< Yuhana 6 >
1 Kimal nile imone, Yesu uni wa nya udu uleli uwul kurawa Ngalili, na ikuru idin yiccu kunin kurawa Tibariya.
After these things, Jesus went away to the other side of the sea of Galilee, which is also called the Sea of Tiberias.
2 Ligozin nanit gbardang wa din dortughe, bara iwa yenje imon ile na awa suzu anan tikonu.
A large crowd followed him, because they saw the signs which he did on those who were sick.
3 Yesu wa ghana kitene likup asoku ligowe nin nono katwa me.
Jesus went up into the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.
4 (Kubin paska, u idi na Yahudawa wa dak susut.)
Now the Passover, the Jewish festival, was near.
5 Na Yesu wa yene ligozin nanit gbardang din cinu udak kitime, a woro Filibus ku, “Tima seru imonli nweri alele nan leo?”
Jesus therefore lifting up his eyes, and seeing that a large crowd was coming to him, said to Philip, "Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?"
6 (Yesu wa belli nani anan dumuna Filibus ku, bara ame wa yiru imon ile na ama su.)
This he said to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.
7 Filibus kawa ghe aworo, “ufungal nisulai akalt aba ma batunu nwo kogha mine bat wang ba.”
Philip answered him, "Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that everyone of them may receive a little."
8 Umong nanya nono katwa we, Andrawus, gwanan Simon, woro Yesu ku.
One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to him,
9 “nkan gono di kikane nin fugal utaun, a ibo iba, ilele mati inyaghari nanya nanit gbardang nene?”
"There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are these among so many?"
10 Yesu woro,”Tan anite iso kutyen.”(ukpi ushifi wadi kitene gbardang) Anite so kutyen, ngbardang mine wa durun amui ataun.
Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." Now there was much grass in that place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.
11 Yesu yauna uffugale, na ata nlira, a koso alenge na iwa sosin. Akuru akoso ibowe nanere, kogha se cot liburi me.
Jesus took the loaves; and having given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to those who were sitting down; likewise also of the fish as much as they desired.
12 Na anite wa shito, aworo nono katwa me, “pitirnon ngisi nagire na alawa, bara imoimong wa nana.”
When they were filled, he said to his disciples, "Gather up the broken pieces which are left over, that nothing be lost."
13 I pitirno vat, ikulo akuzun likure nin nagisin nfungal utaunne, ngisin nagir na lenge na ileo.
So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves, which were left over by those who had eaten.
14 Na anite in yene imon ilenge na asu, i woro, “kidegenere, ulengenere unan liru nin nu Kutelle ulenge na ama dak nanya inyi.”
When therefore the people saw the sign which he did, they said, "This is truly the Prophet who comes into the world."
15 Na Yesu wa yinin idi nin su ikufoghe nin likara iterughe tigo, anuzu nanya mine likire aghana likup usanme.
Jesus therefore, perceiving that they were about to come and take him by force, to make him king, withdrew again to the mountain by himself.
16 Na kulele nta, nono katwa me tolo udu kurawa.
When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea,
17 Ipira nanya nzirgin nmyen, itunna ncin nya kurawe cindu Ukafarnahum. (kiti wadi kimal siru na Yesu wadi asa da kitimine ba.)
and they entered into the boat, and were going over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.
18 Koni kube, ufunu likara wadi, nmyen kurawe tunna nfituzu nin likara.
The sea was tossed by a great wind blowing.
19 N a isu ucin nafo timel titat sa tinas, idi yene Yesu ku din cin kitenen nmyene ucin dak kitimine nanya nzirge fiu kifo nani.
When therefore they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing near to the boat; and they were afraid.
20 Atunna aworo nani, “Menghari! Na iwa lanza fiu ba.”
But he said to them, "It is I. Do not be afraid."
21 Itunna iyinna a pira uzirge, na nin molu kubi ba iduru kiti kanga na idin cinu udue.
They were willing therefore to receive him into the boat. Immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.
22 Ukurtunun kwuiye, ligozin nanit na iwa yissin nleli kurawe yene na umong uzirgi duku ba, urum unere cas, ulele tutung na Yesu wa piru ku nin nono katwa me ba, nono katwawere cas wa nya usanminu.
On the next day, the crowd that stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat there, except one, and that Jesus had not entered with his disciples into the boat, but his disciples had gone away alone.
23 Nton tizirgi da unuzun Tibariya susut nin kiti kanga na ini leo imonleku, kimalin tin liran Ncikilare.
Other boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
24 Na ligozine wa yinni nwo, Yesu sa nono katwa me na iwa di kite ba, inung atimine pira nanya tizirge i nya udu u Kafarnahum udun pizirun Yesu ku.
When the crowd therefore saw that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats, and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.
25 Na iseghe ileli uwul kurawe, I woroghe nenge, “Unan dursuzu niyerte, nin kome kubiari uda kikane?”
When they found him on the other side of the sea, they asked him, "Rabbi, when did you come here?"
26 Yesu kawa nani aworo, “kidegenere ipizarai, na bara iyene imon izikiki ba, bara ina lii ufungal ishito.
Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, you seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled.
27 Sunan katwa nimoli ile na ima nanu, sun katwa nimonli ilenge na ima daudaunu udu ulai un sa ligan ulenge na usaun Nnit ma ni minu, bara Kutelle Ucif na malu uti ushaida me litime. (aiōnios )
Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which remains to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For God the Father has sealed him." (aiōnios )
28 Itunna i woroghe, “inyaghari tibasu tinan su nitwa Kutelle?”
They said therefore to him, "What must we do, that we may work the works of God?"
29 Yesu kawa a woro nani, katwa Kutelle kanin nere: Iyinin ni lenge na ame na tughe.”
Jesus answered them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent."
30 I tunna i woroghe, “Uyapin ushaidari uma ti, arik nan yene, ti yinna nin fi?” Inyaghari umati?
They said therefore to him, "What then do you do for a sign, that we may see, and believe you? What work do you do?
31 Acif bit wa lizu umanna nanya ntene, nafo na ina yertin, “Awa ni nani ufungal un nuzu kitene kani ili.”
Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, 'He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.'"
32 Yesu tunna a kawa nani, “Kidegenere, na Musari wa niminu ufungal un nuzu kitene Kutelle ba, Ucif nigha ulenge na adin nizu minu ufungal kidegen un nuzu kitene Kutelle.
Jesus therefore said to them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread out of heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread out of heaven.
33 Bara ufungal Kutelle unin nare ulenge na udin tolusu unucu kitene Kutelle uniz uyi ulai.”
For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world."
34 I woroghe nenge, “Cikilari, niza nari ufungal une ko kome kubi.”
They said therefore to him, "Lord, always give us this bread."
35 Yesu woro nani, “Menghari ufungal un laiye, ulenge na ada kitining na aba lanzu kukpong ba. Ulenge na ayinna nin mi, aba lanzu ukotu nayi ba.
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not be hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
36 Nani, nbelin minu nenge, imal yeni, vat nani na iyinna ba.
But I told you that you have seen me, and yet you do not believe.
37 Vat nalenge na Ucife nayi, ima dak kitininghe, ame ulenge na ada kitinighe, na nwasa nkoghe ba.
All those whom the Father gives me will come to me. Him who comes to me I will in no way throw out.
38 Bara meng na dak unuzu kitene Kutelle, na nda su imon litinin ba, se nsu imon ilenge na ana tuyi nsu.
For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
39 Ilengenere imon ile na ana tuyi mun, nworu nenge vat nalenge na ana ni, na iwa wultun unit urum ku ba, na ida fya nani vat liri nimalin.
This is the will of him who sent me, that of all he has given to me I should lose nothing, but should raise him up at the last day.
40 Bara kadura Ncifere kane, vat nlenge na ayene usaune, amini yinna ninghe, ama se ulai un sa ligan; Meng tutung ma fyughe liri nimalin. (aiōnios )
This is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son, and believes in him, should have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." (aiōnios )
41 Adidya na Yahudawa tunna icizina ugbondulu kitene me bara na ani woro, “Menghere ufungal ulenge na una nuzu kitene Kutelle.”
The Jewish people therefore murmured concerning him, because he said, "I am the bread which came down out of heaven."
42 I woro, “Na ulengenere Yesu Usaun Yusufu ba, na ucife nin nene arika na tiyiru nani ba? Inyizari aworo, 'Nna dak unuzu kitene Kutelle'?”
They said, "Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How then does he say, 'I have come down out of heaven?'"
43 Yesu kawa a woro nani, “Sunan ugbondulu nanya nati mine.
Therefore Jesus answered them, "Do not murmur among yourselves.
44 Na umong unit wasa a da kiti ning ba se Ucife ulenge na ana tuyi nwunghe, Meng tutung ma fyughe liri nimali.
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day.
45 Imone di nya niyerte nanan liru nin nu Kutelle, 'Vat mine Kutelle ma dursuzu nani' Vat nlenge na a lanza amini massa kiti Ncife ma dak kitining.
It is written in the Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by God.' Therefore everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to me.
46 Na iworo umong name yenu Ucife ba, se ame ulenge na ana nuzu kiti Kutelle, amere na yene ucife.
Not that anyone has seen the Father, except he who is from God. He has seen the Father.
47 Kidegenere, ame ulenge na ayinna adi nin lai nsali ligan. (aiōnios )
Truly, truly, I tell you, he who believes has everlasting life. (aiōnios )
49 Acif mine wa li ufungal nanya ntene inani wa kuzu.
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.
50 Ulengenere ufungal ulenge na una dak unuzu kitene Kutelle, bara unit uleng na leo nanya nin na awa kuba.
This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, that anyone may eat of it and not die.
51 Menghari ufungal un lai ulenge na una tolu unuzu kitene Kutelle. Asa umong nleo nanya nfungal ulele, ama ti ulai un sa ligang. Ufungal ulenge na mma ni kidowo nighari bara ulai in yii.” (aiōn )
I am the living bread which came down out of heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." (aiōn )
52 A Yahudawa lanza ayi nanya mine itunna icizina umusu, idi du, “inyizari unit ulele ma ninari inawa me tili?”
The Jews therefore argued with one another, saying, "How can this one give us flesh to eat?"
53 Yesu tunna a woro nani, “Kidegenere, se ileo inawa Nsaun Nnit, isono nmyi me, andi na nani ba na ima yitu nin lai nati mine ba.
Jesus therefore said to them, "Truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life in yourselves.
54 Vat nlenge na aleo inawa ning, asono nmyi ning adi nin lai un sa ligan, meng tutung ma fiwughe liri nimalin. (aiōnios )
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (aiōnios )
55 Inawa ning innare imonli kidegen, nmyi ning minnare nmyen kidegen
For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
56 Ulenge na aleo inawa ning, asono nmyi nin, ama so nanya ning, a meng nanya me.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him.
57 Nafo na Ucif un lai na tuyi, tutung nafo na meng di bara Ucif, nanere nanere ulenge na aleyi, nanere wang ama ti ulai bara meng.
As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he who feeds on me, he will also live because of me.
58 Ulelere ufungal ulenge na una tolu unuzu kitene Kutelle, na imusun nilenge na acifi mine wa li ikuzu ba. Ame ulenge na aleo ufungal ulele mati ulai sa ligang.” (aiōn )
This is the bread which came down out of heaven—not as the fathers ate, and died. He who eats this bread will live forever." (aiōn )
59 Yesu wa belli ule ulire nanya kutyi nlira, kube na awa din dursuzu nanit in Kafarnahum.
He said these things in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
60 Gbardang nanyan nono katwa me na iwa lanza nani, i woro, “Ulenge udursuzu kite dinin nijasi kang; ghari ma yinnu mu?”
Therefore many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying. Who can listen to it?"
61 Yesu, bara awa yinnin nanya me nono katwa me din gbondilu lire, aworo nani, “ule ulire mati minu idiuwa?
But Jesus knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at this, said to them, "Does this cause you to stumble?
62 Uma nin yittu inyiziari asa iyene Usaun Nnit din ghanu ukpillu kiti kanga na awa yita ku?
Then what if you would see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?
63 Uruhu unere din nizu ulai. Kidowo din kpizunu imonimon ba. Ulire nan su minu, Uruhari, tutung ulaiyari.
It is the Spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life.
64 Vat nani among mine duku na isa yinna ba.” Bara Yesu wa yiru tun nin cizine alenga na iyinna ba, a ayiro tutung ulenge na ama lewughe.
But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.
65 Aworo nani, “Bara nanere nta nbellin minu, na umong wasa ada kitining ba andi na Ucif nyininghe mun ba.”
He said, "For this cause have I said to you that no one can come to me, unless it is given to him by the Father."
66 Kimal nani, gbardang nono katwa me kpilla, na i kuru i cina ninghe ba.
At this, many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
67 Yesu woro nono katwa me likure nin nan wabe, “Anung wang di ninsu i nyawa?”
Jesus said therefore to the twelve, "You do not also want to go away, do you?"
68 Simon Bitrus kawaghe aworo, “Cikilari, kitin ghari tiba du? Fere dinin liru lai saligaghe, (aiōnios )
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of everlasting life. (aiōnios )
69 arik ani na yining, tinani na dak tiyinno fere unit ulau Kutelle.”
We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."
70 Yesu woro nani, “Na mere na fere minu likure ba, umong mine uni di kugbergenu ba?”
Jesus answered them, "Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?"
71 Awa di nliru litin Yahuda, Usaun Simon Iskaroti, bara amere wadi, umong nanya likure na ama lewughe.
Now he spoke of Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, for it was he who would betray him, being one of the twelve.