< Joan 3 >
1 Cen bada Phariseuetaric edoceimbat Nicodemo deitzen cenic, Iuduén arteco principaletaric bat:
And there was a man of the Pharisees, Nicodemus his name, a ruler of the Jews,
2 Haur ethor cedin Iesusgana gauaz, eta erran cieçón, Magistruá, baceaquiagu ecen Iaincoaganic magistru ethorria aicela: ecen nehorc ecin eguin citzaquec hic eguiten dituán signo hauc, Iaincoa harequin ezpada.
this one came unto him by night, and said to him, 'Rabbi, we have known that from God thou hast come — a teacher, for no one these signs is able to do that thou dost, if God may not be with him.'
3 Ihardets ceçan Iesusec eta erran cieçón, Eguiaz eguiaz erraiten drauat, berriz iayo içanen eztenec, ecin ikus deçaquela Iaincoaren resumá
Jesus answered and said to him, 'Verily, verily, I say to thee, If any one may not be born from above, he is not able to see the reign of God;'
4 Erran cieçón Nicodemoc, Nolatan guiçona iayo ahal daite çahar denean? ala berriz bere amaren sabelean sar eta iayo ahal daite?
Nicodemus saith unto him, 'How is a man able to be born, being old? is he able into the womb of his mother a second time to enter, and to be born?'
5 Ihardets ceçan Iesusec, Eguiaz eguiaz erraiten drauát, vrez eta Spirituz iayo eztena, ecin sar daitela Iaincoaren resumán.
Jesus answered, 'Verily, verily, I say to thee, If any one may not be born of water, and the Spirit, he is not able to enter into the reign of God;
6 Haraguitic iayo dena haragui duc: eta Spiritutic iayo dena, spiritu duc.
that which hath been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which hath been born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Ezteçála mirets ceren erran drauadan, Berriz iayo behar çarete.
'Thou mayest not wonder that I said to thee, It behoveth you to be born from above;
8 Haiceac nahi duen lekura diraunsac: eta haren hotsa ençuten duc: baina eztaquic nondic heldu den ez norat ioaiten den: hala duc spiritutic iayo den gucia.
the Spirit where he willeth doth blow, and his voice thou dost hear, but thou hast not known whence he cometh, and whither he goeth; thus is every one who hath been born of the Spirit.'
9 Ihardets ceçan Nicodemoc, eta erran cieçon, Nolatan gauça hauc eguin ahal daitezque?
Nicodemus answered and said to him, 'How are these things able to happen?'
10 Ihardets ceçan Iesusec, eta erran cieçón, Hi aiz Israeleco doctor, eta gauça hauc eztituc eçagutzen?
Jesus answered and said to him, 'Thou art the teacher of Israel — and these things thou dost not know!
11 Eguiaz eguiaz erraiten drauat, ecen daquigun gauçá erraiten dugula, eta ikussi dugun gauçáz testificatzen dugula: baina gure testimoniagea eztuçue recebitzen.
'Verily, verily, I say to thee — What we have known we speak, and what we have seen we testify, and our testimony ye do not receive;
12 Baldin lurreco gauçác erran badrauzquiçuet, eta sinhesten ezpadituçue? nolatan baldin ceruco gauçác erran badietzaçuet sinhetsiren duçue?
if the earthly things I said to you, and ye do not believe, how, if I shall say to you the heavenly things, will ye believe?
13 Ecen nehor ezta igan cerura, cerutic iautsi dena baicen, cein baita guiçonaren Seme ceruän dena.
and no one hath gone up to the heaven, except he who out of the heaven came down — the Son of Man who is in the heaven.
14 Eta nola Moysesec altcha baitzeçan suguea desertuan, hala altcha dadin behar da guiçonaren Semea:
'And as Moses did lift up the serpent in the wilderness, so it behoveth the Son of Man to be lifted up,
15 Hura baithan sinheste duenic batre gal eztadin, baina vicitze eternala duençát. (aiōnios )
that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during, (aiōnios )
16 Ecen hala Iaincoac onhetsi vkan du mundua, non bere Seme bakoitza eman vkan baitu, hura baithan sinhesten duenic gal eztadin, baina vicitze eternala duençát. (aiōnios )
for God did so love the world, that His Son — the only begotten — He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during. (aiōnios )
17 Ecen eztu igorri Iaincoac bere Semea mundura, mundua condemna deçançát, baina mundua harçaz salua dadinçát.
For God did not send His Son to the world that he may judge the world, but that the world may be saved through him;
18 Hura baithan sinhesten duenic, ezta condemnatzen: baina sinhesten eztuena ia condemnatua da: ecen eztu sinhetsi Iaincoaren Seme bakoitzaren icenean.
he who is believing in him is not judged, but he who is not believing hath been judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 Haur da bada condemnationea, ecen Arguia ethorri da mundura, baina onhetsiago dute guizonéc ilhumbea ecen ez Arguia: ceren hayen obrác gaichtoac baitirade.
'And this is the judgment, that the light hath come to the world, and men did love the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil;
20 Ecen gaizqui ari den guciac, gaitz daritza arguiari: eta ezta arguira ethorten, haren obrác reprehendi eztitecençat.
for every one who is doing wicked things hateth the light, and doth not come unto the light, that his works may not be detected;
21 Baina bidezqui ari dena, ethorten da arguira, haren obrác manifesta ditecençat: ceren Iaincoaren araura eguinac baitirade.
but he who is doing the truth doth come to the light, that his works may be manifested, that in God they are having been wrought.'
22 Guero ethor cedin Iesus bere discipuluequin Iudeaco lurrera: eta han egoiten cen hequin, eta batheyatzen ari cen.
After these things came Jesus and his disciples to the land of Judea, and there he did tarry with them, and was baptizing;
23 Eta Ioannes-ere batheyatzen ari cen Enonen Salimgo aldean, ceren anhitz vr baitzén han: eta ethorten ciradén gendeac eta batheyatzen ciraden.
and John was also baptizing in Aenon, nigh to Salem, because there were many waters there, and they were coming and were being baptized —
24 Ecen oraino etzén eçarri içan Ioannes presoindeguian.
for John was not yet cast into the prison —
25 Altcha cedin bada questionebat Ioannesen discipuluetaric Iuduequin purificationeaz.
there arose then a question from the disciples of John with [some] Jews about purifying,
26 Eta ethor citecen Ioannesgana, eta erran cieçoten, Magistruá, Iordanaz berce aldean hirequin cena, ceinez hic testificatu baituc, hará, batheyatzen ari duc, eta guciac ethorten dituc harengana.
and they came unto John, and said to him, 'Rabbi, he who was with thee beyond the Jordan, to whom thou didst testify, lo, this one is baptizing, and all are coming unto him.'
27 Ihardets ceçan Ioannes-ec eta erran ceçan, Ecin guiçonac recebi deçaque deus, baldin eman ezpadaquio cerutic.
John answered and said, 'A man is not able to receive anything, if it may not have been given him from the heaven;
28 Çuec ceuroc çaituztet testimonio nola erran dudan, Ez naiz ni Christ, baina igorri içan naiz haren aitzinean.
ye yourselves do testify to me that I said, I am not the Christ, but, that I am having been sent before him;
29 Sposa duena sposo da: baina sposo denaren adisquide han dena eta hura ençuten duena, haguitz alegueratzen da sposoaren vozagatic: beraz ene alegrançá complitu da.
he who is having the bride is bridegroom, and the friend of the bridegroom, who is standing and hearing him, with joy doth rejoice because of the voice of the bridegroom; this, then, my joy hath been fulfilled.
30 Harc behar du handitu, eta nic chipitu.
'Him it behoveth to increase, and me to become less;
31 Garaitic ethorri dena, gucién gaineco da: lurretic dena, lurreco da, eta lurreco gaucéz minço da: cerutic ethorri dena gucién gaineco da.
he who from above is coming is above all; he who is from the earth, from the earth he is, and from the earth he speaketh; he who from the heaven is coming is above all.
32 Eta cer ikussi eta ençun baitu hura testificatzen du: baina haren testimoniagea nehorc eztu recebitzen.
'And what he hath seen and heard this he doth testify, and his testimony none receiveth;
33 Haren testimoniagea recebitu duenac ciguilatu du ecen Iaincoa eguiati dela.
he who is receiving his testimony did seal that God is true;
34 Ecen Iaincoac igorri duena Iaincoaren hitzéz minçatzen da, ecen Iaincoac eztrauca neurriz emaiten Spiritua.
for he whom God sent, the sayings of God he speaketh; for not by measure doth God give the Spirit;
35 Aitác maite du Semea, eta gauça guciac eman ditu haren escura.
the Father doth love the Son, and all things hath given into his hand;
36 Sinhesten duenac Semea baithan, badu vicitze eternala: baina Semea obeditzen eztuenac, eztu ikussiren vicitzea, baina Iaincoaren hirá dago haren gainean. (aiōnios )
he who is believing in the Son, hath life age-during; and he who is not believing the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God doth remain upon him.' (aiōnios )