< Kwadwom 5 >

1 Ao Awurade, kae deɛ aba yɛn so; hwɛ, na hunu yɛn animguaseɛ.
Remember, O Lord, what is come vpon vs: consider, and behold our reproche.
2 Wɔadane yɛn agyapadeɛ ama ahɔhoɔ, wɔde yɛn afie ama ananafoɔ.
Our inheritance is turned to the strangers, our houses to the aliants.
3 Yɛayɛ nwisiaa na yɛnni agyanom, yɛn maamenom ayɛ sɛ akunafoɔ.
We are fatherles, euen without father, and our mothers are as widowes.
4 Ɛsɛ sɛ yɛtɔ nsuo a yɛnom; yɛbɛnya nnyina a, gye sɛ yɛtɔ.
Wee haue drunke our water for money, and our wood is solde vnto vs.
5 Wɔn a wɔtaa yɛn no abɛn yɛn pɛɛ; Yɛabrɛ na yɛnnya ahomegyeɛ.
Our neckes are vnder persecution: we are wearie, and haue no rest.
6 Yɛde yɛn ho maa Misraim ne Asiria sɛdeɛ yɛbɛnya aduane a ɛbɛso yɛn.
We haue giuen our handes to the Egyptians, and to Asshur, to be satisfied with bread.
7 Yɛn agyanom yɛɛ bɔne, na wɔnni hɔ bio, na yɛn na wɔn asotwe abɛda yɛn so.
Our fathers haue sinned, and are not, and we haue borne their iniquities.
8 Nkoa di yɛn so, na obiara nni hɔ a ɔbɛgye yɛn afiri wɔn nsam.
Seruants haue ruled ouer vs, none would deliuer vs out of their hands.
9 Yɛde yɛn nkwa bɔ afɔdeɛ de pɛ yɛn anoduane, akofena a ɛwɔ ɛserɛ so no enti.
Wee gate our bread with the perill of our liues, because of the sword of the wildernesse.
10 Yɛn honam adɔ sɛ fononoo. Ɛkɔm ama huraeɛ abɔ yɛn.
Our skinne was blacke like as an ouen because of the terrible famine.
11 Wɔato mmaa monnaa wɔ Sion, ne mmaabunu a wɔwɔ Yuda nkuro so.
They defiled the women in Zion, and the maydes in the cities of Iudah.
12 Wɔkyekyere mmapɔmma nsa na wɔasɛn wɔn; wɔmmfa anidie mma mpanimfoɔ.
The princes are hanged vp by their hande: the faces of the elders were not had in honour.
13 Mmeranteɛ yɛ adwuma den wɔ ayuoyammoɔ so; na mmerantewaa nan toto wɔ nnyina duruduru ase.
They tooke the yong men to grinde, and the children fell vnder the wood.
14 Mpanimfoɔ ntena kuropɔn apono ano bio; mmeranteɛ agyae wɔn nnwontoɔ.
The Elders haue ceased from the gate and the yong men from their songs.
15 Ahosɛpɛ afiri yɛn akoma mu; yɛn asa adane agyaadwotwa.
The ioy of our heart is gone, our daunce is turned into mourning.
16 Ahenkyɛ afiri yɛn tiri so. Yɛn ara, yɛnnue sɛ yɛayɛ bɔne!
The crowne of our head is fallen: wo nowe vnto vs, that we haue sinned.
17 Yei enti yɛn akoma atɔ piti, yeinom enti yɛn ani so ayɛ kusuu
Therefore our heart is heauy for these things, our eyes are dimme,
18 wɔ Sion bepɔ a ada mpan na sakraman nenam soɔ no enti.
Because of the mountaine of Zion which is desolate: the foxes runne vpon it.
19 Wo, Ao Awurade, di ɔhene afebɔɔ; wʼahennwa firi awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ kɔsi awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ.
But thou, O Lord, remainest for euer: thy throne is from generation to generation.
20 Adɛn enti na wo werɛ firi yɛn daa yi? Adɛn enti na wagya yɛn mmerɛ tenten mu yi?
Wherefore doest thou forget vs for euer, and forsake vs so long time?
21 Ka yɛn bata wo ho bio, Ao, Awurade, na yɛatumi aba wo nkyɛn; yɛ yɛn nna foforɔ sɛ tete no
Turne thou vs vnto thee, O Lord, and we shalbe turned: renue our dayes as of olde.
22 agye sɛ wapo yɛn koraa anaa sɛ wo bo afu yɛn mmorosoɔ.
But thou hast vtterly reiected vs: thou art exceedingly angry against vs.

< Kwadwom 5 >