< Mika 4 >

1 Nna a ɛdi akyire no mu no, Awurade asɔredan bepɔ no bɛtim sɛ mmepɔ no nyinaa ti; ɛbɛgye din aboro nkokoɔ nyinaa, na nnipa ahodoɔ bɛbɔ yuu akɔ hɔ.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of mountains, and high above the hills: and people shall flow to it.
2 Aman bebree bɛba abɛka sɛ, “Mommra mma yɛnkɔ Awurade bepɔ so, Yakob Onyankopɔn efie. Ɔbɛkyerɛ yɛn nʼakwan, sɛdeɛ yɛbɛnante soɔ.” Na mmara no bɛfiri Sion aba Awurade asɛm bɛfiri Yerusalem aba.
And many nations shall come in haste, and say: Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob: and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth out of Sion, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem.
3 Awurade bɛdi amanaman ntam nsɛm Aane ɔbɛsiesie ntawantawa ama aman a wɔyɛ den wɔ mmaa nyinaa. Wɔde wɔn akofena bɛbɔ funtumdadeɛ wɔde wɔn mpea bɛbɔ nsɔsɔwa. Ɔman bi ntwe ɔman foforɔ so akofena, na wɔrenyɛ ahoboa biara mma ɔko bio.
And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off: and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into spades: nation shall not take sword against nation: neither shall they learn war any more.
4 Obiara bɛtena ne bobe anaa ne borɔdɔma nnua ase, na obiara remmɛhunahuna wɔn, ɛfiri sɛ, Asafo Awurade akasa.
And every man shall sit under his vine, and under his fig tree, and there shall be none to make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken.
5 Amanaman no nyinaa bɛtumi anante wɔn anyame din mu, na yɛn deɛ, yɛbɛnante Awurade, yɛn Onyankopɔn Din mu daa daa.
For all people will walk every one in the name of his god: but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
6 “Saa ɛda no,” sɛdeɛ Awurade seɛ nie, “Mɛboaboa mmubuafoɔ, atukɔfoɔ ɛne wɔn a mede awerɛhoɔ aba wɔn so ano.
In that day, saith the Lord, I will gather up her that halteth: and her that I had cast out, I will gather up: and her whom I had afflicted.
7 Mɛma mmubuafoɔ ayɛ me nkurɔfoɔ wɔ asase no so, atukɔfoɔ no bɛyɛ ɔman kɛseɛ. Awurade bɛdi wɔn so ɔhene wɔ Sion bepɔ so afiri da no akɔsi daa.
And I will make her that halted, a remnant: and her that hath been afflicted, a mighty nation: and the Lord will reign over them in mount Sion, from this time now and for ever.
8 Na wo, nnwankuo no abantenten, Ao, Ɔbabaa Sion, abandenden, wɔde wo tete tumidie no bɛsane abrɛ wo; Ɔbabaa Yerusalem nsa bɛsane aka nʼahennie.”
And thou, O cloudy tower of the flock, of the daughter of Sion, unto thee shall it come: yea the first power shall come, the kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.
9 Ɛdeɛn enti na afei woresu denden, wonni ɔhene anaa? Wo futufoɔ ayera, na enti, ɔyea aka wo sɛ ɔbaa ɔwɔ awokoɔ mu?
Now, why art thou drawn together with grief? Hast thou no king in thee, or is thy counsellor perished, because sorrow hath taken thee as a woman in labour?
10 Ɔyea enti, nukanuka wo mu, Ao Ɔbabaa Sion, te sɛ ɔbaa a awoɔ aka no, seesei ɛsɛ sɛ wofiri kuropɔn no mu kɔtena ɛserɛ so. Wobɛkɔ Babilonia; na ɛhɔ na wɔbɛgye woɔ. Ɛhɔ na Awurade bɛgye wo afiri wʼatamfoɔ nsam.
Be in pain and labour, O daughter of Sion, as a woman that bringeth forth: for now shalt thou go out of the city, and shalt dwell in the country, and shalt come even to Babylon, there thou shalt be delivered: there the Lord will redeem thee out of the hand of thy enemies.
11 Seesei deɛ, aman bebree aka abɔ mu atia wo. Wɔka sɛ, “Wɔngu Sion ho fi, na yɛmfa yɛn ani nhwɛ no!”
And now many nations are gathered together against thee, and they say: Let her be stoned: and let our eye look upon Sion.
12 Nanso, wɔnnim Awurade adwene. Wɔnte nʼagyinatuo ase. Wɔnnim sɛ ɔno na ɔboaboa wɔn ano te sɛ afiafi de kɔ ayuporobea.
But they have not known the thoughts of the Lord, and have not understood his counsel: because he hath gathered them together as the hay of the floor.
13 “Sɔre, na pore, Ao Ɔbabaa Sion, mɛma wo dadeɛ mmɛn; mɛma wo kɔbere ntɔte na wobɛbubu aman bebree mu nketenkete.” Wode wɔn mfasodeɛ a wɔampɛ no ɛkwan pa so bɛbrɛ Awurade, wode wɔn ahonyadeɛ bɛbrɛ asase nyinaa so wura.
Arise, and tread, O daughter of Sion: for I will make thy horn iron, and thy hoofs I will make brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many peoples, and shalt immolate the spoils of them to the Lord, and their strength to the Lord of the whole earth.

< Mika 4 >