< Santiago 5 >
1 Eya orain abratsác, nigar eguiçue, vrhubi eguiten duçuela çuen miseria helduren çaizquiçuenacgatic.
do come now you who [are] rich, do weep wailing over the miseries upon you that [are] coming.
2 Çuen abrastassunac vsteldu dirade, çuen abillamenduac cerrenez betheac dirade.
The riches of You have rotted and the garments of you moth-eaten have become;
3 Çuen vrrhea eta çuen cilharra herdoildu da, eta hayén herdoildurác testificaturen du çuen contra, eta harc ditu ianen çuen haraguiac suac beçala: thesaurizatu duçue azquen egunetaco.
The gold of you and the silver have corroded and the rust of them for a testimony against you will be and it will eat the flesh of you like fire; You have treasured up in [the] last days.
4 Huná, çuen landác errequeitatu dituzten languilén alocairu çueçaz defraudatu içan dena, oihuz dago, eta errequeitaçalén oihuac armadén Iaunaren beharrietan sarthu dirade.
Behold the wage of the workmen who having harvested the fields of you which (kept back *NK(o)*) by you cries out and the cries of those having harvested into the ears of [the] Lord of Hosts have entered.
5 Deliciotan vici içan çarete lurraren gainean eta çuen atseguinac hartu vkan dituçue, eta çuen bihotzac ressasiatu vkan dituçue sacrificiotaco egunean beçala.
You lived in luxury upon the earth and lived in self-indulgence, You have fattened the hearts of you (as *K*) in [the] day of slaughter.
6 Condemnatu eta hil vkan duçue iustoa: eta eztrauçue resistitzen.
You have condemned [and] have put to death the righteous; not does he resist you.
7 Çareten bada patient, anayeác, Iaunaren aduenimendurano. Huná, laboraria lurreco fructu preciosoaren beguira egoiten da, patientqui haren beguira dagoela goiceco eta arratseco vria recebi deçaqueno.
do be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold the farmer awaits the precious fruit of the earth being patient for (it *NK(o)*) until (when *k*) it may receive (rain *k*) [the] early and latter [rains];
8 Çareten patient çuec-ere eta confirmaitzaçue çuen bihotzac: ecen Iaunaren aduenimendua hurbil da.
do be patient also you yourselves, do strengthen the hearts of you, because the coming of the Lord has drawn near.
9 Etzaiteztela arrangura elkarren contra, anayeác, condemna etzaiteztençát: huná, iugea borthaitzinean dago.
Not do grumble brothers against one another so that not (you may be judged; *N(K)O*) Behold the Judge before the doors has been stood.
10 Ene anayeác, har-itzaçue afflictionetaco eta patientiataco exemplutan Prophetác, cein minçatu baitirade Iaunaren icenean.
[As] an example do take brothers (of mine *K*) of suffering evils and of patience the prophets who spoke (in *no*) the name of [the] Lord.
11 Huná, dohatsu eduquiten ditugu afflictione suffritzen dutenac: Iob-en patientiá ençun vkan duçue, eta Iaunaren fina ikussi duçue, nola guciz misericordioso den Iauna eta gogabera.
Behold we count blessed those (having persevered; *N(k)O*) The perseverance of Job you have heard of and the outcome from [the] Lord (you have seen, *NK(o)*) that full of compassion is the Lord and [is] merciful.
12 Bada gauça ororen aitzinetic, ene anayeác, iura ezteçaçuela ez ceruäz, ez lurraz, ez edocein berce iuramenduz: baina biz çuen baya, Bay: eta çuen eza, Ez: condemnationetara eror etzaiteztençát.
Before all things however, brothers of mine, not do swear, neither [swear by] heaven nor [swear by] the earth nor [swear by] other any oath; should be however of you the Yes [be] yes and the No [be] no, so that not (under *N(k)O*) (judgment *NK(O)*) you may fall.
13 Affligitzen da cembeit çuen artean? othoitz begui: bihotz aleguerataco da cembeit? canta beça.
Is suffering hardships anyone among you? he should pray; Is cheerful anyone? he should sing praises.
14 Eri da cembeit çuen artean? erekar bitza Eliçaco ancianoac, eta othoitz beguité harengatic, vnctatzen dutela hura olioz Iaunaren icenean.
Is sick anyone among you? he should call near the elders of the church and they should pray over him having anointed him with oil in the name of the Lord.
15 Eta fedezco orationeac saluaturen du eria, eta eraiquiren du hura Iaunac: eta baldin bekaturic eguin badu barkaturen çaizquió.
And the prayer of faith will save the [one] ailing and will raise up him the Lord; and if and if sins he shall be [one] having committed, it will be forgiven to him.
16 Confessa ietzoçue batac berceari çuen faltác, eta othoitz eguiçue batac berceagatic, senda çaiteztençát: ecen anhitz balio du iustoaren efficaciorequin den orationeac.
do confess (therefore *NO*) to one another (the sins *N(k)O*) and (do pray *NK(o)*) for one another, so that you may be healed; Much prevails [the] prayer of a righteous [man] being made effective.
17 Elias cen gu bay passionén suiectionetaco guiçona, eta othoiztez othoitz eguin ceçan, ezlaguian vriric, eta etzeçan eguin vriric lurraren gainean hirur vrthez eta sey hilebethez.
Elijah a man was of like nature to us and with fervent prayer he prayed [for it] not to rain; and not it did rain upon the earth years three and months six;
18 Eta berriz othoitz eguin ceçan, eta ceruäc vri eman ceçan, eta lurrac bere fructua ekar ceçan.
And again he prayed and the heaven rain gave and the earth produced the fruit of it.
19 Anayeác, baldin çuetaric cembeit eguiatic errebela badadi, eta hura conuerti badeça cembeitec,
Brothers (of Mine, *NO*) if anyone among you shall wander from the truth and shall bring back someone him,
20 Iaquin beça ecen conuerti eraci duqueenac bekatorebat bere bideco errebelamendutic, saluaturen duqueela arimabat heriotaric, eta bekatu mulçoa estaliren duqueela.
(he should know *NK(O)*) that the [one] having brought back a sinner from [the] error of the way of him will save [the] soul (of him *no*) from death and will cover over a multitude of sins.