< المَزامِير 66 >
لِقَائِدِ الْمُنْشِدِينَ. تَسْبِيحَةٌ. مَزْمُورٌ اهْتِفِي لِلهِ يَا كُلَّ الأَرْضِ. | ١ 1 |
To the Overseer. — A Song, a Psalm. Shout ye to God, all the earth.
تَرَنَّمُوا بِعَظَمَةِ اسْمِهِ وَاجْعَلُوا تَسْبِيحَهُ مَجِيداً. | ٢ 2 |
Praise ye the honour of His name, Make ye honourable His praise.
قُولُوا لِلهِ: «مَا أَرْوَعَ أَعْمَالَكَ». يَتَمَلَّقُكَ أَعْدَاؤُكَ لأَنَّ قُوَّتَكَ عَظِيمَةٌ. | ٣ 3 |
Say to God, 'How fearful [are] Thy works, By the abundance of Thy strength, Thine enemies feign obedience to Thee.
كُلُّ الأَرْضِ تَسْجُدُ لَكَ وَتُسَبِّحُكَ. الْجَمِيعُ يَلْهَجُونَ بِاسْمِكَ. | ٤ 4 |
All the earth do bow to Thee, They sing praise to Thee, they praise Thy name.' (Selah)
تَعَالَوْا انْظُرُوا أَعْمَالَ اللهِ وَأَفْعَالَهُ الْمُرْهِبَةَ مَعَ بَنِي آدَمَ. | ٥ 5 |
Come ye, and see the works of God, Fearful acts toward the sons of men.
حَوَّلَ الْبَحْرَ أَرْضاً يَابِسَةً، وَاجْتَازُوا فِي النَّهْرِ بِأَقْدَامِهِمْ. هُنَاكَ فَرِحْنَا بِهِ. | ٦ 6 |
He hath turned a sea to dry land, Through a river they pass over on foot, There do we rejoice in Him.
يَحْكُمُ إِلَى الأَبَدِ بِقُوَّتِهِ، وَعَيْنَاهُ تُرَاقِبَانِ الأُمَمَ، فَلَا يَتَشَامَخُ الْمُتَمَرِّدُونَ. | ٧ 7 |
Ruling by His might to the age, His eyes among the nations do watch, The refractory exalt not themselves. (Selah)
أَيُّهَا الشُّعُوبُ بَارِكُوا إِلَهَنَا. ارْفَعُوا أَصْوَاتَكُمْ بِالتَّسْبِيحِ. | ٨ 8 |
Bless, ye peoples, our God, And sound the voice of His praise,
هُوَ الَّذِي اسْتَحْيَانَا، وَلَمْ يَدَعْ أَرْجُلَنَا تَزِلُّ. | ٩ 9 |
Who hath placed our soul in life, And suffered not our feet to be moved.
فَإِنَّكَ قَدِ اخْتَبَرْتَنَا يَا اللهُ، فَنَقَّيْتَنَا كَمَا تُنَقَّى الْفِضَّةُ. | ١٠ 10 |
For Thou hast tried us, O God, Thou hast refined us as the refining of silver.
أَوْقَعْتَنَا فِي الشَّبَكَةِ وَأَلْقَيْتَ حِمْلاً ثَقِيلاً عَلَى ظُهُورِنَا. | ١١ 11 |
Thou hast brought us into a net, Thou hast placed pressure on our loins.
سَلَّطْتَ أُنَاساً عَلَيْنَا. اجْتَزْنَا فِي النَّارِ وَالْمَاءِ، وَلَكِنَّكَ أَخْرَجْتَنَا إِلَى أَرَاضٍ خَصِيبَةٍ. | ١٢ 12 |
Thou hast caused man to ride at our head. We have entered into fire and into water, And Thou bringest us out to a watered place.
أَدْخُلُ إِلَى بَيْتِكَ بِمُحْرَقَاتٍ وَأُوْفِيكَ نُذُورِي | ١٣ 13 |
I enter Thy house with burnt-offerings, I complete to Thee my vows,
الَّتِي نَطَقَتْ بِها شَفَتَايَ فِي وَقْتِ ضِيقِي، وَتَكَلَّمَ بِها فَمِي فِي بَلِيَّتِي. | ١٤ 14 |
For opened were my lips, And my mouth spake in my distress:
أُقَرِّبُ لَكَ مُحْرَقَاتٍ سَمِينَةً مِنْ كِبَاشٍ مَعَ بَخُورٍ. أُقَدِّمُ بَقَراً مَعَ تُيُوسٍ. | ١٥ 15 |
'Burnt-offerings of fatlings I offer to Thee, With perfume of rams, I prepare a bullock with he-goats.' (Selah)
تَعَالَوْا اسْمَعُوا يَا جَمِيعَ خَائِفِي اللهِ، فَأُحَدِّثَكُمْ بِمَا فَعَلَ لِنَفْسِي. | ١٦ 16 |
Come, hear, all ye who fear God, And I recount what he did for my soul.
صَرَخْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِفَمِي وَعَظَّمْتُهُ بِلِسَانِي. | ١٧ 17 |
Unto Him [with] my mouth I have called, And exaltation [is] under my tongue.
إِنْ تَعَهَّدْتُ إِثْماً فِي قَلْبِي لَا يَسْتَمِعُ لِيَ الرَّبُّ. | ١٨ 18 |
Iniquity, if I have seen in my heart, The Lord doth not hear.
وَلَكِنَّ اللهَ قَدِ اسْتَجَابَ لِي. أَصْغَى إِلَى صَوْتِ صَلاتِي. | ١٩ 19 |
But God hath heard, He hath attended to the voice of my prayer.
تَبَارَكَ اللهُ الَّذِي لَمْ يُقْصِ عَنْهُ صَلاتِي، وَلَا حَجَبَ عَنِّي رَحْمَتَهُ. | ٢٠ 20 |
Blessed [is] God, Who hath not turned aside my prayer, And His loving-kindness, from me!