< المَزامِير 8 >
إِلَى قَائِدِ الْمُنْشِدِينَ عَلَى الْجَتِّيَّةِ. مَزْمُورٌ لِدَاوُدَ أَيُّهَا الرَّبُّ سَيِّدُنَا، مَا أَعْظَمَ اسْمَكَ فِي كُلِّ الأَرْضِ، بِهِ بَسَطْتَ جَلالَكَ فَوْقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ. | ١ 1 |
For the end, concerning the wine presses, a Psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth! for your magnificence is exalted above the heavens.
مِنْ أَفْوَاهِ الأَطْفَالِ وَالرُّضَّعِ أَسَّسْتَ حَمْداً، لإِفْحَامِ خُصُومِكَ، وَإِسْكَاتِ عَدُوٍّ وَمُنْتَقِمٍ. | ٢ 2 |
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have you perfected praise, because of your enemies; that you might put down the enemy and avenger.
عِنْدَمَا أَتَأَمَّلُ سَمَاوَاتِكَ الَّتِي أَبْدَعَتْهَا أَصَابِعُكَ، وَالْقَمَرَ وَالنُّجُومَ الَّتِي رَتَّبْتَ مَدَارَاتِهَا | ٣ 3 |
For I will regard the heavens, the work of your fingers; the moon and stars, which you have established.
أُسَائِلُ نَفْسِي: مَنْ هُوَ الإِنْسَانُ حَتَّى تَهْتَمَّ بِهِ؟ أَوِ «ابْنُ الإِنْسَانِ» حَتَّى تَعْتَبِرَهُ؟ | ٤ 4 |
What is man, that you are mindful of him? or the son of man, that you visit him?
جَعَلْتَهُ أَدْنَى قَلِيلاً مِنَ الْمَلائِكَةِ إِلَى حِينٍ، ثُمَّ كَلَّلْتَهُ بِالْمَجْدِ وَالْكَرَامَةِ | ٥ 5 |
You made him a little less than angels, you have crowned him with glory and honour;
وَأَعْطَيْتَهُ السُّلْطَةَ عَلَى كُلِّ مَا صَنَعَتْهُ يَداكَ. أَخْضَعْتَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ تَحْتَ قَدَمَيْهِ. | ٦ 6 |
and you have set him over the works of your hands: you have put all things under his feet:
الْغَنَمَ وَالْبَقَرَ وَجَمِيعَ الْمَوَاشِي، وَوُحُوشَ الْبَرِّيَّةِ أَيْضاً، | ٧ 7 |
sheep and all oxen, yes and the cattle of the field;
وَالطُّيُورَ والأَسْمَاكَ وَجَمِيعَ الْحَيَوَانَاتِ الْمَائِيَّةِ. | ٨ 8 |
the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea, the [creatures] passing through the paths of the sea.
أَيُّهَا الرَّبُّ سَيِّدُنَا، مَا أَعْظَمَ اسْمَكَ فِي كُلِّ الأَرْضِ! | ٩ 9 |
O Lord our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!