< لُوقا 24 >

وَلكِنْ فِي الْيَوْمِ الأَوَّلِ مِنَ الأُسْبُوعِ، بَاكِراً جِدّاً، جِئْنَ إِلَى الْقَبْرِ حَامِلاتٍ الْحَنُوطَ الَّذِي هَيَّأْنَهُ. ١ 1
And on the first of the sabbaths, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bearing the spices they made ready, and certain [others] with them,
فَوَجَدْنَ الْحَجَرَ قَدْ دُحْرِجَ عَنِ الْقَبْرِ. ٢ 2
and they found the stone having been rolled away from the tomb,
وَلكِنْ لَمَّا دَخَلْنَ لَمْ يَجِدْنَ جُثْمَانَ الرَّبِّ يَسُوعَ. ٣ 3
and having gone in, they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
وَفِيمَا هُنَّ مُتَحَيِّرَاتٌ فِي ذلِكَ، إِذَا رَجُلانِ بِثِيَابٍ بَرَّاقَةٍ قَدْ وَقَفَا بِجَانِبِهِنَّ. ٤ 4
And it came to pass, while they are perplexed about this, that lo, two men stood by them in glittering apparel,
فَتَمَلَّكَهُنَّ الْخَوْفُ وَنَكَّسْنَ وُجُوهَهُنَّ إِلَى الأَرْضِ. عِنْدَئِذٍ قَالَ لَهُنَّ الرَّجُلانِ: «لِمَاذَا تَبْحَثْنَ عَنِ الْحَيِّ بَيْنَ الأَمْوَاتِ؟ ٥ 5
and on their having become afraid, and having inclined the face to the earth, they said to them, 'Why do ye seek the living with the dead?
إِنَّهُ لَيْسَ هُنَا، وَلَكِنَّهُ قَدْ قَامَ! اذْكُرْنَ مَا كَلَّمَكُمْ بِهِ إِذْ كَانَ بَعْدُ فِي الْجَلِيلِ ٦ 6
he is not here, but was raised; remember how he spake to you, being yet in Galilee,
فَقَالَ: إِنَّ ابْنَ الإِنْسَانِ لابُدَّ أَنْ يُسَلَّمَ إِلَى أَيْدِي أُنَاسٍ خَاطِئِينَ، فَيُصْلَبَ، وَفِي الْيَوْمِ الثَّالِثِ يَقُومُ». ٧ 7
saying — It behoveth the Son of Man to be delivered up to the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and the third day to rise again.'
فَتَذَكَّرْنَ كَلامَهُ. ٨ 8
And they remembered his sayings,
وَإِذْ رَجَعْنَ مِنَ الْقَبْرِ، أَخْبَرْنَ الأَحَدَ عَشَرَ وَالآخَرِينَ كُلَّهُمْ بِهذِهِ الأُمُورِ جَمِيعاً. ٩ 9
and having turned back from the tomb told all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.
وَكَانَتِ اللَّوَاتِي أَخْبَرْنَ الرُّسُلَ بِذلِكَ هُنَّ مَرْيَمُ الْمَجْدَلِيَّةُ، وَيُوَنَّا، وَمَرْيَمُ أُمُّ يَعْقُوبَ، وَالأُخْرَيَاتُ اللَّوَاتِي ذَهَبْنَ مَعَهُنَّ. ١٠ 10
And it was the Magdalene Mary, and Joanna, and Mary of James, and the other women with them, who told unto the apostles these things,
فَبَدَا كَلامُهُنَّ فِي نَظَرِ الرُّسُلِ كَأَنَّهُ هَذَيَانٌ، وَلَمْ يُصَدِّقُوهُنَّ. ١١ 11
and their sayings appeared before them as idle talk, and they were not believing them.
إِلّا أَنَّ بُطْرُسَ قَامَ وَرَكَضَ إِلَى الْقَبْرِ، وَإِذِ انْحَنَى رَأَى الأَكْفَانَ الْمَلْفُوفَةَ وَحْدَهَا، ثُمَّ مَضَى مُتَعَجِّباً مِمَّا حَدَثَ. ١٢ 12
And Peter having risen, did run to the tomb, and having stooped down he seeth the linen clothes lying alone, and he went away to his own home, wondering at that which was come to pass.
وَكَانَ اثْنَانِ مِنْهُمْ مُنْطَلِقَيْنِ فِي ذلِكَ الْيَوْمِ إِلَى قَرْيَةٍ تَبْعُدُ سِتِّينَ غَلْوَةً (نَحْوَ سَبْعَةِ أَمْيَالٍ) عَنْ أُورُشَلِيمَ، اسْمُهَا عِمْوَاسُ. ١٣ 13
And, lo, two of them were going on during that day to a village, distant sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, the name of which [is] Emmaus,
وَكَانَا يَتَحَدَّثَانِ عَنْ جَمِيعِ مَا حَدَثَ ١٤ 14
and they were conversing with one another about all these things that have happened.
وَبَيْنَمَا هُمَا يَتَحَدَّثَانِ وَيَتَبَاحَثَانِ، إِذَا يَسُوعُ نَفْسُهُ قَدِ اقْتَرَبَ إِلَيْهِمَا وَسَارَ مَعَهُمَا. ١٥ 15
And it came to pass in their conversing and reasoning together, that Jesus himself, having come nigh, was going on with them,
وَلكِنَّ أَعْيُنَهُمَا حُجِبَتْ عَنْ مَعْرِفَتِهِ. ١٦ 16
and their eyes were holden so as not to know him,
وَسَأَلَهُمَا: «أَيُّ حَدِيثٍ يَجْرِي بَيْنَكُمَا وَأَنْتُمَا سَائِرَانِ؟» فَتَوَقَّفَا عَابِسَيْنِ. ١٧ 17
and he said unto them, 'What [are] these words that ye exchange with one another, walking, and ye are sad?'
وَأَجَابَ أَحَدُهُمَا، وَاسْمُهُ كَلْيُوبَاسُ، فَقَالَ لَهُ: «أَأَنْتَ وَحْدَكَ الْغَرِيبُ النَّازِلُ فِي أُورُشَلِيمَ، وَلا تَعْلَمُ بِمَا حَدَثَ فِيهَا فِي هذِهِ الأَيَّامِ؟» ١٨ 18
And the one, whose name was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, 'Art thou alone such a stranger in Jerusalem, that thou hast not known the things that came to pass in it in these days?'
فَقَالَ لَهُمَا: «مَاذَا حَدَثَ؟» فَقَالا: «مَا حَدَثَ لِيَسُوعَ النَّاصِرِيِّ الَّذِي كَانَ نَبِيًّا مُقْتَدِراً فِي الْفِعْلِ وَالْقَوْلِ أَمَامَ اللهِ وَالشَّعْبِ كُلِّهِ، ١٩ 19
And he said to them, 'What things?' And they said to him, 'The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who became a man — a prophet — powerful in deed and word, before God and all the people,
وَكَيْفَ سَلَّمَهُ رُؤَسَاءُ الْكَهَنَةِ وَحُكَّامُنَا إِلَى عُقُوبَةِ الْمَوْتِ وَصَلَبُوهُ. ٢٠ 20
how also the chief priests and our rulers did deliver him up to a judgment of death, and crucified him;
وَلَكِنَّنَا كُنَّا نَرْجُو أَنَّهُ الْمُوشِكُ أَنْ يَفْدِيَ إِسْرَائِيلَ. وَمَعَ هَذَا كُلِّهِ، فَالْيَوْمَ هُوَ الْيَوْمُ الثَّالِثُ مُنْذُ حُدُوثِ ذلِكَ. ٢١ 21
and we were hoping that he it is who is about to redeem Israel, and also with all these things, this third day is passing to-day, since these things happened.
عَلَى أَنَّ بَعْضَ النِّسَاءِ مِنَّا أَذْهَلْنَنَا، إِذْ قَصَدْنَ إِلَى الْقَبْرِ بَاكِراً ٢٢ 22
'And certain women of ours also astonished us, coming early to the tomb,
وَلَمْ يَجِدْنَ جُثْمَانَهُ، فَرَجَعْنَ وَقُلْنَ لَنَا إِنَّهُنَّ شَاهَدْنَ رُؤْيَا: مَلاكَيْنِ يَقُولانِ إِنَّهُ حَيٌّ. ٢٣ 23
and not having found his body, they came, saying also to have seen an apparition of messengers, who say he is alive,
فَذَهَبَ بَعْضُ الَّذِينَ مَعَنَا إِلَى الْقَبْرِ فَوَجَدُوا الأَمْرَ صَحِيحاً عَلَى حَدِّ مَا قَالَتِ النِّسَاءُ أَيْضاً، وَأَمَّا هُوَ فَلَمْ يَرَوْهُ!» ٢٤ 24
and certain of those with us went away unto the tomb, and found as even the women said, and him they saw not.'
فَقَالَ لَهُمَا: «يَا قَلِيلَيِ الْفَهْمِ وَبَطِيئَيِ الْقَلْبِ فِي الإِيمَانِ بِجَمِيعِ مَا تَكَلَّمَ بِهِ الأَنْبِيَاءُ! ٢٥ 25
And he said unto them, 'O inconsiderate and slow in heart, to believe on all that the prophets spake!
أَمَا كَانَ لابُدَّ أَنْ يُعَانِيَ الْمَسِيحُ هذِهِ الآلامَ ثُمَّ يَدْخُلَ إِلَى مَجْدِهِ؟» ٢٦ 26
Was it not behoving the Christ these things to suffer, and to enter into his glory?'
ثُمَّ أَخَذَ يُفَسِّرُ لَهُمَا، مُنْطَلِقاً مِنْ مُوسَى وَمِنَ الأَنْبِيَاءِ جَمِيعاً، مَا وَرَدَ عَنْهُ فِي جَمِيعِ الْكُتُبِ. ٢٧ 27
and having begun from Moses, and from all the prophets, he was expounding to them in all the Writings the things about himself.
ثُمَّ اقْتَرَبُوا مِنَ الْقَرْيَةِ الَّتِي كَانَ التِّلْمِيذَانِ يَقْصِدَانِهَا، وَتَظَاهَرَ هُوَ بِأَنَّهُ ذَاهِبٌ إِلَى مَكَانٍ أَبْعَدَ. ٢٨ 28
And they came nigh to the village whither they were going, and he made an appearance of going on further,
فَأَلَحَّا عَلَيْهِ قَائِلَيْنِ: «انْزِلْ عِنْدَنَا، فَقَدْ مَالَ النَّهَارُ وَاقْتَرَبَ الْمَسَاءُ». فَدَخَلَ لِيَنْزِلَ عِنْدَهُمَا. ٢٩ 29
and they constrained him, saying, 'Remain with us, for it is toward evening,' and the day did decline, and he went in to remain with them.
وَلَمَّا اتَّكَأَ مَعَهُمَا، أَخَذَ الْخُبْزَ، وَبَارَكَ، وَكَسَّرَ، وَأَعْطَاهُمَا. ٣٠ 30
And it came to pass, in his reclining (at meat) with them, having taken the bread, he blessed, and having broken, he was giving to them,
فَانْفَتَحَتْ أَعْيُنُهُمَا وَعَرَفَاهُ. ثُمَّ اخْتَفَى عَنْهُمَا. ٣١ 31
and their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he became unseen by them.
فَقَالَ أَحَدُهُمَا لِلآخَرِ: «أَمَا كَانَ قَلْبُنَا يَلْتَهِبُ فِي صُدُورِنَا فِيمَا كَانَ يُحَدِّثُنَا فِي الطَّرِيقِ وَيَشْرَحُ لَنَا الْكُتُبَ؟» ٣٢ 32
And they said one to another, 'Was not our heart burning within us, as he was speaking to us in the way, and as he was opening up to us the Writings?'
ثُمَّ قَامَا فِي تِلْكَ السَّاعَةِ عَيْنِهَا، وَرَجَعَا إِلَى أُورُشَلِيمَ، فَوَجَدَا الأَحَدَ عَشَرَ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُمْ مُجْتَمِعِينَ، ٣٣ 33
And they, having risen up the same hour, turned back to Jerusalem, and found gathered together the eleven, and those with them,
وَكَانُوا يَقُولُونُ: «حَقّاً إِنَّ الرَّبَّ قَامَ، وَقَدْ ظَهَرَ لِسِمْعَانَ». ٣٤ 34
saying — 'The Lord was raised indeed, and was seen by Simon;'
فَأَخْبَرَاهُمْ بِمَا حَدَثَ فِي الطَّرِيقِ، وَكَيْفَ عَرَفَا الرَّبَّ عِنْدَ كَسْرِ الْخُبْزِ. ٣٥ 35
and they were telling the things in the way, and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread,
وَفِيمَا هُمَا يَتَكَلَّمَانِ بِذَلِكَ، وَقَفَ يَسُوعُ نَفْسُهُ فِي وَسَطِهِمْ، وَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «سَلامٌ لَكُمْ!» ٣٦ 36
and as they are speaking these things, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith to them, 'Peace — to you;'
وَلكِنَّهُمْ، لِذُعْرِهِمْ وَخَوْفِهِمْ، تَوَهَّمُوا أَنَّهُمْ يَرَوْنَ شَبَحاً. ٣٧ 37
and being amazed, and becoming affrighted, they were thinking themselves to see a spirit.
فَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «مَا بَالُكُمْ مُضْطَرِبِينَ؟ وَلِمَاذَا تَنْبَعِثُ الشُّكُوكُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ؟ ٣٨ 38
And he said to them, 'Why are ye troubled? and wherefore do reasonings come up in your hearts?
انْظُرُوا يَدَيَّ وَقَدَمَيَّ، فَأَنَا هُوَ بِنَفْسِي. الْمِسُونِي وَتَحَقَّقُوا، فَإِنَّ الشَّبَحَ لَيْسَ لَهُ لَحْمٌ وَعِظَامٌ كَمَا تَرَوْنَ لِي». ٣٩ 39
see my hands and my feet, that I am he; handle me and see, because a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me having.'
وَإِذْ قَالَ ذَلِكَ، أَرَاهُمْ يَدَيْهِ وَقَدَمَيْهِ. ٤٠ 40
And having said this, he shewed to them the hands and the feet,
وَإِذْ مَازَالُوا غَيْرَ مُصَدِّقِينَ مِنَ الْفَرَحِ وَمُتَعَجِّبِينَ، قَالَ لَهُمْ: «أَعِنْدَكُمْ هُنَا مَا يُؤْكَلُ؟» ٤١ 41
and while they are not believing from the joy, and wondering, he said to them, 'Have ye anything here to eat?'
فَنَاوَلُوهُ قِطْعَةَ سَمَكٍ مَشْوِيٍّ. ٤٢ 42
and they gave to him part of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb,
فَأَخَذَهَا أَمَامَهُمْ وَأَكَلَ. ٤٣ 43
and having taken, he did eat before them,
ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُمْ: «هَذَا هُوَ الكَلامُ الَّذِي كَلَّمْتُكُمْ بِهِ وَأَنَا مَازِلْتُ بَيْنَكُمْ: أَنَّهُ لابُدَّ أَنْ يَتِمَّ كُلُّ مَا كُتِبَ عَنِّي فِي شَرِيعَةِ مُوسَى وَكُتُبِ الأَنْبِيَاءِ وَالْمَزَامِيرِ». ٤٤ 44
and he said to them, 'These [are] the words that I spake unto you, being yet with you, that it behoveth to be fulfilled all the things that are written in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, about me.'
ثُمَّ فَتَحَ أَذْهَانَهُمْ لِيَفْهَمُوا الْكُتُبَ، ٤٥ 45
Then opened he up their understanding to understand the Writings,
وَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «هكَذَا قَدْ كُتِبَ، وَهكَذَا كَانَ لابُدَّ أَنْ يَتَأَلَّمَ الْمَسِيحُ وَيَقُومَ مِنْ بَيْنِ الأَمْوَاتِ فِي الْيَوْمِ الثَّالِثِ، ٤٦ 46
and he said to them — 'Thus it hath been written, and thus it was behoving the Christ to suffer, and to rise out of the dead the third day,
وَأَنْ يُبَشَّرَ بِاسْمِهِ بِالتَّوْبَةِ وَغُفْرَانِ الْخَطَايَا فِي جَمِيعِ الأُمَمِ انْطِلاقاً مِنْ أُورُشَلِيمَ. ٤٧ 47
and reformation and remission of sins to be proclaimed in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem:
وَأَنْتُمْ شُهُودٌ عَلَى هذِهِ الأُمُورِ. ٤٨ 48
and ye — ye are witnesses of these things.
وَهَا أَنَا سَأُرْسِلُ إِلَيْكُمْ مَا وَعَدَ بِهِ أَبِي. وَلَكِنْ أَقِيمُوا فِي الْمَدِينَةِ حَتَّى تُلْبَسُوا الْقُوَّةَ مِنَ الأَعَالِي!» ٤٩ 49
'And, lo, I do send the promise of my Father upon you, but ye — abide ye in the city of Jerusalem till ye be clothed with power from on high.'
ثُمَّ اقْتَادَهُمْ إِلَى خَارِجِ الْمَدِينَةِ إِلَى بَيْتِ عَنْيَا. وَبَارَكَهُمْ رَافِعاً يَدَيْهِ. ٥٠ 50
And he led them forth without — unto Bethany, and having lifted up his hands he did bless them,
وَبَيْنَمَا كَانَ يُبَارِكُهُمْ، انْفَصَلَ عَنْهُمْ وَأُصْعِدَ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ ٥١ 51
and it came to pass, in his blessing them, he was parted from them, and was borne up to the heaven;
فَسَجَدُوا لَهُ، ثُمَّ رَجَعُوا إِلَى أُورُشَلِيمَ بِفَرَحٍ عَظِيمٍ، ٥٢ 52
and they, having bowed before him, did turn back to Jerusalem with great joy,
وَكَانُوا يَذْهَبُونَ دَائِماً إِلَى الْهَيْكَلِ، حَيْثُ يُسَبِّحُونَ اللهَ وَيُبَارِكُونَهُ. ٥٣ 53
and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.

< لُوقا 24 >