< Mmɛbusɛm 10 >

1 Salomo mmɛbusɛm: Ɔba nyansafoɔ ma nʼagya ani gye, na ɔba kwasea brɛ ne maame awerɛhoɔ.
The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
2 Ɛkwan bɔne so ahonya nni boɔ, nanso tenenee gye onipa firi owuo mu.
Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
3 Awurade remma ɛkɔm nne ɔteneneeni na omumuyɛfoɔ deɛ ɔka nʼadepa gu.
YHWH will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.
4 Nsa a ɛnyɛ adwuma ma onipa di hia, nanso nsiyɛfoɔ nsa de ahonya ba.
He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
5 Deɛ ɔboaboa nnɔbaeɛ ano wɔ ahuhuro berɛ no yɛ ɔba nyansafoɔ na deɛ ɔda wɔ twaberɛ mu no yɛ ɔba nimguaseni.
He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
6 Teneneefoɔ hyɛ nhyira kyɛ na akakabensɛm ayɛ omumuyɛfoɔ anom ma.
Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
7 Ɔteneneeni nkaeɛ yɛ nhyira, na omumuyɛfoɔ din bɛporɔ.
The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
8 Akoma mu nyansafoɔ tie ɔhyɛ nsɛm, na ɔkwasea kasafoɔ hwe ase.
The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.
9 Ɔnokwafoɔ nante dwoodwoo, na deɛ ɔfa akwan kɔntɔnkye so no ho bɛda adi.
He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
10 Deɛ ɔde nitan bu nʼani no de ɔhaw ba, na ɔkwasea kasafoɔ hwe ase.
He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
11 Ɔteneneeni anom yɛ nkwa asutire, na akakabensɛm ayɛ omumuyɛfoɔ anom ma.
The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
12 Ɔtan hwanyan mpaapaemu, nanso ɔdɔ kata mfomsoɔ nyinaa so.
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
13 Wohunu nyansa wɔ nhunumufoɔ anom, na abaa fata deɛ ɔnni atemmuo akyi.
In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
14 Anyansafoɔ kora nimdeɛ, nanso ɔkwasea ano frɛfrɛ ɔsɛeɛ.
Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
15 Adefoɔ ahonya yɛ wɔn kuropɔn a wɔabɔ ho ban, nanso ahiafoɔ hia yɛ wɔn asehweɛ.
The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.
16 Ateneneefoɔ akatua de nkwa brɛ wɔn, na deɛ amumuyɛfoɔ nya no de asotwe brɛ wɔn.
The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.
17 Deɛ ɔtie nteteeɛ pa no kyerɛ nkwa kwan, na deɛ ɔpo ntenesoɔ no di afoforɔ anim yera ɛkwan.
He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.
18 Deɛ ɔkata nitan soɔ no yɛ ɔtorofoɔ, na deɛ ɔdi nsekuro no yɛ ɔkwasea.
He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.
19 Mfomsoɔ mpa ɔkasa bebree mu, na deɛ ɔkora ne tɛkrɛma no yɛ onyansafoɔ.
In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
20 Ɔteneneeni tɛkrɛma yɛ dwetɛ amapa nanso omumuyɛfoɔ akoma nni boɔ.
The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.
21 Teneneefoɔ ano ho mfasoɔ ma bebree aduane, na atemmuo a nkwaseafoɔ nni enti wɔwuwu.
The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.
22 Awurade nhyira de ahonya ba, na ɔmmfa ɔhaw biara nka ho.
The blessing of YHWH, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
23 Bɔneyɛ yɛ anigyedeɛ ma ɔkwasea, nanso deɛ ɔwɔ nimdeɛ anigyeɛ wɔ nyansa mu.
It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
24 Deɛ amumuyɛfoɔ suro no bɛba wɔn so; na deɛ teneneefoɔ pɛ no, wɔde bɛma wɔn.
The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
25 Sɛ ahum no bɛtwam a, amumuyɛfoɔ yera, nanso teneneefoɔ gyina hɔ pintinn afebɔɔ.
As the whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
26 Sɛdeɛ nsã kekakeka ka ɛse, na wisie kɔ ani no, saa ara na ɔkwadwofoɔ yɛ ma wɔn a wɔsoma noɔ.
As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.
27 Awurade suro ma nkwa tenten, nanso wɔtwa amumuyɛfoɔ nkwa so.
The fear of YHWH prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
28 Teneneefoɔ anidasoɔ de ahotɔ ba, nanso amumuyɛfoɔ anidasoɔ nkɔsi hwee.
The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
29 Awurade ɛkwan yɛ dwanekɔbea ma ɔteneneeni, nanso ɛyɛ ɔsɛeɛ ma wɔn a wɔyɛ bɔne.
The way of YHWH is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
30 Wɔrentɔre teneneefoɔ ase da, nanso amumuyɛfoɔ renka asase no so.
The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
31 Nyansa firi teneneeni anom ba nanso tɛkrɛma a ɛdaadaa no wɔbɛtwa atwene.
The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out.
32 Teneneefoɔ ano nim adeɛ a ɛfata na omumuyɛfoɔ ano nim deɛ ɛyɛ nnaadaasɛm nko ara.
The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.

< Mmɛbusɛm 10 >