< 1 Korintoarrei 7 >
1 Eta scribatu drautaçuen gaucéz den becembatean, on da guiçonaren emazteric ez hunquitzea.
And concerning the things of which you wrote to me: [it is] good for a man not to touch a woman,
2 Baina paillardiçari ihes eguiteagatic, batbederac bere emaztea biu, eta batbederac bere senharra biu.
and because of the whoredom let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her proper husband;
3 Emazteari senharrac çor draucan onheriztea renda bieçó: eta halaber emazteac-ere senharrari.
to the wife let the husband render the due benevolence, and in like manner also the wife to the husband;
4 Emazteac bere gorputza eztu bere bothereco: baina senharrac: eta halaber senharrac-ere bere gorputza eztu bere bothereco, baina emazteac.
the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband; and in like manner also, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife.
5 Ezteçaçuela defrauda batac bercea cembeit demboratacotz consentimendu batez ezpada, baruretan eta orationetan emplega çaiteztençát: eta harçara elkargana itzul çaitezte, Satanec tenta etzaitzatençát çuen incontinentiagatic
Do not defraud one another, except by consent for a time, that you may be free for fasting and prayer, and again may come together, that Satan may not tempt you because of your self-indulgence;
6 Baina haur erraiten dut permissionez, ez manamenduz.
and this I say by way of concurrence—not of command,
7 Ecen nahi nuque guiçon guciac liraden ni beçala: baina batbederac bere dohain propria du Iaincoaganic, batac hunela eta berceac hala.
for I wish all men to be even as I myself [am]; but each has his own gift of God, one indeed thus and one thus.
8 Bada erraiten drauet ezcondu-gabey eta alharguney, on dela hayençat, baldin badaudez ni beçala.
And I say to the unmarried and to the widows: it is good for them if they may remain even as I [am];
9 Baina baldin continent ezpadirade, ezcon bitez: ecen hobe da ezconcea ecen ez erre içatea.
and if they do not have continence—let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn;
10 Eta ezconduey denuntiatzen drauet, ez nic baina Iaunac, Emaztea senharraganic eztadin parti.
and to the married I announce—not I, but the LORD—do not let a wife separate from a husband:
but, and if she may separate, let her remain unmarried, or let her be reconciled to the husband, and do not let a husband send a wife away.
12 Baina bercey nic erraiten drauet, ez Iaunac, Baldin cembeit anayec emazte infidela badu, eta emazteac consentitzen badu harequin habitatzera, ezteçan hura vtzi.
And to the rest I speak—not the LORD—if any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she is pleased to dwell with him, do not let him send her away;
13 Eta baldin cembeit emaztec senhar infidela badu, eta senharrac consentitzen badu harequin habitatzera, ezteçan hura vtzi.
and a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he is pleased to dwell with her, do not let her send him away;
14 Ecen sanctificatu da senhar infidela emazteaz, eta sanctificatu da emazte infidela senharraz: bercela çuen haourrac satsu lirateque: baina orain saindu dirade.
for the unbelieving husband has been sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified in the husband; otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy.
15 Eta baldin infidela partitzen bada, parti dadin ecen ezta suiet anayea edo arrebá halaco gaucetan: baina baquera deithu gaithu Iaincoac.
And if the unbelieving separates himself—let him separate himself: the brother or the sister is not under servitude in such [cases], and in peace has God called us;
16 Ecen cer daquin emazteá, eya senharra saluaturen dunanez? edo cer daquic senharrá, eya emaztea saluaturen duanez?
for what, have you known, O wife, whether you will save the husband? Or what, have you known, O husband, whether you will save the wife?
17 Baina nola batbederari dohaina partitu baitrauca Iaincoac, nola batbedera deithu baitu Iaunac, hala ebil bedi: eta hunela Eliça gucietan ordenatzen dut.
If not, as God distributed to each, as the LORD has called each—so let him walk; and thus I direct in all the assemblies:
18 Circoncidituric norbeit deithu içan da? ezterakarran preputioa: preputioan norbeit deithu içan da? eztadila circoncidi.
being circumcised—was anyone called? Do not let him become uncircumcised; in uncircumcision was anyone called? Do not let him be circumcised;
19 Circoncisionea ezta deus, eta preputioa ezta deus: baina Iaincoaren manamenduén beguiratzea.
the circumcision is nothing, and the uncircumcision is nothing—but a keeping of the commands of God.
20 Batbedera cer vocationetan deithu içan baita hartan bego.
Each in the calling in which he was called—in this let him remain;
21 Sclabo deithu aiz? eztuála arranguraric: baina baldin are libre eguin ahal bahadi, harçaz lehen vsat eçac.
a servant—were you called? Do not be anxious; but if also you are able to become free—use [it] rather;
22 Ecen Iaunean deithu içan den sclaboa, Iaunaren libre da: eta halaber libre dethua, Christen sclabo da.
for he who [is] in the LORD—having been called a servant—is the LORD’s freedman: in like manner also he the freeman, having been called, is servant of Christ:
23 Precioz erossiac çareté, etzaretela guiçonén sclabo.
you were bought with a price, do not become servants of men;
24 Batbedera certan deithu içan baita, anayeác, hartan bego Iaincoa baithan.
each, in that in which he was called, brothers, in this let him remain with God.
25 Eta virginéz den becembatean Iaunaren manamenduric eztut: baina coseillu emaiten drauçuet, Iaunaganic fidel içatera misericordia vkan dudanac beçala.
And concerning the virgins, I do not have a command of the LORD; and I give judgment as having obtained kindness from the LORD to be faithful.
26 Estimatzen dut bada haour on dela presenteco necessitateagatic, ecen on dela guiçonarendaco hunela içatea.
I suppose, therefore, this to be good because of the present necessity, that [it is] good for a man that the matter be thus:
27 Emazterequin lothua aiz? ezteçála bilha separationeric: emazteaganic lachatu aiz? ezteçála bilha emazteric.
Have you been bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed; have you been loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife.
28 Bada baldin ezcon bahadi-ere, eztuc bekaturic eguin: eta baldin ezcon badadi virginá, eztu bekaturic eguin: baina halacoéc tribulatione vkanen duté haraguian: baina nic guppida çaituztet.
But, and if you may marry, you did not sin; and if the virgin may marry, she did not sin; and such will have tribulation in the flesh: and I spare you.
29 Baina haur erraiten drauçuet, anayeác, ecen demborá labur dela hemendic harát, emaztedunac-ere, emazteric ezpalute beçala diraden:
And this I say, brothers, the time from now on is having been shortened—that both those having wives may be as not having;
30 Eta nigarrez daudenac, nigarrez ezpalaude beçala: eta aleguera diradenac, aleguera ezpalirade beçala: eta erosten dutenac, posseditzen ezpaluté beçala:
and those weeping, as not weeping; and those rejoicing, as not rejoicing; and those buying, as not possessing;
31 Eta mundu hunez vsatzen dutenac, vsatzen ezpaluté beçala: ecen mundu hunen figurá iragan doa.
and those using this world, as not using [it] up; for the [present] form of this world is passing away.
32 Eta nahi nuque çuec arrangura gabe cineten. Emazte gabe denac, artha du Iaunaren gaucéz, nolatan Iaunaren gogaraco daten:
And I wish you to be without anxiety; the unmarried is anxious for the things of the LORD, how he will please the LORD;
33 Baina emaztedunac, artha du munduco gaucéz, nolatan emaztearen gogaraco daten.
and the married is anxious for the things of the world, how he will please the wife.
34 Diuers dirade emazte ezcondua eta virginá: emazte ezcondu gabeac, artha du Iaunaren diraden gaucéz, gorputzez eta spirituz sainda dençát: baina emazte ezconduac, artha du munduco gaucéz, nolatan senharraren gogaraco daten.
The wife and the virgin have been distinguished: the unmarried is anxious for the things of the LORD, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit, and the married is anxious for the things of the world, how she will please the husband.
35 Eta haur çuen probetchutan erraiten dut, ez laçoa eçar dieçaçuedençát: baina carazqui eta moldez Iaunari iuncta çaquizquiotençát empatchuric batre gabe.
And this I say for your own profit: not that I may cast a noose on you, but for the seemliness and devotedness to the LORD, undistractedly,
36 Baina baldin edoceinec vste badu ecen desohore duela haren virginác bere adin florea iragan deçan, eta hala eguin behar dela: nahi duena begui, eztu bekaturic eguiten: ezcon bitez.
and if anyone thinks [it] to be unseemly to his virgin, if she may be beyond the bloom of age, and it ought to be so, what he wills let him do; he does not sin—let him marry.
37 Baina bere bihotzean fermu dagoenac, necessitateric eztuela, baina du bere vorondate propriaren gainean puissança, eta haur deliberatu bere bihotzean, bere virginaren beguiratzera, vngui eguiten du.
And he does well who has stood steadfast in the heart—not having necessity—and has authority over his own will, and he has determined this in his heart—to keep his own virgin;
38 Bada, bere virginá ezconcen duenac, vngui eguiten du: baina ezconcen eztuenac, hobequi eguiten du.
so that both he who is giving in marriage does well, and he who is not giving in marriage does better.
39 Emaztea lothua da legueaz haren senharra vici den dembora gucian: baina haren senharra hil badadi, libre da norequin nahi den ezconceco, solament gure Iaunean.
A wife has been bound by law [for] as long [a] time as her husband may live, and if her husband may sleep, she is free to be married to whom she will—only in the LORD;
40 Baina dohatsuago da baldin hala badago, ene conseilluaren araura: eta estimatzen dut nic-ere Iaincoaren Spiritua badudala.
and she is happier if she may so remain—according to my judgment; and I think I also have the Spirit of God.