)O*) man respect,
5 Badaric-ere ceren fascheria emaiten baitraut alhargun hunec, iustitia eguinen draucat, finean-ere ethorriz buruä hauts eztieçadan.
because yet it occasioning me trouble widow this I will avenge her, so that not to end coming she may exhaust me.
6 Eta dio Iaunac, Ençuçue cer iuge gaichto harc erraiten duen:
Said then the Lord; do hear what the judge unrighteous says;
7 Bada Iaincoac eztraue iustitia eguinen bere elegitu gau eta egun hari oihuz dagozcaney, hayén alde asserretzera luçatzen badu-ere?
And God certainly not (may do *N(k)O*) the avenging of the elect of Him the [ones] crying out (to *k*) (to Him *N(k)O*) day and night, and (be patient *N(k)O*) in regard to them?
8 Erraiten drauçuet, ecen hayén mendequioa eguinen duela sarri. Baina guiçonaren Semea dathorrenean, eridenen othe du federic lurrean?
I say to you that He will carry out the avenging of them with speed. Nevertheless the Son of Man having come surely not will He find faith on the earth?
9 Eta erran ciecén bere buruètan iusto ciradela fida ciraden batzuey, eta berceac deus-ere estimatzen etzituzteney, comparatione haur:
He spoke now also to some having trusted in themselves that they are righteous and (despising *NK(o)*) the others parable this.
10 Bi guiçon igan içan ciraden templera othoitz eguitera, bata Phariseu eta bercea publicano:
Men two went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
11 Phariseuac cegoela gauça hauçaz bere baithan othoitz eguiten çuen, Iaincoá, esquerrac emaiten drauzquiat ceren ezpainaiz berce guiçon harrapariac, iniustoac, adulteroac beçala: edo publicano haur beçala-ere.
The Pharisee having stood toward himself these things was praying; O God, I thank You that not I am (like *NK(o)*) the rest of the men — swindlers, unrighteous, adulterers — or even like this tax collector.
12 Astean biguetan eguiten diat barur, posseditzen ditudan gauça guçietaric hamarrenac emaiten citiát.
I fast twice in the week, I tithe all things as much as I gain.
13 Eta publicanoac vrrun cegoela, etzituen are beguiac-ere cerurat altchatu nahi: baina bere bulharrari ceraunsón, cioela, Iauna, amatiga aquit, othoi niri bekatoreoni.
(and *ko*) (but *no*) the tax collector afar off having stood not was willing not even the eyes to lift up to heaven but was striking (into *k*) the breast (of him *NK(o)*) saying: O God, do be merciful to me to the sinner!
14 Badiotsuet, iautsi içan dela haur iustificaturic bere etcherat, eta ez bercea: ecen bere buruä goratzen duen gucia, beheraturen da: eta bere buruä beheratzen duena, goraturen da.
I say to you; went down this one justified to the house of him (rather than *k*) (compared with *n(o)*) (that [one]. *N(k)O*) For everyone who is exalting himself will be humbled, the [one] however humbling himself will be exalted.
15 Eta ekarten cituzten harengana haour chipiac-ere, hec hunqui litzançat: eta hori ikus ceçatenean discipuluéc, mehatcha citzaten.
They were bringing then to Him also the infants that them He may touch; having seen however the disciples (were rebuking *N(k)O*) them.
16 Baina Iesusec haourtchoac beregana deithuric, erran ceçan, Vtzitzaçue haourtchoac enegana ethortera, eta eztitzaçuela empatcha: ecen hunelacoén da Iaincoaren resumá.
But Jesus (called *N(k)O*) them (speaking; *N(k)O*) do permit the little children to come to Me and not do forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.
17 Eguiaz erraiten drauçuet, norc-ere ezpaitu recebituren Iaincoaren resumá haourtchoac beçala, eztela sarthuren hartan.
Amen I say to you; who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) not shall receive the kingdom of God as a child, certainly not shall enter into it.
18 Orduan interroga ceçan cembeit iaunec, cioela, Magistru oná, cer eguinez, vicitze eternala possedituren dut? (aiōnios )
And asked a certain Him ruler saying; Teacher good, what having done life eternal will I inherit? (aiōnios )
19 Eta erran cieçon Iesusec, Cergatic deitzen nauc ni on? nehor eztuc onic bat baicen, eta hura, Iaincoa.
Said then to him Jesus; Why Me you call good? No [one is] good only except one God.
20 Manamenduac badaquizquic, Eztuc adulteraturen, Eztuc hilen, Eztuc ebatsiren, Eztuc testimoniage falsuric erranen, Ohoraitzac eure aita eta eure ama.
The commandments You know: Not shall you commit adultery, not shall you murder, not shall you steal, not shall you bear false witness, do honor the father of you and the mother (of you. *k*)
21 Eta harc erran ceçan, Horiac guciac beguiratu citiát neure gaztetassunetic.
And he said; These all (I kept *N(k)O*) from [the] youth (of mine. *ko*)
22 Eta Iesusec hori ençunic erran cieçón, Oraino gauçabat falta çaic: duán gucia sal eçac eta eman iecec paubrey: eta vkanen duc thesaurbat ceruän: eta athor, arreit niri.
Having heard then (these things *k*) Jesus said to him; Yet one thing to you is lacking: All as much as you have do sell and do distribute to [the] poor, and you will have treasure in (the *no*) (heavens; *N(k)O*) and come, do follow Me.
23 Eta hura gauça horiac ençunic, triste cedin: ecen guciz abratsa cen.
And having heard these things very sorrowful (he became; *N(k)O*) he was for rich extremely.
24 Eta ikussiric Iesusec hura haguitz tristetu cela, erran ceçan, Cein gaitz den onhassundunac Iaincoaren resumán sar ditecen!
Having seen then him Jesus sorrowful became saying; How difficult [for] those riches having [when] into the kingdom of God (they enter. *N(k)O*)
25 Ecen errachago da cablebat sar dadin orratzaren çulhotic, ecen ez abratsa sar dadin Iaincoaren resumán.
Easier for it is a camel through (an eye of a needle *N(k)O*) to go than a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter.
26 Eta haur ençun vkan çutenéc erran ceçaten, Eta nor salua ahal daite?
Said then those having heard; Then who is able to be saved?
27 Eta harc erran ceçan, Guiçonac baithan impossible diraden gauçác, possible dirade Iaincoa baithan.
But He said; The [things] impossible with men possible with God are.
28 Eta erran ceçan Pierrisec, Huná, guc vtzi citiagu gauça guciác, eta iarreiqui gaitzaizquic hiri.
Said then Peter; Behold we ourselves (having abandoned *N(k)O*) (*no*) ([our] own [things] *N(k)O*) (and *k*) followed You.
29 Eta harc erran ciecén, Eguiaz erraiten drauçuet, nehor eztela vtzi duenic etchea, edo aitamác, edo anayeac, edo emaztea, edo haourrac Iaincoaren resumaren causaz,
And He said to them; Amen I say to you that no [one] there is who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God,
30 Non vnguiz guehiago recebi ezteçan dembora hunetan, eta ethorteco den seculán vicitze eternala. (aiōn , aiōnios )
who (certainly *N(k)O*) nothing (may receive back *NK(o)*) manifold more in time this — and in the age which is coming life eternal. (aiōn , aiōnios )
31 Eta harturic hamabiac erran ciecen, Huná, igaiten gara Ierusalemera, eta complituren çaizquió, guiçonaren Semeari Prophetéz scribatu içan diraden gauça guciac.
Having taken aside then the Twelve He said to them; Behold we go up to (Jerusalem, *N(k)O*) and will be accomplished all things which written through the prophets about the Son of Man;
32 Ecen Gentiley liuraturen çaye, eta escarniaturen eta iniuriaturen eta thustaturen da.
He will be betrayed for to the Gentiles and will be mocked and will be insulted and will be spit upon,
33 Eta açotatu duqueitenean, hilen duté: baina hereneco egunean resuscitaturen da.
And having flogged [Him] they will kill Him, and on the day third He will rise again.
34 Eta hec gauça hautaric etzeçaten deus adi: eta ciraden hitz hauc hetaric estaliac, eta erraiten ciradenac etzituzten aditzen.
And they themselves no [thing] of these things understood, and was declaration this hidden from them, and neither they were knowing the [things] being spoken.
35 Eta guertha cedin hura Iericorát hurbiltzen cela, itsubat baitzén iarria bide bazterrean esque cegoela.
It came to pass then in the drawing near by Him to Jericho a blind [man] certain was sitting beside the road (begging. *N(k)O*)
36 Eta harc ençun ceçanean populua iragaiten, galde eguin ceçan, hura cer cen.
Having heard now a crowd passing along he was asking what (maybe *o*) would be this.
37 Eta erran cieçoten ecen Iesus Nazareno iragaiten cela.
They told then to him that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.
38 Orduan oihu eguin ceçan, cioela, Iesus Dauid-en semeá, auc pietate niçaz.
And he called out saying; Jesus Son of David, do have mercy on me.
39 Eta aitzinean ioaiten ciradenéc mehatchatzen çutén ichil ledinçát: baina harc vnguiz oihu guehiago eguiten çuen, Dauid-en semea, auc pietate niçaz.
And those going before were rebuking him that (he may be silent. *N(k)O*) He himself however much more was crying out; Son of David, do have mercy on me.
40 Eta Iesusec gueldituric mana ceçan ekar lequion beregana, eta hura hurbildu içan cenean, interroga ceçan,
Having stopped then Jesus commanded him to be brought to Him. When was approaching then he He asked him;
41 Cioela, Cer nahi duc daguiadan? Eta harc erran ceçan, Iauna, vistá recebi deçadan.
(saying *ko*) What to you desire you I may do? And he said; Lord, that I may receive sight.
42 Eta Iesusec erran cieçón, recebi eçac vistá: eure fedeac saluatu au.
And Jesus said to him; do receive sight: The faith of you has healed you.
43 Eta bertan ikus ceçan, eta hari iarreiquiten çayón, glorificatzen çuela Iaincoa: Eta populu guciac hori ikussiric eman cieçon laudorio Iaincoari.
And immediately he received sight and was following Him glorifying God. And all the people having seen [it] gave praise to God.