< المَزامِير 120 >
تَرْنِيمَةُ الْمَصَاعِدِ صَرَخْتُ إِلَى الرَّبِّ فِي ضِيقِي فَاسْتَجَابَ لِي. | ١ 1 |
A song of degrees. I called vnto the Lord in my trouble, and hee heard me.
نَجِّ نَفْسِي يَا رَبُّ مِنَ الشِّفَاهِ الْكَاذِبَةِ وَاللِّسَانِ الْمُنَافِقِ. | ٢ 2 |
Deliuer my soule, O Lord, from lying lippes, and from a deceitfull tongue.
أَيُّ نَفْعٍ يَأْتِينِي مِنَ اللِّسَانِ الغَشَّاشِ؟ | ٣ 3 |
What doeth thy deceitfull tongue bring vnto thee? or what doeth it auaile thee?
إِنَّهُ كَسِهَامِ الْجَبَّارِ الحَادَّةِ وَكَالْجَمْرِ الأَحْمَرِ الْمُلْتَهِبِ. | ٤ 4 |
It is as the sharpe arrowes of a mightie man, and as the coales of iuniper.
وَيْلِي لأَنِّي تَغَرَّبْتُ فِي مَاشِكَ، وَسَكَنْتُ فِي خِيَامِ قِيدَارَ. | ٥ 5 |
Woe is to me that I remaine in Meschech, and dwell in the tentes of Kedar.
طَالَ سَكَنِي مَعَ أُنَاسٍ يُبْغِضُونَ السَّلامَ. | ٦ 6 |
My soule hath too long dwelt with him that hateth peace.
أَنَا رَجُلُ سَلامٍ، وَكُلَّمَا دَعَوْتُ إِلَيْهِ هَبُّوا هُمْ لِلْحَرْبِ. | ٧ 7 |
I seeke peace, and when I speake thereof, they are bent to warre.