< 4 Mose 25 >

1 Ɛberɛ a Israelfoɔ bɔɔ atenaseɛ wɔ Sitim no, wɔn mu mmarima no bi hyɛɛ aseɛ ne Moab mmabaawa no bɔɔ adwaman de guu wɔn ho fi.
And Israel at that time abode in Settim, and the people committed fornication with the daughters of Moab,
2 Saa mmabaawa yi too nsa frɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔmmra wɔn afɔdeɛ a wɔbɔ ma wɔn anyame no ase. Ankyɛre biara, mmarima no kɔɔ wɔn apontoɔ ase na wɔsomm Moab anyame.
Who called them to their sacrifices. And they ate of them, and adored their gods.
3 Ɛberɛ tiawa bi akyi, Israelfoɔ no nyinaa kɔsom Baal-peor a ɔyɛ Moabfoɔ nyame. Yei maa Awurade bo fuu ne nkurɔfoɔ no yie.
And Israel was initiated to Beelphegor: upon which the Lord being angry,
4 Ɔhyɛɛ saa mmara yi maa Mose sɛ, “Kunkum mpanimfoɔ a wɔtuatua Israel mmusuakuo no ano no nyinaa. Sɛn wɔn wɔ Awurade anim awia ketee sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, nʼabufuo a ano yɛ den no bɛfiri wɔn so.”
Said to Moses: Take all the princes of the people, and hang them up on gibbets against the sun: that my fury may be turned away from Israel.
5 Enti, Mose hyɛɛ atemmufoɔ no ma wɔkunkumm wɔn a wɔsomm Baal-peor no nyinaa.
And Moses said to the judges of Israel: Let every man kill his neighbours, that have been initiated to Beelphegor.
6 Nanso, Israelni ɔhantanni bi de Midiani ababaawa bi baa wɔn atenaeɛ hɔ maa Mose ne nnipa no nyinaa hunuu no ɛberɛ a na wɔn nyinaa gyina Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ɛpono akyi retwa adwo no.
And behold one of the children of Israel went in before his brethren to a harlot of Madian, in the sight of Moses, and of all the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle.
7 Ɛberɛ a Pinehas a ɔyɛ Eleasa babarima a na ɔyɛ ɔsɔfoɔ Aaron nana hunuu yei no, ɔhuri sɔɔ pea mu
And when Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest saw it, he rose up from the midst; of the multitude, and taking a dagger,
8 taa saa ɔbarima no so de no kɔwuraa ne ntomadan mu baabi a ɔfaa ɔbaa no. Ɔde pea no wowɔɔ ɔbarima no sane de wɔɔ ɔbaa no yafunu mu. Enti, ɔhaw no to twaa wɔ Israelfoɔ no mu,
Went in after the Israelite into the brothel house, and thrust both of them through together, to wit, the man and the woman in the genital parts. And the scourge ceased from the children of Israel:
9 nanso ɛkɔsi saa ɛberɛ no, na nnipa mpem aduonu ɛnan awuwu dada.
And there were slain four and twenty thousand men.
10 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
And the Lord said to Moses:
11 “Eleasa babarima Pinehas a ɔyɛ ɔsɔfoɔ Aaron nana adwodwo mʼabufuo ano, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔbɔɔ mmɔden te sɛ me ara wɔ mʼanimuonyam ho, enti sɛdeɛ meyɛɛ mʼadwene sɛ mɛsɛe Israelfoɔ nyinaa no, magyae.
Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned away my wrath from the children of Israel: because he was moved with my zeal against them, that I myself might not destroy the children of Israel in my zeal.
12 Enti ka kyerɛ no sɛ, me ne no rebɛyɛ asomdwoeɛ apam.
Therefore say to him: Behold I give him the peace of my covenant,
13 Saa apam yi mu, ɔno ne nʼasefoɔ bɛyɛ asɔfoɔ afebɔɔ, ɛfiri sɛ watwe me, ne Onyankopɔn, ho ninkunu wɔ Israelfoɔ mu de ayɛ mpata ama wɔn.”
And the covenant of the priesthood for ever shall be both to him and his seed, because he hath been zealous for his God, and hath made atonement for the wickedness of the children of Israel.
14 Ɔbarima a wɔkumm no ne Midiani ababaawa no, na ne din de Simri a na ɔyɛ Salu a ɔtua Simeon abusuakuo ano no babarima.
And the name of the Israelite, was slain with the woman of Madian, was Zambri the son of Salu, a prince the kindred and tribe of Simeon.
15 Ɔbaa no nso, na ne din de Kosbi a na ɔyɛ Midianhene babarima Sur babaa.
And the Madianite woman, that was slain with him, was called Cozbi the daughter of Sur, a most noble prince among the Madianites.
16 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
17 “To hyɛ Midianfoɔ no so na sɛe wɔn,
Let the Madianites find you enemies, and slay you them:
18 ɛfiri sɛ, wɔfaa mo sɛ atamfoɔ, na wɔdaadaa mo ma mosomm Baal-peor, ne Kosbi a ɔyɛ Midian ntuanoni babaa a wɔkumm no wɔ Peor ɔyaredɔm ɛda no.”
Because they also have acted like enemies against you, and have guilefully deceived you by the idol Phogor, and Cozbi their sister, a daughter of a prince of Madian, who was slain in the day the plague for the sacrilege of Phogor.

< 4 Mose 25 >