< Hiob 34 >

1 Afei Elihu kaa sɛ,
Moreouer Elihu answered, and saide,
2 “Mo anyansafoɔ, montie me nsɛm; mo animdefoɔ monyɛ aso mma me.
Heare my wordes, ye wise men, and hearken vnto me, ye that haue knowledge.
3 Ɛfiri sɛ aso sɔ nsɛm hwɛ sɛdeɛ tɛkrɛma ka aduane hwɛ no.
For the eare tryeth the words, as the mouth tasteth meate.
4 Momma yɛnsese nhunu deɛ ɛyɛ ma yɛn. Momma yɛn nyinaa mmɔ mu nsua deɛ ɛyɛ.
Let vs seeke iudgement among vs, and let vs knowe among our selues what is good.
5 “Hiob kaa sɛ, ‘Me ho nni asɛm, nanso Onyankopɔn abu me ntɛnkyea.
For Iob hath saide, I am righteous, and God hath taken away my iudgement.
6 Ɛwom sɛ mʼasɛm da ɛkwan mu, nanso, wɔbu me ɔtorofoɔ; ɛwom sɛ menyɛɛ bɔne biara, nanso ne bɛmma no ama me apirakuro a ɛnnwu da.’
Should I lye in my right? my wound of the arrowe is grieuous without my sinne.
7 Onipa bɛn na ɔte sɛ Hiob a ɔnom animtiabuo sɛ nsuo?
What man is like Iob, that drinketh scornfulnesse like water?
8 Ɔne amumuyɛfoɔ nante; na ɔne atirimuɔdenfoɔ nso bɔ.
Which goeth in the companie of them that worke iniquitie, and walketh with wicked men?
9 Ɛfiri sɛ ɔka sɛ, ‘Sɛ onipa bɔ mmɔden sɛ ɔbɛsɔ Onyankopɔn ani a ɔnnya ho mfasoɔ biara.’
For he hath saide, It profiteth a man nothing that he should walke with God.
10 “Enti mo mmarima a mowɔ nteaseɛ montie me. Ɛmpare Onyankopɔn sɛ ɔbɛyɛ bɔne, sɛ Otumfoɔ no bɛyɛ mfomsoɔ.
Therefore hearken vnto me, ye men of wisedome, God forbid that wickednesse should be in God, and iniquitie in the Almightie.
11 Nnipa nneyɛeɛ so na ɔhwɛ tua wɔn ka; deɛ ɛfata ne nneyɛeɛ na ɔma ɛba ne so.
For he will render vnto man according to his worke, and cause euery one to finde according to his way.
12 Ɛmfata sɛ wɔde mfomsoɔ susu Onyankopɔn, na ɛmfata sɛ wɔde ntɛnkyea susu Otumfoɔ.
And certainely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almightie peruert iudgement.
13 Hwan na ɔde no sii asase so? Hwan na ɔde ewiase nyinaa hyɛɛ ne nsa?
Whome hath he appointed ouer the earth beside him selfe? or who hath placed the whole worlde?
14 Sɛ ɛyɛɛ ne pɛ na ɔyii ne Honhom ne nʼahome a,
If he set his heart vpon man, and gather vnto him selfe his spirit and his breath,
15 anka adasamma nyinaa bɛbɔ mu ayera, na onipa bɛsane akɔ mfuturo mu.
All flesh shall perish together, and man shall returne vnto dust.
16 “Sɛ mowɔ nhunumu a, montie yei; montie deɛ meka.
And if thou hast vnderstanding, heare this and hearken to the voyce of my wordes.
17 Obi a ɔkyiri atɛntenenee bɛtumi adi nnipa so? Mobɛtumi abu Ɔteneneeni kɛseɛ no fɔ anaa?
Shal he that hateth iudgement, gouerne? and wilt thou iudge him wicked that is most iust?
18 Ɛnyɛ Ɔno na ɔka kyerɛ ahemfo sɛ, ‘Mo ho nni mfasoɔ,’ na ɔka kyerɛɛ atitire sɛ, ‘Moyɛ atirimuɔdenfoɔ’?
Wilt thou say vnto a King, Thou art wicked? or to princes, Ye are vngodly?
19 Ɔnhwɛ mmapɔmma anim na ɔnyiyi adefoɔ ne ahiafoɔ mu, ɛfiri sɛ wɔn nyinaa yɛ ne nsa ano adwuma.
How much lesse to him that accepteth not the persons of princes, and regardeth not the rich, more then the poore? for they be all the worke of his handes.
20 Wɔwuwu mmerɛ tiawa bi mu, wɔ anadwo dasuo mu; nnipa no ho woso na wɔsene kɔ; ahoɔdenfoɔ totɔ a ɛmfiri onipa.
They shall die suddenly, and the people shalbe troubled at midnight, and they shall passe foorth and take away the mightie without hand.
21 “Nʼani hwɛ nnipa akwan; na ɔhunu wɔn anammɔntuo biara.
For his eyes are vpon the wayes of man, and he seeth all his goings.
22 Baabiara nni hɔ a aduru sum, esum kabii, a amumuyɛfoɔ bɛtumi ahinta.
There is no darkenesse nor shadowe of death, that the workers of iniquitie might be hid therein.
23 Ɛho nhia Onyankopɔn sɛ ɔbɛhwehwɛ nnipa mu bio, a enti ɛsɛ sɛ wɔba nʼanim bɛgye atemmuo.
For he will not lay on man so much, that he should enter into iudgement with God.
24 Ɔbobɔ aberempɔn gu a ɔnyɛ nhwehwɛmu biara, na ɔde afoforɔ sisi wɔn ananmu.
He shall breake the mightie without seeking, and shall set vp other in their stead.
25 Ɛfiri sɛ ɔhunu wɔn nneyɛeɛ, ɔtu wɔn gu anadwo na wɔdwerɛ wɔn.
Therefore shall he declare their works: he shall turne the night, and they shalbe destroyed.
26 Ɔtua wɔn amumuyɛsɛm so ka wɔ baabi a obiara bɛtumi ahunu wɔn,
He striketh them as wicked men in the places of the seers,
27 ɛfiri sɛ, wɔmane firii nʼakyi kɔeɛ na wɔampɛ nʼakwan biara anhwɛ.
Because they haue turned backe from him, and would not consider all his wayes:
28 Wɔmaa ahiafoɔ sufrɛ duruu nʼanim na ɛma ɔtee mmɔborɔni su.
So that they haue caused the voyce of the poore to come vnto him, and he hath heard the cry of the afflicted.
29 Nanso sɛ ɔyɛ komm a, hwan na ɔbɛtumi abu no fɔ? Sɛ ɔde nʼanim hinta nso a, hwan na ɔbɛhunu no? Nanso ɔdi onipa ne ɔman so pɛpɛɛpɛ,
And when he giueth quietnesse, who can make trouble? and when he hideth his face, who can beholde him, whether it be vpon nations, or vpon a man onely?
30 ɔmma onipa a ɔnnim Onyame nni ɔhene, sɛdeɛ wɔnnsum nnipa no mfidie.
Because the hypocrite doeth reigne, and because the people are snared.
31 “Adɛn enti na onipa nka nkyerɛ Onyankopɔn sɛ, ‘Mayɛ bɔne na merenyɛ bɔne bio.
Surely it appertaineth vnto God to say, I haue pardoned, I will not destroy.
32 Kyerɛ me na menhunu; na sɛ mayɛ bɔne a, merenyɛ saa bio.’
But if I see not, teach thou me: if I haue done wickedly, I will doe no more.
33 Ɛsɛ sɛ Onyankopɔn gyina deɛ wode wʼano aka so tua wo ka, wɔ ɛberɛ a woayɛ sɛ worennu wo ho anaa? Ɛsɛ sɛ wosi gyinaeɛ, ɛnyɛ me; enti ka deɛ wonim kyerɛ me.
Wil he performe the thing through thee? for thou hast reproued it, because that thou hast chosen, and not I. now speake what thou knowest.
34 “Nnipa a wɔwɔ nteaseɛ pae mu ka, animdefoɔ a wɔtie me ka kyerɛ me sɛ,
Let men of vnderstanding tell me, and let a wise man hearken vnto me.
35 ‘Hiob nnkasa nimdeɛ kwan so; aba biara nni ne kasa mu.’
Iob hath not spoken of knowledge, neyther were his wordes according to wisedome.
36 Ao, sɛ wɔsɔɔ Hiob hwɛeɛ kɔɔ akyiri a anka ɛyɛ, ɛfiri sɛ ɔyiyii nsɛm ano sɛ omumuyɛfoɔ!
I desire that Iob may be tryed, vnto the ende touching the answeres for wicked men.
37 Ɔde atuateɛ ka ne bɔne ho; ɔde ahantan bɔ ne nsam gu yɛn so na ɔma ne nsɛm a ɔka tia Onyankopɔn no dɔɔso.”
For he addeth rebellion vnto his sinne: he clappeth his handes among vs, and multiplieth his wordes against God.

< Hiob 34 >