< Ukolosiya 4 >

1 An cinilari naan acin mine ile mon na idin dert nin gegeme anung yiru tutun idinin cikilari kitene kan.
Ye masters, doe vnto your seruants, that which is iust, and equall, knowing that ye also haue a master in heauen.
2 Tunan nanyan nliran ko kuyeme kubi, son nin yiru nanya nlira nin godiya.
Continue in prayer, and watch in the fame with thankesgiuing,
3 Suun nlira ligowe bara arike tutun, nworo Kutelle nan puno libau tibelle ligbulang imon Kristi na inyesin, bara nanere ndi licin bara inung.
Praying also for vs, that God may open vnto vs the doore of vtterance, to speake ye mysterie of Christ: wherefore I am also in bonds,
4 Suun nlira inan belle nafo na inati ku nbelli.
That I may vtter it, as it becommeth mee to speake.
5 Cinan nanya jinjin kupopo nale na ucin nda, suun katw nin kubi mine jinjin.
Walke wisely towarde them that are without, and redeeme the season.
6 Na ulai mine so shau ko kome kubi unin mang nin ntoh, yinno inda na iba kawu ko ghak.
Let your speach be gracious alwayes, and powdred with salt, that ye may know how to answere euery man.
7 Tikikus ba bellu minu ko iyang litinin, ame gwanari kin su kucin kugi, nanya katwa, udon licin nanya Ncikilari.
Tychicus our beloued brother and faithfull minister, and fellow seruant in the Lord, shall declare vnto you my whole state:
8 Mere nin liti nighe ina tighe kiti mine, inane, inan yinno nari inan taa lkari kibinai.
Whom I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose that he might know your state, and might comfort your hearts,
9 Ligowe nin Onismus, gwa na kigip unan su, uba ti munu iyinin vat imon ile na idin su kikane.
With Onesimus a faithfull and a beloued brother, who is one of you. They shall shew you of all things here.
10 Aristikus din nlisu minu -udondon licin nighe nin Markus usau gwana Barnabas, kiti mere idin sesu kadura likara, asa adah sereghe''
Aristarchus my prison fellow saluteth you, and Marcus, Barnabas cousin (touching whom ye receiued commandements. If he come vnto you, receiue him)
11 Yesu ulena idin yicughe ustus, alele cas anan kalu kucuru inughere adon katwa nighe udu kipin tigo Kutelle. Ina suo anan tizie likara kibinai
And Iesus which is called Iustus, which are of the circumcision. These onely are my worke fellowes vnto the kingdome of God, which haue bene vnto my consolation.
12 Abafaras di nlisu minu, ame umonghari nanya mine kucin Yesu Kristi adin nnonno bara anung nanya nliran, inan yisina nin likara nnufi Kutelle vat.
Epaphras the seruant of Christ, which is one of you, saluteth you, and alwayes striueth for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect, and full in all the will of God.
13 Bara meng nso iyizi inba mye, adi katwa kaang bara anughe, baraalenge na idi Nlaudikiya ni nanya Hiyarapolis
For I beare him record, that he hath a great zeale for you, and for them of Laodicea, and them of Hierapolis.
14 Luka, gwa na nayi nigh unan nizu tikankan, nin Dimas din lisu min.
Luke the beloued physician greeteth you, and Demas.
15 Lisson linwana Laudikiya, a Ninfas, nin kutii nlira naku di nanya kilari mye.
Salute the brethren which are of Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the Church which is in his house.
16 Iwa belu minu ile ma nyerte ubelu ma nyerta unin nanya na nan dortu Kutelle Nlaudikiya, anung wang Belen manyerte un nanan Nlaudikiya
And when this Epistle is read of you, cause that it be read in the Church of the Laodiceans also, and that ye likewise reade the Epistle written from Laodicea.
17 Woro Akiribus ku, ''yene katwa Kutelle na una seru nanya Ncikilari ukulun kanin.''
And say to Archippus, Take heede to the ministerie, that thou hast receiued in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.
18 Ile ilipe idi nanya nacara nighghari Bulus, lizinon nin ninyeg nighe. Ubolu Kutelle suo nan ghinu.
The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bands. Grace be with you, Amen. ‘Written from Rome to the Colossians, and sent by Tychicus, and Onesimus.’

< Ukolosiya 4 >