< Lukas 11 >
1 Guertha cedin halaber leku batetan othoitz eguiten cegoela, cessatu cenean, erran baitzieçón bere discipuluetaric batec, Iauna, iracats ieçaguc othoitz eguiten, Ioannesec-ere bere discipuluey iracatsi drauen beçala.
And it came to pass, in His being in a certain place praying, as He ceased, a certain one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as also John taught his disciples.”
2 Eta erran ciecén, Othoitz eguiten duçuenean, erran eçaçue, Gure Aita ceruètan aicena, Sanctifica bedi hire icena, Ethor bedi hire resumá, Eguin bedi hire vorondatea, ceruän beçala, lurrean-ere.
And He said to them, “When you may pray, say: Our Father who is in the heavens, hallowed be Your Name; Your kingdom come, Your will come to pass, as in Heaven also on earth;
3 Gure eguneco oguia iguc egunecotzat.
be giving us daily our appointed bread;
4 Eta barka ietzaguc gure bekatuac: ecen guc-ere barkatzen dirauèagu guri çor draucuten guciey. Eta ezgaitzala sar eraci tentacionetan, baina deliura gaitzac gaichtotic.
and forgive us our sins, for we also ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us; and may You not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil [one].”
5 Eta erran ciecén, Cein da çuetaric vkanen duena adisquidebat, eta ioanen dena harengana gau-erditan eta erranen draucana, Adisquideá, presta ietzadac hirur ogui:
And He said to them, “Who of you will have a friend, and will go on to him at midnight, and may say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves,
6 Ecen ene adisquidebat ethorri içan duc bidetic enegana, eta eztiát cer aitzinean eçar dieçodan.
seeing a friend of mine came out of the way to me, and I have not what I will set before him,
7 Eta harc barnetic ihardesten duela erran deçan, Ezneçála fascha: ia borthá ertsia duc, eta ene haourtchoac enequila dituc ohean: ecin iaiqui niaitec hiri emaitera.
and he from within answering may say, Do not give me trouble, the door has already been shut, and my children are with me in the bed, I am not able, having risen, to give to you.
8 Erraiten drauçuet, baldin iaiquiric eman ezpadieço-ere, ceren haren adisquide den: halere haren muthiritassunagatic iaiquiric emanén drauca cembat-ere behar baitu.
I say to you, even if he will not give to him, having risen, because of his being his friend, yet because of his persistence, having risen, he will give him as many as he needs;
9 Eta nic erraiten drauçuet, Esca çaitezte, eta emanen çaiçue: bilhaeçaçue, eta eridenen duçue: bulka eçaçue eta irequiren çaiçue.
and I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you;
10 Ecen escatzen den guciac recebitzen du: eta bilhatzen duenac erideiten du: eta bulkatzen duenari, irequiren çayo.
for everyone who is asking receives; and he who is seeking finds; and to him who is knocking it will be opened.
11 Eta cein da çuetaric aitá, semea ogui esca badaquió, harribat emanen draucana? edo baldin arrain esca badaquio, ala arrainaren lekuan suguebat emanen drauca?
And of which of you—the father—[if] the son will ask [for] a loaf, will present to him a stone? And [if] a fish, instead of a fish, will present to him a serpent?
12 Edo baldin arraultze baten esca badadi, ala scorpiona emanen drauca?
And [if] he may ask [for] an egg, will present to him a scorpion?
13 Beraz çuec baldin gaichto çaretelaric, badaquiçue gauça onén çuen haourrey emaiten, cembatez guehiago çuen Aita celestialac emanen draue Spiritu saindua escaturen çaizconey.
If, then, you, being evil, have known to be giving good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father who is from Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those asking Him!”
14 Orduan egotz ceçan campora deabrubat, eta hura cen mutu: eta guertha cedin, deabrua ilki cenean, minça baitzedin mutua: eta mirets ceçaten gendetzéc.
And He was casting forth a demon, and it was mute, and it came to pass, the demon having gone forth, the mute man spoke, and the multitudes wondered,
15 Eta hetaric batzuc erran ceçaten, Beelzebub deabruén princearen partez egoizten ditu campora deabruac.
and certain of them said, “By Beelzebul, ruler of the demons, He casts forth the demons”;
16 Eta berceac tentatzen çutela, signo cerutic esquez çaizcan.
and others, tempting, were asking [for] a sign out of Heaven from Him.
17 Baina harc nola baitzequizquian hayén pensamenduac, erran ciecén, Bere contra partitua den resuma gucia, deseguiten da: eta etche bere contra partitua erorten da.
And He, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom having been divided against itself is desolated; and house against house falls;
18 Eta baldin Satan-ere bere contra partitua bada, nolatan haren resumá egonen da? ecen badioçue Beelzebub-en partez campora egoizten ditudala nic deabruac.
and if Satan was also divided against himself, how will his kingdom be made to stand? For you say by Beelzebul is My casting forth the demons,
19 Eta baldin nic Beelzebub-en partez campora egoizten baditut deabruac, çuen seméc noren partez campora egoizten dituzte? halacotz hec içanen dirade çuen iuge.
but if I, by Beelzebul, cast forth the demons—your sons, by whom do they cast forth? Because of this they will be your judges;
20 Baina baldin Iaincoaren erhiaz campora egoizten baditut deabruac, segur heldu içan da çuetara Iaincoaren resumá.
but if by the finger of God I cast forth the demons, then the Kingdom of God came unaware on you.
21 Guiçon borthiz harmatu batec beguiratzen duenean bere iaureguia, baquean dirade harc dituen gauçác.
When the strong man may keep his hall armed, his goods are in peace;
22 Baina bera baino borhitzago batec acomettaturic garait badeça, haren harmadura gucia, ceinetan fida baitzén, edequiten du, eta haren ostillamendua distribuitzen.
but when the stronger than he, having come on [him], may overcome him, he takes away his whole armor in which he had trusted, and he distributes his spoils;
23 Enequin eztena ene contra da: eta enequin biltzen ari eztena barreyatzen ari da,
he who is not with Me is against Me, and he who is not gathering with Me scatters.
24 Spiritu satsua ilki denean cembeit guiçonaganic leku leihorréz dabila, paussu bilha: eta erideiten eztuenean, dio, Itzuliren naiz neure etchera nondic ilki içan bainaiz.
When the unclean spirit may go forth from the man, it walks through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding, it says, I will return to my house from where I came forth;
25 Eta ethorriric erideiten du hura escobatua eta appaindua.
and having come, it finds [it] swept and adorned;
26 Eta orduan ioaiten da, eta hartzen ditu berceric çazpi spiritu bera baino gaichtoagoac: eta sarthuric habitatzen dirade han: eta eguiten da guiçon haren azquen conditionea lehena baino gaichtoago.
then it goes, and takes to it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and having entered, they dwell there, and the last of that man becomes worse than the first.”
27 Eta guertha cedin gauça hauc erraiten cituela, altchaturic voza emazte batec populuaren artetic, erran baitzieçón, Dohatsu dituc hi egari auen sabela, eta hic edosqui dituán vgatzac.
And it came to pass, in His saying these things, a certain woman having lifted up the voice out of the multitude, said to Him, “Blessed the womb that carried You, and the breasts that You sucked!”
28 Eta harc erran ceçan, Baina aitzitic dohatsu dirade Iaincoaren hitza ençuten, eta hura beguiratzen dutenac.
And He said, “Indeed, rather, blessed those hearing the word of God, and keeping [it]!”
29 Eta gendetzeac biltzen ciradela, has cedin erraiten, Generatione haur gaichtoa da: signo esquez dago: baina signoric etzayó emanen Ionas prophetaren signoa baicen.
And the multitudes crowding together on Him, He began to say, “This generation is evil, it seeks after a sign, and a sign will not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet,
30 Ecen nola Ionas Niniuacoey signo içan baitzayen, hala içanen çayó guiçonaren Semea-ere generatione huni.
for as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.
31 Egu-erdi aldeco reguina iaiquiren da iudicioan generatione hunetaco guiçonequin, eta condenaturen ditu: ceren ethor baitzedin lurraren bazterretic Salomonen sapientiaren ençutera: eta huná, Salomon bainoagoa leku hunetan:
A queen of the south will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and will condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, [One] greater than Solomon [is] here!
32 Niniuaco guiçonac iaiquiren dirade iudicioan generatione hunequin, eta condemnaturen duté: ceren Ionasen predicationera emenda baitzitecen: eta huná, Ionas bainoagoa leku hunetan.
Men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, because they converted at the proclamation of Jonah; and behold, [One] greater than Jonah [is] here!
33 Eta nehorc candela irachequia eztu leku estalian eçarten, ez gaitzurupean: baina candelerean, sartzen diradenéc arguia ikus deçatençat.
And no one having lighted a lamp, puts [it] in a secret place, nor under the measure, but on the lampstand, that those coming in may behold the light.
34 Gorputzaren candelá, beguia da: beraz baldin hire beguia simple bada, hire gorputz gucia ere argui duquec: baina gaichto bada, hire gorputza-ere ilhun duquec.
The lamp of the body is the eye, when then your eye may be simple, your whole body is also lightened; and when it may be evil, your body is also darkened;
35 Considera eçac bada hitan den arguia ilhumbe eztén.
take heed, then, lest the light that [is] in you is darkness;
36 Beraz baldin hire gorputz gucia argui bada, parteric batre ilhunic eztuela: argui içanen duc gucia, candelác bere claretateaz arguitzen auènean beçala.
if then your whole body is lightened, not having any part darkened, the whole will be lightened, as when the lamp by the brightness may give you light.”
37 Eta minçatu cenean, othoitz eguin cieçon Phariseu batec barazcal ledin hura baithan, eta Iesus sarthuric iar cedin mahainean.
And in [His] speaking, a certain Pharisee was asking Him that He might dine with him, and having gone in, He reclined,
38 Baita Phariseuac hori ikussiric mirets ceçan ceren lehenic ezpaitzedin ikuz barazcal aitzinean.
and the Pharisee having seen, wondered that He did not first immerse Himself before the early meal.
39 Eta erran cieçón Iaunac, Baina çuec Phariseuoc coparen eta plataren campoco aldea chahutzen duçue: baina çuen barnean dena, bethea da harrapaqueriaz eta gaichtaqueriaz.
And the LORD said to him, “Now you, the Pharisees, make the outside of the cup and of the plate clean, but your inward part is full of robbery and wickedness.
40 Adimendu gabeác, campocoa eguin duenac eztu barnecoa ere eguin?
Unthinking [ones]! Did He who made the outside not also make the inside?
41 Aitzitic duçuenetic emaçue elemosynatan: eta huna, gauça guciac chahu dituqueçue.
But what you have given [as] alms, and behold, all things are clean to you.
42 Baina maledictione çuen gainean Phariseuác: ecen detchematzen dituçue menthá eta rutá, eta baratze belhar gucia, baina vtziten dituçue guibelera Iaincoaren iugemendua eta charitatea: hauc eguin behar ciraden, eta hec ez vtzi.
But woe to you, the Pharisees, because you tithe the mint, and the rue, and every herb, and you pass by the judgment and the love of God; these things [you] should do, and those not to be neglecting.
Woe to you, the Pharisees, because you love the first seats in the synagogues and the salutations in the marketplaces.
44 Maledictione çuen gainean Scriba eta Phariseu hypocritác: ecen monument agueri eztiradenac beçala çarete, eta hayén gainean dabiltzan guiçonéc ezpaitaquizquite.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you are as the unseen tombs, and the men walking above have not known.”
45 Orduan ihardesten duela Legueco doctoretaric batec diotsa, Magistrua, gauça horién erraitean gu-ere iniuriatzen gaituc.
And one of the lawyers answering, says to Him, “Teacher, saying these things, You also insult us”;
46 Eta harc dio, Maledictione çuen gainean-ere Legueco doctorác, ecen cargatzen dituçue guiçonac carga iassaiteco nequezcoez: baina ceuroc çuen erhietaric batez eztituçue cargác hunquitzen.
and He said, “And to you, the lawyers, woe! Because you burden men with burdens [too] grievous to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
47 Maledictione çuen gainean, ecen edificatzen dituçue Prophetén thumbác, eta çuen aitéc hil vkan dituzte hec.
Woe to you, because you build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48 Segurqui testificatzen duçue ceuroc çuen aiten obretan consentitzen duçuela: ecen hec hil dituzte, eta çuec edificatzen dituçue hayén thumbác.
Then you testify, and are well pleased with the works of your fathers, because they indeed killed them, and you build their tombs;
49 Halacotz Iaincoaren sapientiac-ere erran du, Igorriren ditut hetara Prophetác eta Apostoluac, eta hetaric hilen duté eta persecutaturen.
because of this also the wisdom of God said: I will send to them prophets, and apostles, and some of them they will kill and persecute,
50 Natione huni galdeguin daquionçat, munduaren creationeaz gueroztic issuri den Propheta gucién odola:
that the blood of all the prophets, that is being poured forth from the foundation of the world, may be required from this generation—
51 Abelen odoletic Zachariasen odolerano, cein hil vkan baitzutén aldareari eta templeari artean: are diotsuet, galde eguinen çayola natione huni.
from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zacharias, who perished between the altar and the house; yes, I say to you, it will be required from this generation.
52 Maledictione çuen gainean Legueco doctorác: ecen eçagutzearen gakoa kendu duçue: ceuroc etzarete sarthu içan, eta sartzen ciradenac beguiratu dituçue.
Woe to you, the lawyers, because you took away the key of the knowledge; you yourselves did not enter; and you hindered those coming in.”
53 Eta gauça hauc hæy erraiten cerauztenean, has cequitzon Scribác eta Phariseuac haguitz hertsen, eta propos iradoquiten anhitz gauçaz.
And in His speaking these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began fearfully to urge and to press Him to speak about many things,
54 Celatan ceudela, eta cerbait haren ahotic hatzaman aiherrez çabiltzala, accusa leçatençat.
laying wait for Him, and seeking to catch something out of His mouth, that they might accuse Him.