< Kolosarrei 3 >
1 Bada baldin resuscitatu içan baçarete Christequin, garayan diraden gauçác bilhaitzaçue, non baita Christ Iaincoaren escuinean iarria.
If therefore ye were raised with the Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.
2 Garaico gaucetan pensa eçaçue, ez lurraren gainecoetan.
Think on the things above, not the things on the earth.
3 Ecen hil içan çarete, eta çuen vicitzea gordea da Christequin Iaincoa baithan.
For ye died, and your life has been hidden with the Christ in God.
4 Baina Christ aguer dadinean cein baita gure vicia, orduan çuec-ere aguerturen çarete gloriatan.
When the Christ, our life, is made known, then ye also will be made known with him in glory.
5 Mortificaitzaçue bada çuen membro lurraren gainecoac, paillardiçá, cithalqueriá, appetitu desordenatua, guthicia gaichtoa, eta auaritiá, cein baita idolatria.
Put to death therefore your body-parts on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry.
6 Gauça haucgatic ethorten da Iaincoaren hirá desobedientiazco haourrén gainera.
Because of which the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience,
7 Ceinetan çuec-ere ebili içan baitzarete noizpait, hetan vici cinetenean.
in which ye also once walked when ye lived in them.
8 Baina orain ken itzaçue çuec-ere hec guciac, hira, colera, malitia, gaitzerraitea, minçatze deshonesta çuen ahotic appart.
But now ye also, put off all these things: anger, wrath, wickedness, reviling, filthy speaking out of your mouth.
9 Gueçurric ezterraçuela batac bercearen contra, eraunciric guiçon çaharra bere eguitatequin,
Do not lie to each other, having stripped off the old man with his practices,
10 Eta iaunciric berria, cein arramberritzen baita eçagutzez, hura creatu duenaren imaginaren araura.
and having put on the new man, being renewed in knowledge according to an image of him who created him,
11 Non ezpaita Grecquic ez Iuduric, Circoncisioneric ez Preputioric, Barbaroric ez Scytheric, sclaboric ez libreric: baina gucia eta gucietan Christ.
where there is no Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman, but the all and in all, Christ.
12 Vezti çaitezte bada Iaincoaren elegitu, saindu eta maite anço, misericordiazco halsarrez, benignitatez, humilitatez, emetassunez, spiritu patientez:
Put on therefore, as chosen men of God, holy and beloved, bowels of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering,
13 Supportatzen duçuelaric batac bercea, eta barkatzen draucaçuelaric elkarri, baldin cembeitec berceren contra kereillaric badu: nola Christec-ere barkatu vkan baitrauçue, hala çuec-ere.
forbearing each other, and forgiving yourselves, if any man has a complaint against any, just as also the Christ forgave you, so also ye,
14 Eta hauen gución gainera vezti çaitezte charitatez, cein baita perfectionezco lotgarria.
and above all these things, love, which is the bond of perfection.
15 Eta Iaincoaren baqueac regna beça çuen bihotzetan, ceinetara deithuac-ere baitzarete gorputz batetan, eta çareten gratioso.
And let the peace of God umpire in your hearts, for which also ye were called in one body, and become thankful.
16 Christen hitza habita bedi çuetan largoqui sapientia gucirequin: iracasten eta admonestatzen duçuela elkar psalmuz, laudorioz, eta cantu spiritualez remerciamendurequin, cantatzen draucaçuela çuen bihotzean Iaunari.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing by grace in your hearts to God.
17 Eta cerere eguin baiteçaçue hitzez edo obraz, Iesus Iaunaren icenean eguiçue, esquerrac emaiten drautzaçuela gure Iainco eta Aitari harçaz.
And all things, anything whatever ye may do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, expressing thanks to the God and Father through him.
18 Emazteác, çareten suiet çuen senharretara, bide den beçala gure Iaunean.
Wives, be ye submissive to your own husbands as is proper in the Lord.
19 Senharrác, on erizteçue çuen emaztey, eta etzaiteztela samint hayén contra.
Husbands, love the wives and do not be made bitter against them.
20 Haourrác, obeditzaçue aitác eta amác gauça gucietan: ecen haur Iaunari placent çayó.
Children, obey the parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing in the Lord.
21 Aitác, eztitzaçuela tharrita çuen haourrac: gogoa gal ezteçatençát.
Fathers, do not provoke your children, so that they may not be discouraged.
22 Cerbitzariác, obeditzaçue gauça gucietan çuen nabussi carnalac, ez beguiaren araura cerbitzatzen dituçuela, guiçonén gogara eguin nahi bacindute beçala, baina bihotzeco simplicitaterequin, Iaunaren beldur çaretelaric.
Bondmen, obey in all things those masters according to flesh, not in eye-service as men-pleasers, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God.
23 Eta cerere baitaguiçue, gogotic eguiçue Iaunari anço eta ez guiçoney anço.
And all things, anything whatever ye may do, work from soul as to the Lord and not to men,
24 Daquiçuelaric ecen Iaunaganic recebituren duçuela heretageco alocairuä, ecen Christ Iauna cerbitzatzen duçue.
knowing that from the Lord ye will receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.
25 Baina iniustoqui eguiten duenac, recebituren du iniustoqui eguin duqueena: eta ezta personén acceptioneric.
And he who does wrong will be recompensed what he did wrong, and there is no partiality.