< Від Луки 18 >
1 І Він розповів їм і притчу про те, що треба молитися за́вжди, і не занепада́ти духом,
[Jesus] told [his disciples] a parable to teach them that they always ought to pray confidently and not be discouraged [if God does not immediately answer their prayers].
2 говорячи: „У місті якомусь суддя був один, що Бога не боявся, і людей не соро́мився.
He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not revere God, and did not care about people, either.
3 У тому ж місті вдова перебува́ла, що до нього ходила й казала: „Оборони мене від мого супроти́вника!“
There was a widow in that city who kept coming to him, saying, ‘Please decide what is just [in the dispute between me and] the man who is opposing me [in court!’]
4 Але він довгий час не хотів. А зго́дом сказав сам до се́бе: „Хоч і Бога я не боюся, і людей не соро́млюся,
For a long time the judge refused [to help her]. But later he thought to himself, ‘I do not revere God and I do not care about people,
5 але через те, що вдовиця оця докучає мені, то візьму́ в оборону її, щоб вона без кінця не ходила, і не докучала мені“.
but this widow keeps bothering me! So I will make sure that she is treated justly. [If I do not do that], she will exhaust me by continually coming to me!’”
6 І промовив Господь: „Чи чуєте, що́ говорить суддя цей неправедний?
Then the Lord [Jesus] said, “[Even though] the judge was not a righteous man, think carefully about what he said!
7 А чи ж Бог в оборону не ві́зьме обра́них Своїх, що голосять до Нього день і ніч, хоч і ба́риться Він щодо них?
[Similarly], (God will certainly show that [what you] have done has been right!/will God not show that [what you] have done has been right?) [RHQ] He will do this for you whom he has chosen. [He will do this for you] who pray earnestly to him night and day, asking him to [help you]. He may delay [helping you].
8 Кажу вам, що Він їм незаба́ром подасть оборону! Та Син Лю́дський, як при́йде, чи Він на землі зна́йде віру?“
But I tell you, [some day] he will show that what you did was right, and he will do it quickly. But when [I], the one who came from heaven, return to earth, (there may not be [many people who will still] be trusting [that I will vindicate them] (OR, who will still be trusting in me)./will there be [many people who will still] be trusting [that I will vindicate them] (OR, who will still be trusting in me)?) [RHQ]”
9 А для деяких, що були себе певні, що вони ніби праведні, і за ніщо́ мали інших, Він притчу оцю розповів.
[Jesus] also told a parable [to warn] people who mistakenly thought that they were doing things that made them acceptable to God. Besides, they also despised other people.
10 „Два чоловіки до храму ввійшли помолитись, — один фарисе́й, а другий був ми́тник.
[He said this]: “Two men went up to the Temple [in Jerusalem] to pray. One was a Pharisee. The other was a tax collector.
11 Фарисей, ставши, так молився про себе: „Дякую, Боже, Тобі, що я не такий, як інші люди: зди́рщики, неправедні, перелю́бні, або як цей ми́тник.
The Pharisee stood and prayed silently, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men. [Some] extort money [from others]; some treat others unjustly; some commit adultery. [I do not do such things. And I am certainly not] like this tax collector [who cheats people]!
12 Я по́щу два ра́зи на тиждень, даю десятину з усьо́го, що тільки надба́ю!“
[Our law says that we(exc) should] (fast/abstain from food) [once a week], [but I do more than that. I] fast twice a week! I give [you] ten percent of all that I earn!’
13 А ми́тник здалека стояв, та й очей навіть звести до неба не смів, але бив себе в груди й казав: „Боже, будь милости́вий до мене грішного!“
But the tax collector stood far [from the other people in the Temple courtyard because he felt very unworthy]. He would not even look up toward heaven. Instead, he beat on his chest [to show that he was sorry for his sin]. He said, ‘God, I am a sinner; be merciful to me [and forgive me]!’”
14 Говорю́ вам, що цей повернувся до дому свого більш виправданий, аніж той. Бо кожен, хто підно́ситься, — буде пони́жений, хто ж понижа́ється, — той піднесе́ться“.
[Then Jesus said], “I tell you [(pl)] that as the tax collector went home, the record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins}, not that of the Pharisee. [Remember this]: Those who exalt themselves will be humbled {[God] will humble all those who exalt themselves}, but those who humble themselves will be exalted {[he] will exalt those who humble themselves}.”
15 До Нього ж прино́сили й немовлят, щоб до них доторкнувся, а учні, побачивши, їм докоряли.
[One day when many people were coming to Jesus], they were also bringing small children. They wanted him to put his hands on [the children and bless them]. When the disciples saw that, they rebuked [those who were bringing those children].
16 А Ісус їх покликав та й каже: „Пустіте дітей, щоб до Мене прихо́дили, і не забороняйте їм, — бо таких Царство Боже.
But Jesus called the children [to come to him]. He said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me! Do not stop them! It is people who are [humble and trusting] like they are who can experience God ruling [their lives].
17 Поправді кажу́ вам: Хто Божого Царства не при́йме, як дитя, той у нього не вві́йде!“
Note this: Those who do not [trust God and] allow him to direct [their lives], as children [do], will not enter the [MET] place where God rules.”
18 І запитався Його один і́з нача́льникі́в, говорячи: „Учителю Добрий, що робити мені, щоб вспадкува́ти вічне життя?“ (aiōnios )
A [Jewish] leader asked [Jesus], “Good teacher, what shall I do in order to have eternal life?” (aiōnios )
19 Ісус же йому відказав: „Чого звеш Мене Добрим? Ніхто не є Добрий, — тільки Сам Бог!
Jesus said to him, “Only God is good! No one [else] is good! (So you(sg) should consider carefully what [you are implying by] calling me good!/[Do you realize that you are implying that I am God by] calling me good?) [RHQ]
20 Знаєш заповіді: „Не чини пере́любу, не вбивай, не кради́, не свідку́й неправдиво, шануй свого батька та матір“.
[But to answer your question], you [(sg)] know the commandments that [God gave Moses. He commanded such things as] ‘do not commit adultery, do not commit murder, do not steal, do not testify falsely [about what you have seen or heard], honor your father and mother.’”
21 А він відказав: „Усе́ це я виконав від юна́цтва свого́!“
The man said, “I have obeyed all those [commandments] ever since I was young. [So] ([there must be something else I have not done./is that enough]?)”
22 Як почув це Ісус, то промовив до нього: Одно́го тобі ще бракує: Розпро́дай усе, що ти маєш, і вбогим роздай, — і матимеш скарб свій на небі. Вертайся тоді, та й іди вслід за Мною!“
When Jesus heard [him say] that, he replied to him, “There is one thing that you [(sg)] have not [done] yet. Sell all that you own. Then give [the money] to poor people. [The result will be that] you will have [spiritual] riches in heaven. Then come and be my disciple!”
23 А він, коли почув це, то засумував, бо був ве́льми багатий.
The man became sad when he heard that, because he was very rich [and he did not want to give everything away].
24 Як побачив Ісус, що той засумував, то промовив: „Як тяжко багатим увійти в Царство Боже!
Jesus looked at the man [as he left], and said, “It is very difficult for those who are wealthy [to decide] to let God rule [MET] their [lives].
25 Бо верблю́дові легше пройти через го́лчине ву́шко, ніж багатому в Боже Царство ввійти“.
[You would say] that it is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is [almost] as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
26 Ті ж, що чули, спитали: „Хто́ ж тоді може спасти́ся?“
[The Jews thought that God favored rich people, so they thought that if God did not save rich people, he would not save others, either]. So [one of the disciples] who heard him say that replied, “If that is so, it seems that no one will be saved {[that God] will not save anyone} [RHQ]!”
27 А Він відповів: „Неможливе лю́дям — можливе для Бога!“
But Jesus said, “It is impossible for people [to save themselves]. But [God can save them, because] God can do anything!”
28 І промовив Петро: „От усе ми покинули, — та й пішли за Тобою слідо́м“.
Then Peter said, “[You know that we(exc) have left] everything we had and have become your disciples [RHQ]. [So what about us?] (OR, [So will God accept/save us?]”)
29 А Ісус відказав їм: „Поправді кажу́ вам: Немає такого, щоб покинув свій дім, або дружи́ну, чи братів, чи батьків, чи дітей ради Божого Царства,
He said to them, “Keep this in mind: Those who have left [their] homes, [their] wives, [their] brothers, [their] parents, [their] children, [or any other family members], [to tell others] about how God wants to rule [MET] [people’s lives],
30 і не одержав би значно більш цього́ ча́су, а в віці наступнім — життя вічне“. (aiōn , aiōnios )
will receive in this life many times as much [as they left]. And in the future age they will (live eternally [with God]/ have eternal life).” (aiōn , aiōnios )
31 І, взявши Дванадцятьо́х, промовив до них: „Оце в Єрусалим ми йдемо́, і все здійсни́ться, що́ писали Пророки про Лю́дського Сина.
[Jesus] took the twelve [disciples] to a place by themselves and said to them, “Listen carefully! We [(inc)] are [now] going up to Jerusalem. [While we are there], everything that has been written by the prophets {that the prophets have written} about [me], the one who came from heaven, will be fulfilled {will occur}.
32 Бо Він ви́даний буде поганам, і буде осмі́яний, і покривджений, і опльо́ваний.
I will be put into the hands of {[My enemies] will hand me over to} non-Jews. [The non-Jews] will make fun of me and mistreat me and spit on me.
33 і, збичува́вши, уб'ють Його, — але третього дня Він воскресне!“
They will whip me, and [then] they will kill me. But on the third day [after that] I will become alive again.”
34 Та з цього нічо́го вони не збагну́ли, і ця річ перед ними закрита була́, і ска́заного вони не розуміли.
But [the disciples] did not understand any of those things that [he said]. They were prevented {[Something] prevented them} from understanding the meaning of what [he] was telling [them].
35 І сталось, як Він наближа́вся був до Єрихо́ну, один невидю́щий сидів при дорозі й просив.
As [Jesus and his disciples] came near to Jericho [city], a blind man was sitting beside the road. [He was] begging [for money].
36 А коли він прочув, що проходить наро́д, то спитався: „Що́ це таке?“
When he heard the crowd [of people] passing by, he asked someone, “What is happening?”
37 А йому відказали, що проходить Ісус Назаряни́н.
They told him, “Jesus, [the man] from Nazareth [town], is passing by.”
38 І став він кричати й казати: „Ісусе, Сину Давидів, — змилуйся надо мною!“
He shouted, “Jesus, [you who are] descended from [King] David, [the Messiah], pity me!”
39 А ті, що попе́реду йшли, сварились на нього, щоб він замо́вк, а він іще більше кричав: „Сину Давидів, — змилуйся надо мною!“
Those who were [walking] at the front [of the crowd] scolded the man [and] told him to be quiet. But he shouted more loudly, “You who are descended from [King] David, [the Messiah], pity me!”
40 І спинився Ісус, і привести його до Себе звелів. А коли той набли́зивсь до Нього, то Він запитався його:
Jesus stopped and told [people] to bring the man to him. When [the blind man] came near, Jesus asked him,
41 „Що́ ти хочеш, щоб зробив Я тобі?“А той відповів: „Господи, — нехай стану видю́щим!“
“What do you [(sg)] want me to do for you?” He replied, “Lord, enable me to see [again]!”
42 Ісус же до нього сказав. „Стань видющий! Твоя віра спасла тебе!“
Jesus said to him, “[Then] see! Because you have trusted [PRS] [in me], [I] have healed you!”
43 І зараз видю́щим той став, і пішов вслід за Ним, прославляючи Бога. А всі люди, бачивши це, віддали́ хвалу Богові.
Immediately he was able to see! And he went with [Jesus], praising God. And when all the people who were [going with Jesus] saw it, they also praised God.