< Hiob 30 >

1 “Nanso seesei wɔsere me, nnipa a manyini sene wɔn, na wɔn agyanom mfata sɛ wɔne me nnwan ho nkraman tena.
Bvt now they that are yonger then I, mocke me: yea, they whose fathers I haue refused to set with the dogges of my flockes.
2 Mfasoɔ bɛn na wɔn nsa mu ahoɔden wɔ ma me, ɛberɛ a wɔn ahoɔden afiri wɔn mu?
For whereto shoulde the strength of their handes haue serued mee, seeing age perished in them?
3 Ohia ne ɛkɔm ama wɔn ho atete, wɔnante asase wesee ne asase bonini so anadwo.
For pouertie and famine they were solitary, fleeing into the wildernes, which is darke, desolate and waste.
4 Wɔboaboaa nkyenhahan ano wɔ nkyɛkyerɛ mu, na wɔde ɛserɛ so nnua nhini yɛɛ wɔn aduane.
They cut vp nettels by the bushes, and the iuniper rootes was their meate.
5 Wɔn mfɛfoɔ pamoo wɔn firii wɔn mu, na wɔhuroo wɔn sɛ akorɔmfoɔ.
They were chased forth from among men: they shouted at them, as at a theefe.
6 Wɔhyɛɛ wɔn ma wɔtenaa nsuka a emu awo, abotan ne ɛfam ntokuro mu.
Therfore they dwelt in the clefts of riuers, in the holes of the earth and rockes.
7 Wɔsuu sɛ mfunumu wɔ wiram na wɔfoforee so wɔ ɔdɔtɔ ase.
They roared among the bushes, and vnder the thistles they gathered themselues.
8 Ekuo a wɔmfra na wɔnni din, wɔpam wɔn firii asase no so.
They were the children of fooles and the children of villaines, which were more vile then the earth.
9 “Na ɛnnɛ yi wɔn mmammarima de dwom bɔ me akutia; mayɛ abusudeɛ wɔ wɔn mu.
And now am I their song, and I am their talke.
10 Wɔkyiri me na wɔnnka mma me ho; wɔmmfɛre sɛ wɔtete ntasuo gu mʼanim.
They abhorre me, and flee farre from mee, and spare not to spit in my face.
11 Afei a Onyankopɔn abubu me tadua na ɔde amanehunu aba me so yi, wɔyɛ deɛ wɔpɛ wɔ mʼanim.
Because that God hath loosed my corde and humbled mee, they haue loosed the bridle before me.
12 Abusuakuo no to hyɛ me so wɔ me nifa so; wɔsum me nan mfidie, na wɔsisi apie tia me.
The youth rise vp at my right hand: they haue pusht my feete, and haue trode on me as on the paths of their destruction.
13 Wɔsisi mʼakwan; na wɔnya me sɛe me na obiara mmoa me.
They haue destroyed my paths: they tooke pleasure at my calamitie, they had none helpe.
14 Wɔba te sɛ deɛ wɔfiri ntokuro a ano abae mu; wɔnam mmubuiɛ no mu munimuni ba.
They came as a great breach of waters, and vnder this calamitie they come on heapes.
15 Ahunahuna ma me ho dwiri me; mʼanimuonyam atu kɔ sɛdeɛ mframa abɔ agu, me banbɔ atu ayera sɛ omununkum.
Feare is turned vpon mee: and they pursue my soule as the winde, and mine health passeth away as a cloude.
16 “Na seesei, me nkwa resa; na amanehunu nna akyekyere me.
Therefore my soule is nowe powred out vpon me, and the dayes of affliction haue taken holde on me.
17 Anadwo wowɔ me nnompe mu; ɔyea a ɛwe me no nnyae.
It pearceth my bones in the night, and my sinewes take no rest.
18 Onyankopɔn firi ne tumi mu yɛ sɛ aduradeɛ ma me; ɔmia me te sɛ mʼatadeɛ kɔn.
For the great vehemencie is my garment changed, which compasseth me about as the colar of my coate.
19 Ɔto me twene atɛkyɛ mu na ɔma me yɛ sɛ mfuturo ne nsõ.
He hath cast me into the myre, and I am become like ashes and dust.
20 “Ao Onyankopɔn, mesu mefrɛ wo, nanso wommua me. Mesɔre gyina, nanso wohwɛ me kɛkɛ.
Whe I cry vnto thee, thou doest not heare me, neither regardest me, when I stand vp.
21 Woba me so anibereɛ so; wode wʼabasa mu tumi to hyɛ me so.
Thou turnest thy selfe cruelly against me, and art enemie vnto mee with the strength of thine hand.
22 Wohwim me na wode mframa pia me; wodankyidankyi me wɔ ahum mu.
Thou takest me vp and causest mee to ride vpon the winde, and makest my strength to faile.
23 Menim sɛ wode me bɛkɔ owuo mu, baabi a woahyɛ ama ateasefoɔ nyinaa.
Surely I knowe that thou wilt bring mee to death, and to the house appoynted for all the liuing.
24 “Ampa ara obiara mfa ne nsa nka onipa a ɔrebrɛ ɛberɛ a ɔresu pɛ mmoa wɔ nʼamanehunu mu.
Doubtles none can stretch his hand vnto the graue, though they cry in his destruction.
25 Mansu amma wɔn a wɔwɔ ɔhaw mu anaa? Me kra werɛ anho amma ahiafoɔ anaa?
Did not I weepe with him that was in trouble? was not my soule in heauinesse for the poore?
26 Nanso ɛberɛ a mʼani da papa so no, bɔne baeɛ; ɛberɛ a mepɛɛ hann no, esum na ɛduruuɛ.
Yet when I looked for good, euill came vnto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkenesse.
27 Meyafunu mu a ɛwowɔ me no nnyae da; na nna a amanehunu wɔ mu da mʼanim.
My bowels did boyle without rest: for the dayes of affliction are come vpon me.
28 Menenam a mabiri a ɛnyɛ sɛ owia na ahye me; megyina adwaberem na mesu pɛ mmoa.
I went mourning without sunne: I stood vp in the congregation and cryed.
29 Madane nnompo nuabarima, me ne apatuo na ɛbɔ.
I am a brother to the dragons, and a companion to the ostriches.
30 Me honam ani abiri na ɛhwanehwane; huraeɛ ama me ho adɔ.
My skinne is blacke vpon me, and my bones are burnt with heate.
31 Me sankuo bɔ kwadwom, na mʼatɛntɛbɛn ma agyaadwotwa nnyegyeɛ.
Therefore mine harpe is turned to mourning, and mine organs into the voyce of them that weepe.

< Hiob 30 >