< اَلْمَزَامِيرُ 76 >
لِإِمَامِ ٱلْمُغَنِّينَ عَلَى «ذَوَاتِ اَلْأَوْتَارِ». مَزْمُورٌ لِآسَافَ. تَسْبِيحَةٌ ٱللهُ مَعْرُوفٌ فِي يَهُوذَا. ٱسْمُهُ عَظِيمٌ فِي إِسْرَائِيلَ. | ١ 1 |
“To the chief musician on Neginoth, a psalm or song of Assaph.” In Judah hath God been made known: in Israel is his name great.
كَانَتْ فِي سَالِيمَ مِظَلَّتُهُ، وَمَسْكَنُهُ فِي صِهْيَوْنَ. | ٢ 2 |
And in Salem was his tabernacle made, and his dwelling-place in Zion.
هُنَاكَ سَحَقَ ٱلْقِسِيَّ ٱلْبَارِقَةَ. ٱلْمِجَنَّ وَٱلسَّيْفَ وَٱلْقِتَالَ. سِلَاهْ. | ٣ 3 |
There broke he the shining arrows of the bow, shield, and sword, and battle. (Selah)
أَبْهَى أَنْتَ، أَمْجَدُ مِنْ جِبَالِ ٱلسَّلَبِ. | ٤ 4 |
Thou art more brilliant, more excellent than the mountains [full] of prey.
سُلِبَ أَشِدَّاءُ ٱلْقَلْبِ. نَامُوا سِنَتَهُمْ. كُلُّ رِجَالِ ٱلْبَأْسِ لَمْ يَجِدُوا أَيْدِيَهُمْ. | ٥ 5 |
Bereft of reason are the stouthearted, they slumber their sleep: and none of the men of might have found [the use of] their hands.
مِنِ ٱنْتِهَارِكَ يَا إِلَهَ يَعْقُوبَ يُسَبَّخُ فَارِسٌ وَخَيْلٌ. | ٦ 6 |
From thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, lie in deep sleep both chariot and horse.
أَنْتَ مَهُوبٌ أَنْتَ. فَمَنْ يَقِفُ قُدَّامَكَ حَالَ غَضَبِكَ؟ | ٧ 7 |
Thou—thou art to be feared: and who may stand in thy sight when once thy anger [is kindled]?
مِنَ ٱلسَّمَاءِ أَسْمَعْتَ حُكْمًا. ٱلْأَرْضُ فَزِعَتْ وَسَكَتَتْ | ٨ 8 |
From heaven hast thou caused [thy] sentence to be heard: the earth feared, and became still,
عِنْدَ قِيَامِ ٱللهِ لِلْقَضَاءِ، لِتَخْلِيصِ كُلِّ وُدَعَاءِ ٱلْأَرْضِ. سِلَاهْ. | ٩ 9 |
When God rose to judgment, to save all the lowly of the earth. (Selah)
لِأَنَّ غَضَبَ ٱلْإِنْسَانِ يَحْمَدُكَ. بَقِيَّةُ ٱلْغَضَبِ تَتَمَنْطَقُ بِهَا. | ١٠ 10 |
For the fury of man shall praise thee: the remainder of the fury wilt thou gird about thee.
اُنْذُرُوا وَأَوْفُوا لِلرَّبِّ إِلَهِكُمْ يَا جَمِيعَ ٱلَّذِينَ حَوْلَهُ. لِيُقَدِّمُوا هَدِيَّةً لِلْمَهُوبِ. | ١١ 11 |
Make vows, and pay [them] unto the Lord your God, all ye that are round about him: let men bring presents unto him that exciteth fear.
يَقْطِفُ رُوحَ ٱلرُّؤَسَاءِ. هُوَ مَهُوبٌ لِمُلُوكِ ٱلْأَرْضِ. | ١٢ 12 |
He will cut down the spirit of the powerful: he is terrible to the kings of the earth.