< Malaki 4 >

1 “Ampa ara, ɛda no reba; ɛbɛdɛre te sɛ fononoo. Ahomasofoɔ ne nnebɔneyɛfoɔ nyinaa bɛyɛ wiradwaneɛ, na saa da a ɛreba no, wɔde ogya bɛto mu,” sɛdeɛ Asafo Awurade seɛ nie. “Ɛrenka nhini anaa dubaa ɛmma wɔn.
For, behold, the day cometh, which shall burn as an oven; Then shall all the proud, And all that do wickedness, be stubble; And the day that cometh shall burn them up, Saith Jehovah of hosts; It shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2 Nanso, mo a mode anidie ma me din no, tenenee awia bɛpue ama mo, na ɛde ayaresa bɛba. Na mobɛpue na moahurihuri te sɛ anantwie mma a wɔabue wɔn afiri wɔn buo mu.
But for you that fear my name Shall the sun of salvation arise With healing under his wings. And ye shall go forth and leap for joy, Like calves of the stall.
3 Na mobɛtiatia atirimuɔdenfoɔ so; wɔbɛyɛ nsõ wɔ mo nan ase, da a mɛyɛ saa nneɛma yi.” Sɛdeɛ Asafo Awurade seɛ nie.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; For they shall be as dust under the soles of your feet In the day which I appoint, saith Jehovah of hosts.
4 “Monkae mʼakoa Mose mmara ne ahyɛdeɛ a mede maa no wɔ Horeb so sɛ ɔmfa mma Israelfoɔ nyinaa.
Remember ye the law of Moses, my servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, My statutes and precepts!
5 “Mɛsoma Odiyifoɔ Elia aba mo nkyɛn, ansa na Awurade da kɛseɛ a ɛyɛ hu no aba.
Behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, Before the day of Jehovah come, The great and terrible day.
6 Ɔbɛdane agyanom akoma akɔ wɔn mma so, na wadane mma nso akoma akɔ agyanom so, anyɛ saa a, mede nnome bɛba abɛsɛe asase no.”
He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, And the heart of the children to their fathers, That I may not come And smite the land with a curse.

< Malaki 4 >