< Adiyisɛm 18 >

1 Yei akyi, mehunuu ɔbɔfoɔ foforɔ sɛ ɔfiri ɔsoro reba fam. Na ɔwɔ tumi kɛseɛ na nʼanimuonyam hyerɛn asase so nyinaa.
After these things, I saw another messenger, coming down out of heaven, —having great authority; and, the earth, was illumined with his glory.
2 Ɔteaam dendeenden sɛ, “‘Wahwe ase! Babilonia kɛseɛ ahwe ase!’ Adane ahonhommɔne tenaberɛ ne ahonhom efi nyinaa atɛeɛ. Nnomaa a wɔyɛ efi a wɔkyiri wɔn nyinaa te ne mu.
And he cried out, with a mighty voice, saying—Fallen! fallen! is Babylon the Great, and hath become a habitation of demons, and a prison of every impure spirit, and a prison of every impure and hated bird;
3 Ɔde ne nsã a ɛyɛ nʼadwamammɔ a ano yɛ den no maa nnipa nyinaa nomeeɛ. Asase so ahene ne no bɔɔ adwaman, na asase so adwadifoɔ nam nʼahonya mmorosoɔ so nyaa wɔn ho.”
Because, by reason [of the wine] of the wrath of her lewdness, have all the nations fallen, and, the kings of the earth, with her, did commit lewdness, and, the merchants of the earth, by reason of the power of her wantonness, waxed rich.
4 Afei, metee nne foforɔ bi a ɛfiri ɔsoro ka sɛ, “Momfiri, me nkurɔfoɔ, na moamfa mo ho amfra bɔne a ɔyɛ no mu, na mo ne no ankyɛre nʼasotweɛ!
And I heard another voice out of heaven, saying—Come forth, my people, out of her, —that ye may have no fellowship with her sins, and, of her plagues, that ye may not receive;
5 Ɛfiri sɛ, wɔahyehyɛ ne bɔne atoatoa abɛduru soro, na Onyankopɔn akae nʼawudie no.
because her sins were joined together as far as heaven, and God hath remembered her unrighteous deeds.
6 Sɛdeɛ ɔyɛɛ mo no, monyɛ no saa pɛpɛɛpɛ; deɛ ɔyɛɛ mo biara no, montua ne so ka mprenu. Nsa a ɔde maa mo no, monhyɛ no deɛ ano yɛ den mmɔho mmienu.
Render ye unto her, as, she also, rendered, and double [the] double, according to her works, —in the cup wherein she mixed, mix, unto her, double, —
7 Momma nʼayayadeɛ ne nʼawerɛhoɔ nnɔɔso sɛ animuonyam ne ahonya a ɔpɛ maa ne ho no. Ɛfiri sɛ, daa ɔka sɛ, ‘Mete ha sɛ ɔhemmaa; menyɛ okunafoɔ, na me werɛ renho da!’
As much as she glorified herself, and waxed wanton, so much give, unto her, torment and grief: —because, in her heart, she saith—I sit a Queen, and, widow, am I not, and, grief, in nowise shall I see!
8 Yei enti, nʼamanehunu a ɛyɛ yadeɛ awerɛhoɔ ne ɛkɔm bɛba ne so da bi. Na wɔde ogya ahye no, ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade Onyankopɔn a ɔbu no atɛn no yɛ kɛseɛ.
Therefore, in one day, shall have come her plagues, —death and grief and famine; and, with fire, shall she be burned up; —because, mighty, is the [Lord] God who hath judged her.
9 “Sɛ asase so ahene a wɔne no bɔɔ adwaman, dii dɛ no hunu hye a wɔrehye no no wisie a, wɔbɛsu atwa agyaadwoɔ.
And they shall weep and wail over her—shall the kings of the earth who, with her, committed lewdness and waxed wanton, —as soon as they see the smoke of her burning, —
10 Nʼamanehunu no hu a ɛyɛ enti, wɔbɛgyina akyiri asu sɛ, “‘Due! Due, Ao, kuropɔn kɛseɛ, Ao Babilonia, kuropɔn a ɛwɔ tumi! Dɔnhwere baako pɛ mu, wʼatemmuo aba.’
afar off, standing, because of their fear of her torment, saying—Alas! alas! the great city! Babylon, the mighty city! That, in one hour, hath come thy judgment.
11 “Adwadifoɔ a wɔwɔ asase so nso su no ɛfiri sɛ, obiara ntɔ wɔn nneɛma bio.
And, the merchants of the earth, weep and grieve over her, because, their cargo, no one, buyeth any more:
12 Obiara ntɔ sikakɔkɔɔ ne dwetɛ, ne aboɔden aboɔ ne nhweneɛ pa, ne nwera pa ne ntoma afasebire ne serekye ne tam kɔkɔɔ, ne nnua a ɛyɛ hwam nyinaa ne asonse adwinneɛ nyinaa, ne adwinneɛ a wɔde nnua a ɛwɔ din ayɛ, ne ayowaa ne dadeɛ ne abohemaa,
cargo of gold, and silver, and precious stone, and pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and every article of ivory, and every article of wood most precious, and of copper, and of iron, and of marble,
13 ne pɛperɛ ne mmorɔngo, ne nnuhwam ne kurobo, ne hwamfufuo ne nsã ne ngo, ne asikyiresiam muhumuhu ne ayuo, ne nyɛmmoa ne nnwan ne apɔnkɔ ne nteaseɛnam ne nkoa ne nnipa akra.
and cinnamon, and spice, and incense, and unguent, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep, and [cargo] of horses, and of chariots, and of bodies, and lives of men.
14 “Adwadifoɔ no bɛka sɛ, ‘Nneɛma pa a wopere hwehwɛeɛ no nyinaa ayera, na wʼahonya ne wʼanimuonyam no kɔ, na wo nsa renka bio.’
And, the fruit of the coveting of thy soul, hath departed from thee, and, all things rich and bright, have perished from thee; and, no more, in anywise, for them, shall they seek.
15 Adwadifoɔ a wɔnyaa wɔn ho wɔ kuro no mu no bɛgyina akyirikyiri ɛfiri sɛ, wɔsuro amanehunu a ɔrehunu no. Wɔbɛsu na wɔatwa agyaadwoɔ,
The merchants of these things, who were enriched by her, afar off, shall stand, because of their fear of her torment, weeping, and grieving,
16 na wɔaka sɛ: “‘Due! Due, Ao, kuropɔn kɛseɛ a ɔfira nwera pa ne ntoma afasebire ne tam kɔkɔɔ, na sika ne aboɔden aboɔ ne nhwene pa bobɔ mu.
as they say—Alas! alas! the great city! She that was arrayed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stone, and pearl, —
17 Dɔnhwere pɛ, na saa ahonya dodoɔ yi asɛe.’ “Ahyɛnkafoɔ panin ne ɛhyɛn no mu nnipa, ne ɛhyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ, ne wɔn a wɔka ho a wɔnya wɔn anoduane firi ɛhyɛn adwumayɛ mu no nyinaa gyinaa akyirikyiri.
That, in one hour, hath been laid waste, such great wealth as this! And, every pilot, and every passenger, and mariners, and as many as, by the sea, carry on traffic, afar off did stand,
18 Wɔsuiɛ wɔ ɛberɛ a wɔhunuu ogya a ɛrehyeɛ no wisie no, wɔteam ka sɛ ‘Kuropɔn biara a ne kɛseɛ te sɛi mmaa da.’”
and they cried out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying—What city is like unto the great city?
19 Wɔtoo mfuturo guu wɔn atifi na wɔsu twaa agyaadwoɔ sɛ, “‘Due! Due Ao kuropɔn kɛseɛ, wo a wɔn a wɔwɔ ahyɛn wɔ wo mu no nam wʼahonya so yɛɛ adefoɔ. Na dɔnhwereɛ baako pɛ mu, wɔahwere biribiara!’
And they cast dust upon their heads, and cried out, weeping and grieving, saying—Alas! alas! the great city! Whereby were made rich all that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness, —that, in one hour, she hath been laid waste!
20 “Ma wʼani nnye ne ho. Ao, ɔsoro! Ahotefoɔ ne asomafoɔ ne adiyifoɔ mo ani nnye! Ɛkwan a ɔde mo faa so enti, Onyankopɔn abu no atɛn.”
Be glad over her, thou heaven! And ye saints, and ye apostles, and ye prophets! For that God hath exacted your vindication from her.
21 Afei, ɔbɔfoɔ hoɔdenfoɔ bi faa ɛboɔ a ne kɛseɛ bɛyɛ sɛ owiyammoɔ to twenee ɛpo mu kaa sɛ, “Saa ahoɔden yi ara na wɔde bɛto Babilonia kɛseɛ no atwene, a wɔrenhunu no bio.
And one mighty messenger lifted a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying—Thus, with main force, shall be cast down, Babylon the great city, —and in nowise be found any more;
22 Wɔrente sankubɔfoɔ ne nnwomtofoɔ, atɛntɛbɛnbɔfoɔ ne totorobɛntohyɛnfoɔ nka bio wɔ mo mu. Wɔrenhunu odwumfoɔ biara wɔ wo mu bio. Na wɔrente owiyamfoɔ biara nka wɔ wo mu bio.
And sound of harp-singers, and musicians, and flute-players, and trumpeters, —in nowise be heard in thee any more; and any artisan [of any art], —in nowise be found in thee any more; and sound of millstone, —in nowise be found in thee any more;
23 Kanea hann renhyerɛn wɔ wo mu bio. Wɔrente ayeforɔkunu ne ayeforɔyere nne wɔ wo mu bio. Wʼadwadifoɔ yɛ ewiase mu nnipa titire. Na wɔde wo ntafowayie adaadaa aman nyinaa.
And light of lamp, —in nowise shine in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and bride, —in nowise be heard in thee any more; because, thy merchants, were the great ones of the earth, because, with thy sorcery, were all the nations deceived:
24 Wɔ ne mu na wɔhunuu adiyifoɔ ne ahotefoɔ ne wɔn a wɔkumm wɔn asase so nyinaa mogya.”
And, in her, blood of prophets and saints, was found, —and of all who had been slain upon the earth.

< Adiyisɛm 18 >