< أَيُّوبَ 26 >
فَأَجَابَ أَيُّوبُ وَقَالَ: | ١ 1 |
and to answer Job and to say
«كَيْفَ أَعَنْتَ مَنْ لَا قُوَّةَ لَهُ، وَخَلَّصْتَ ذِرَاعًا لَا عِزَّ لَهَا؟ | ٢ 2 |
what? to help to/for not strength to save arm not strength
كَيْفَ أَشَرْتَ عَلَى مَنْ لَا حِكْمَةَ لَهُ، وَأَظْهَرْتَ ٱلْفَهْمَ بِكَثْرَةٍ؟ | ٣ 3 |
what? to advise to/for not wisdom and wisdom to/for abundance to know
لِمَنْ أَعْلَنْتَ أَقْوَالًا، وَنَسَمَةُ مَنْ خَرَجَتْ مِنْكَ؟ | ٤ 4 |
[obj] who? to tell speech and breath who? to come out: come from you
«اَلْأَخْيِلَةُ تَرْتَعِدُ مِنْ تَحْتِ ٱلْمِيَاهِ وَسُكَّانِهَا. | ٥ 5 |
[the] shade to twist: tremble from underneath: under water and to dwell them
ٱلْهَاوِيَةُ عُرْيَانَةٌ قُدَّامَهُ، وَٱلْهَلَاكُ لَيْسَ لَهُ غِطَاءٌ. (Sheol ) | ٦ 6 |
naked hell: Sheol before him and nothing covering to/for Abaddon (Sheol )
يَمُدُّ ٱلشَّمَالَ عَلَى ٱلْخَلَاءِ، وَيُعَلِّقُ ٱلْأَرْضَ عَلَى لَا شَيْءٍ. | ٧ 7 |
to stretch north upon formlessness to hang land: country/planet upon without what?
يَصُرُّ ٱلْمِيَاهَ فِي سُحُبِهِ فَلَا يَتَمَزَّقُ ٱلْغَيْمُ تَحْتَهَا. | ٨ 8 |
to constrain water in/on/with cloud his and not to break up/open cloud underneath: under them
يَحْجُبُ وَجْهَ كُرْسِيِّهِ بَاسِطًا عَلَيْهِ سَحَابَهُ. | ٩ 9 |
to grasp face: surface throne to spread upon him cloud his
رَسَمَ حَدًّا عَلَى وَجْهِ ٱلْمِيَاهِ عِنْدَ ٱتِّصَالِ ٱلنُّورِ بِٱلظُّلْمَةِ. | ١٠ 10 |
statute: allotment to mark upon face: surface water till limit light with darkness
أَعْمِدَةُ ٱلسَّمَاوَاتِ تَرْتَعِدُ وَتَرْتَاعُ مِنْ زَجْرِهِ. | ١١ 11 |
pillar heaven to tremble and to astounded from rebuke his
بِقُوَّتِهِ يُزْعِجُ ٱلْبَحْرَ، وَبِفَهْمِهِ يَسْحَقُ رَهَبَ. | ١٢ 12 |
in/on/with strength his to disturb [the] sea (and in/on/with understanding his *Q(k)*) to wound Rahab monster
بِنَفْخَتِهِ ٱلسَّمَاوَاتُ مُسْفِرَةٌ وَيَدَاهُ أَبْدَأَتَا ٱلْحَيَّةَ ٱلْهَارِبَةَ. | ١٣ 13 |
in/on/with spirit: breath his heaven clearness to bore hand his serpent fleeing
هَا هَذِهِ أَطْرَافُ طُرُقِهِ، وَمَا أَخْفَضَ ٱلْكَلَامَ ٱلَّذِي نَسْمَعُهُ مِنْهُ وَأَمَّا رَعْدُ جَبَرُوتِهِ فَمَنْ يَفْهَمُ؟». | ١٤ 14 |
look! these end (way: conduct his *Q(K)*) and what? whisper word to hear: hear in/on/with him and thunder (might his *Q(K)*) who? to understand