< رُؤيا 6 >
وَنَظَرْتُ لَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَرُوفُ وَاحِدًا مِنَ ٱلْخُتُومِ ٱلسَّبْعَةِ، وَسَمِعْتُ وَاحِدًا مِنَ ٱلْأَرْبَعَةِ ٱلْحَيَوَانَاتِ قَائِلًا كَصَوْتِ رَعْدٍ: «هَلُمَّ وَٱنْظُرْ!». | ١ 1 |
I saw that [Jesus, the one who is like a] lamb, opened the first of the seven seals [of the scroll]. Then I heard one of the four living [creatures] say in a voice [as loud] as [SIM] thunder, “Come!”
فَنَظَرْتُ، وَإِذَا فَرَسٌ أَبْيَضُ، وَٱلْجَالِسُ عَلَيْهِ مَعَهُ قَوْسٌ، وَقَدْ أُعْطِيَ إِكْلِيلًا، وَخَرَجَ غَالِبًا وَلِكَيْ يَغْلِبَ. | ٢ 2 |
Then I saw a white horse [come out]. The one who sat on it had a bow [and arrows]. [God] gave him a crown [to show that he was the king]. Then the one who conquers [people] went out to continue to conquer [people].
وَلَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَتْمَ ٱلثَّانِيَ، سَمِعْتُ ٱلْحَيَوَانَ ٱلثَّانِيَ قَائِلًا: «هَلُمَّ وَٱنْظُرْ!» | ٣ 3 |
When the [one who was like a] lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living [creature] say, “Come!”
فَخَرَجَ فَرَسٌ آخَرُ أَحْمَرُ، وَلِلْجَالِسِ عَلَيْهِ أُعْطِيَ أَنْ يَنْزِعَ ٱلسَّلَامَ مِنَ ٱلْأَرْضِ، وَأَنْ يَقْتُلَ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا، وَأُعْطِيَ سَيْفًا عَظِيمًا. | ٤ 4 |
Then a red horse came out. The one sitting on it was allowed {[God] allowed the one sitting on it} to cause [people] to no longer [live] peacefully, but instead to be killing each other. [For this purpose] he was given {[God’s agent] gave to him} a large sword.
وَلَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَتْمَ ٱلثَّالِثَ، سَمِعْتُ ٱلْحَيَوَانَ ٱلثَّالِثَ قَائِلًا: «هَلُمَّ وَٱنْظُرْ!». فَنَظَرْتُ وَإِذَا فَرَسٌ أَسْوَدُ، وَٱلْجَالِسُ عَلَيْهِ مَعَهُ مِيزَانٌ فِي يَدِهِ. | ٥ 5 |
When [the one who is like a] lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living [creature] say, “Come!” This time, I saw a black horse [come out]. The one who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.
وَسَمِعْتُ صَوْتًا فِي وَسَطِ ٱلْأَرْبَعَةِ ٱلْحَيَوَانَاتِ قَائِلًا: «ثُمْنِيَّةُ قَمْحٍ بِدِينَارٍ، وَثَلَاثُ ثَمَانِيِّ شَعِيرٍ بِدِينَارٍ. وَأَمَّا ٱلزَّيْتُ وَٱلْخَمْرُ فَلَا تَضُرَّهُمَا». | ٦ 6 |
I heard a voice [that sounded] like [it was coming from] among the four living [creatures]. It was saying ([to the horseman/to the man who was sitting on the black horse]), “A quart of wheat [will cost so much that] a man must work a whole day to earn enough money to buy it, and three quarts of barley will sell for the same price. But do not cut off [the supply of] olive oil or the wine [MTY]!”
وَلَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَتْمَ ٱلرَّابِعَ، سَمِعْتُ صَوْتَ ٱلْحَيَوَانِ ٱلرَّابِعِ قَائِلًا: «هَلُمَّ وَٱنْظُرْ!». | ٧ 7 |
When the [one who is like a] lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living [creature] say, “Come!”
فَنَظَرْتُ وَإِذَا فَرَسٌ أَخْضَرُ، وَٱلْجَالِسُ عَلَيْهِ ٱسْمُهُ ٱلْمَوْتُ، وَٱلْهَاوِيَةُ تَتْبَعُهُ، وَأُعْطِيَا سُلْطَانًا عَلَى رُبْعِ ٱلْأَرْضِ أَنْ يَقْتُلَا بِٱلسَّيْفِ وَٱلْجُوعِ وَٱلْمَوْتِ وَبِوُحُوشِ ٱلْأَرْضِ. (Hadēs ) | ٨ 8 |
This time I saw a pale horse [come out]. The one who sat on it is named ‘[The one who causes] death [PRS]’, and [the one that is named ‘The place where dead people go’] accompanied him. [God] gave them authority over one quarter of the people on earth to incite them to kill each other with weapons [SYN], and also authority to kill them (by [causing them to] starve, by [their causing them to become] sick from epidemics, and by [their causing them to be attacked by] wild animals. (Hadēs )
وَلَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَتْمَ ٱلْخَامِسَ، رَأَيْتُ تَحْتَ ٱلْمَذْبَحِ نُفُوسَ ٱلَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا مِنْ أَجْلِ كَلِمَةِ ٱللهِ، وَمِنْ أَجْلِ ٱلشَّهَادَةِ ٱلَّتِي كَانَتْ عِنْدَهُمْ، | ٩ 9 |
When the [one who is like a] lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under (OR, at the base of) the altar [in heaven] the souls of [God’s servants] who had been killed {whom [people had] killed} because of [their believing] God’s message, and because they told others [the message about Jesus].
وَصَرَخُوا بِصَوْتٍ عَظِيمٍ قَائِلِينَ: «حَتَّى مَتَى أَيُّهَا ٱلسَّيِّدُ ٱلْقُدُّوسُ وَٱلْحَقُّ، لَا تَقْضِي وَتَنْتَقِمُ لِدِمَائِنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّاكِنِينَ عَلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ؟» | ١٠ 10 |
They spoke loudly [to God] saying, “Sovereign/Almighty Lord, you are holy and faithful. How long [will it be] before you judge [and punish] the people on earth who murdered [us(exc)]?”
فَأُعْطُوا كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ ثِيَابًا بِيضًا، وَقِيلَ لَهُمْ أَنْ يَسْتَرِيحُوا زَمَانًا يَسِيرًا أَيْضًا حَتَّى يَكْمَلَ ٱلْعَبِيدُ رُفَقَاؤُهُمْ، وَإِخْوَتُهُمْ أَيْضًا، ٱلْعَتِيدُونَ أَنْ يُقْتَلُوا مِثْلَهُمْ. | ١١ 11 |
[God] gave to each of them a long white robe, and [he] told them to rest a little longer until [people] killed all the believers who served [the Lord] with them. They were believers whom [God wanted to die in just the same way] that these others had been killed.
وَنَظَرْتُ لَمَّا فَتَحَ ٱلْخَتْمَ ٱلسَّادِسَ، وَإِذَا زَلْزَلَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ حَدَثَتْ، وَٱلشَّمْسُ صَارَتْ سَوْدَاءَ كَمِسْحٍ مِنْ شَعْرٍ، وَٱلْقَمَرُ صَارَ كَٱلدَّمِ، | ١٢ 12 |
I saw that when [the one who is like a] lamb opened the sixth seal, the earth shook violently. The sun became as black as cloth made (of [black] wool/of pitch). The whole moon became [red] [SIM] like blood.
وَنُجُومُ ٱلسَّمَاءِ سَقَطَتْ إِلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ كَمَا تَطْرَحُ شَجَرَةُ ٱلتِّينِ سُقَاطَهَا إِذَا هَزَّتْهَا رِيحٌ عَظِيمَةٌ. | ١٣ 13 |
The stars fell to the earth [in great numbers], just [SIM] like immature figs fall when a fig tree is shaken by a strong wind {when a strong wind shakes a fig tree}.
وَٱلسَّمَاءُ ٱنْفَلَقَتْ كَدَرْجٍ مُلْتَفٍّ، وَكُلُّ جَبَلٍ وَجَزِيرَةٍ تَزَحْزَحَا مِنْ مَوْضِعِهِمَا. | ١٤ 14 |
The sky split open and [rolled up on either side] just [SIM] like an [old] scroll rolls up [when it is split in two]. Every mountain and island moved out of its place.
وَمُلُوكُ ٱلْأَرْضِ وَٱلْعُظَمَاءُ وَٱلْأَغْنِيَاءُ وَٱلْأُمَرَاءُ وَٱلْأَقْوِيَاءُ وَكُلُّ عَبْدٍ وَكُلُّ حُرٍّ، أَخْفَوْا أَنْفُسَهُمْ فِي ٱلْمَغَايِرِ وَفِي صُخُورِ ٱلْجِبَالِ، | ١٥ 15 |
[As a result, all the rebellious people] of the earth, [including] kings, high-ranking people, generals, the rich people, the powerful people, along with everyone [else], both slave and free, hid themselves in caves and between the mountain rocks.
وَهُمْ يَقُولُونَ لِلْجِبَالِ وَٱلصُّخُورِ: «ٱسْقُطِي عَلَيْنَا وَأَخْفِينَا عَنْ وَجْهِ ٱلْجَالِسِ عَلَى ٱلْعَرْشِ وَعَنْ غَضَبِ ٱلْخَرُوفِ، | ١٦ 16 |
They shouted to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us [(exc)] and hide us [(exc)] in order that the one who sits upon the throne will not be able to see us [(exc)] [MTY], and [in order that] the [one who is like a] lamb will not be able to punish [MTY] us [(exc)].
لِأَنَّهُ قَدْ جَاءَ يَوْمُ غَضَبِهِ ٱلْعَظِيمُ. وَمَنْ يَسْتَطِيعُ ٱلْوُقُوفَ؟». | ١٧ 17 |
This is the terrible day on which they will punish [MTY] us [(exc)], and [when that happens], no one will be able to survive! [RHQ]”