< Atemmufoɔ 8 >

1 Afei, Efraimfoɔ no bisaa Gideon sɛ, “Adɛn enti na woyɛ yɛn saa? Adɛn enti na worekɔko atia Midian kane no, woamfrɛ yɛn?” Na wɔne Gideon kasaa anibereɛ so.
Then the men of Ephraim sayde vnto him, Why hast thou serued vs thus that thou calledst vs not, when thou wentest to fight with the Midianites? and they chode with him sharply.
2 Na Gideon buaa wɔn sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na mayɛ a mede bɛtoto mo ho? Na Efraim bobe aba a ɛka wɔ twaberɛ akyi no nyɛ nsene Abieser bobe a wɔnteeɛ nyinaa?
To whom he said, What haue I now done in comparison of you? is not the gleaning of grapes of Ephraim better, then the vintage of Abiezer?
3 Onyankopɔn ma modii Oreb ne Seeb a na wɔyɛ Midian asahene no so. Ɛdeɛn na matumi ayɛ a ɛsɛ yei?” Efraim mmarima no tee Gideon mmuaeɛ no, wɔn bo tɔɔ wɔn yam.
God hath deliuered into your handes the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb: and what was I able to do in comparison of you? and when he had thus spoken, then their spirits abated toward him.
4 Gideon ne ne mmarima ahasa no twaa Asubɔnten Yordan, ɛwom sɛ na wɔabrɛ deɛ, nanso wɔtoaa so taa atamfoɔ no.
And Gideon came to Iorden to passe ouer, hee, and the three hundreth men that were with him, weary, yet pursuing them.
5 Wɔduruu Sukot no, Gideon ka kyerɛɛ ntuanofoɔ a wɔwɔ hɔ no sɛ, “Momma mʼakofoɔ no aduane nni na wɔabrɛ. Meretaa Midian ahemfo Seba ne Salmuna.”
And he said vnto the men of Succoth, Giue, I pray you, morsels of bread vnto the people that follow me (for they be wearie) that I may follow after Zebah, and Zalmunna Kings of Midian.
6 Na Sukot ntuanofoɔ no buaa sɛ, “Kyere Seba ne Salmuna ansa na yɛama wʼakofoɔ no aduane adi.”
And the princes of Succoth sayde, Are the handes of Zebah and Zalmunna nowe in thine hads, that we should giue bread vnto thine army?
7 Gideon buaa sɛ, “Sɛ Awurade ma medi Seba ne Salmuna so nkonim a, mɛsane aba de ɛserɛ so nkasɛɛ ne akraateɛ abɛsunsuane mo honam ani.”
Gideon then sayde, Therefore when the Lord hath deliuered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, I will teare your flesh with thornes of the wildernes and with breers.
8 Na Gideon firii hɔ kɔɔ Penuel kɔsrɛɛ aduane bio, na ɔnyaa mmuaeɛ korɔ no ara.
And he went vp thence to Penuel, and spake vnto them likewise, and the men of Penuel answered him, as the men of Succoth answered.
9 Na ɔka kyerɛɛ Penuelfoɔ no sɛ, “Sɛ mefiri nkonimdie mu ba a, mɛbubu saa abantenten yi.”
And he sayd also vnto the men of Penuel, When I come againe in peace, I will breake downe this towre.
10 Saa ɛberɛ yi na Seba ne Salmuna ne akofoɔ mpem dunum wɔ Karkor, aboafoɔ a wɔfiri apueeɛ fam a na emu ɔpeha aduonu atotɔ dada no nkaeɛfoɔ.
Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor, and their hostes with them, about fifteene thousande, all that were left of all the hostes of them of the East: for there was slaine an hundreth and twentie thousand men, that drew swordes.
11 Gideon faa atutenafoɔ ɛkwan a ɛda Noba ne Yogbeha apueeɛ fam no ho hyiaeɛ, na wɔto hyɛɛ Midian akodɔm a na wɔn ani nna wɔn ho soɔ no so.
And Gideon went through them that dwelt in Tabernacles on the East side of Nobah and Iogbehah, and smote the hoste: for the hoste was carelesse.
12 Midian ahemfo baanu a wɔn din de Seba ne Salmuna no dwaneeɛ, nanso Gideon taa wɔn faa wɔn akofoɔ nyinaa nnommum.
And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, hee followed after them, and tooke the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and discomfited all the hoste.
13 Yei akyi no, Yoas ba Gideon faa Heres kwantempɔn so saneeɛ.
So Gideon the sonne of Ioash returned from battel, the sunne being yet hie,
14 Ɛhɔ na ɔkyeree aberanteɛ bi a ɔfiri Sukot. Ɔhyɛɛ no sɛ ɔntwerɛ nnipa aduɔson nson a wɔyɛ sodifoɔ ne ntuanofoɔ a wɔwɔ kuro no mu no din mma no.
And tooke a seruant of the me of Succoth, and inquired of him: and he wrote to him the princes of Succoth and the Elders thereof, euen seuentie and seuen men.
15 Afei, Gideon sane kɔɔ Sukot kɔka kyerɛɛ ɛhɔ ntuanofoɔ no sɛ, “Seba ne Salmuna nie. Yɛbaa ha no modii me ho fɛ, kaa sɛ, ‘Kyere Seba ne Salmuna ansa na yɛama wʼakofoɔ a wɔabrɛ no aduane adi.’”
And he came vnto the men of Succoth, and sayd, Behold Zebah and Zalmunna, by whome ye vpbrayded me, saying, Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna already in thine hands, that we should giue bread vnto thy weary men?
16 Afei Gideon faa kuro no mu ntuanofoɔ kyerɛɛ wɔn nyansa. Ɔde ɛserɛ so nkasɛɛ ne akraateɛ twee wɔn aso.
Then he tooke the Elders of the citie, and thornes of the wildernes and breers, and did teare the men of Succoth with them.
17 Ɔsane dwirii Penuel abantenten no guu fam, kunkumm kuro no mu mmarima nyinaa.
Also he brake downe the towre of Penuel, and slew the men of the citie.
18 Afei, ɔbisaa Seba ne Salmuna sɛ, “Mmarima a mokumm wɔn wɔ Tabor no, na wɔte sɛn?” Wɔbuaa sɛ, “Mmarima no te sɛ wo. Na wɔn mu biara te sɛ ɔheneba.”
Then saide he vnto Zebah and Zalmunna, What maner of men were they, whom ye slew at Tabor? and they answered, As thou art, so were they: euery one was like the children of a King.
19 Gideon ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Na wɔyɛ me nuanom. Sɛ Awurade te ase yi, sɛ moankum wɔn a, anka me nso merenkum mo.”
And he said, They were my brethren, euen my mothers children: as the Lord liueth, if ye had saued their liues, I would not slay you.
20 Ɔdanee nʼani kyerɛɛ ne babarima panin Yeter sɛ, “Ku wɔn.” Nanso Yeter antwe nʼakofena, ɛfiri sɛ, na ɔyɛ abarimaa enti na ɔsuro.
Then he sayde vnto Iether his first borne sonne, Vp, and slay them: but the boy drew not his sword: for he feared, because he was yet yong.
21 Seba ne Salmuna ka kyerɛɛ Gideon sɛ, “Mma abarimaa nyɛ ɔpanin adwuma! Wo ankasa yɛ!” Enti, Gideon kumm wɔn baanu, faa adehyeɛ agudeɛ a ɛsensɛn wɔn yoma kɔn mu no.
Then Zebah and Zalmunna sayd, Rise thou, and fall vpon vs: for as the man is, so is his strength. And Gideon arose and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and tooke away the ornamentes, that were on their camels neckes.
22 Na Israelfoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ Gideon sɛ, “Di yɛn so ɔhene. Wo ne wo babarima ne wo nana bɛyɛ yɛn ahemfo, ɛfiri sɛ, woagye yɛn afiri Midianfoɔ nsam.”
Then the men of Israel sayd vnto Gideon, Reigne thou ouer vs, both thou, and thy sonne, and thy sonnes sonne: for thou hast deliuered vs out of the hand of Midian.
23 Nanso, Gideon buaa sɛ, “Merenni mo so ɔhene na me babarima nso renni mo so ɔhene. Awurade na ɔbɛdi mo so.”
And Gideon sayde vnto them, I will not reigne ouer you, neither shall my childe reigne ouer you, but the Lord shall reigne ouer you.
24 Mmom Gideon ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, mewɔ adebisa baako. “Mo mu biara mma me asomuadeɛ baako a mofa firii asadeɛ a monya firii mo atamfoɔ a modii wɔn so no nkyɛn.” (Atamfoɔ a na wɔyɛ Ismaelfoɔ no na obiara hyɛ sikakɔkɔɔ asomuadeɛ).
Againe Gideon sayd vnto them, I would desire a request of you, that you would giue mee euery man the earings of his pray (for they had golden earings because they were Ismaelites)
25 Wɔbuaa sɛ, “Yɛpene so dodo.” Wɔde akatasoɔ sɛɛ fam. Na obiara de ne sikakɔkɔɔ asomuadeɛ a ɔnyaeɛ bɛguu so.
And they answered, Wee will giue them. And they spred a garment, and did cast therein euery man the earings of his pray.
26 Na sikakɔkɔɔ asomuadeɛ dodoɔ a wɔnyaeɛ no karii kilogram aduonu a asrane nketewa ne kɔnmuadeɛ, Midian ahemfo adehyeɛ ahyehyɛdeɛ ne nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn a ɛgu wɔn yoma kɔn mu nka ho.
And the weight of the golden earings that he required, was a thousande and seuen hundreth shekels of golde, beside collers and iewels, and purple rayment that was on the kings of Midian, and beside the cheynes that were about their camels neckes.
27 Gideon de yɛɛ asɔfotadeɛ kronkron na ɔde sii kuro Ofra, ne kurom, mu. Nanso, ankyɛre na Israelfoɔ no kɔsom no de guu wɔn ho fi na ɛdanee afidie maa Gideon ne ne fiefoɔ.
And Gideon made an Ephod thereof, and put it in Ophrah his citie: and all Israel went a whoring there after it, which was the destruction of Gideon and his house.
28 Yei ne abasɛm a ɛkyerɛ sɛdeɛ Israelfoɔ dii Midianfoɔ so nkonim a wantumi ansɔre bio. Gideon nna a ɛtwa toɔ bɛyɛ mfeɛ aduanan mu no, na asomdwoeɛ wɔ asase no so.
Thus was Midian brought lowe before the children of Israel, so that they lift vp their heads no more: and the countrey was in quietnes fourtie yeeres in the dayes of Gideon.
29 Afei, Yoas babarima Yerub-Baal sane kɔɔ ne kurom.
Then Ierubbaal the sonne of Ioash went, and dwelt in his owne house.
30 Na ɔwɔ yerenom bebree enti ɔwoo mmammarima aduɔson.
And Gideon had seuentie sonnes begotten of his body: for he had many wiues.
31 Na ɔwɔ mpena nso wɔ Sekem a ɔne no woo ɔbabarima, too ne din Abimelek.
And his concubine that was in Shechem, bare him a sonne also, whose name he called Abimelech.
32 Gideon wuiɛ no na wanyini yie. Na wɔsiee no wɔ nʼagya Yoas damena mu wɔ Ofra wɔ Abieserfoɔ abusuasase so.
So Gideon the sonne of Ioash dyed in a good age, and was buried in the sepulchre of Ioash his father in Ophrah, of the father of ye Ezrites.
33 Gideon wuiɛ ara pɛ, Israelfoɔ no kɔsom Baal ahoni, de bɔɔ wɔn ho ahohwi. Wɔnam so yɛɛ Baal-Berit wɔn nyame.
But when Gideon was dead, the children of Israel turned away and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baal-berith their God.
34 Wɔn werɛ firii Awurade, wɔn Onyankopɔn a ɔgyee wɔn firii wɔn atamfoɔ a wɔatwa wɔn ho ahyia no nsam no.
And the children of Israel remembred not the Lord their God, which had deliuered the out of the hands of all their enemies on euery side.
35 Na mpo, wɔanni nokorɛ ankyerɛ Yerub-Baal (a ɔne Gideon) fiefoɔ wɔ nneɛma pa a ɔyɛ maa Israelfoɔ no ho.
Neither shewed they mercy on the house of Ierubbaal, or Gideon, according to al the goodnesse which he had shewed vnto Israel.

< Atemmufoɔ 8 >