< Yesaia 13 >

1 Amos babarima Yesaia adehunu a ɛfa Babilonia ho nie:
The burden of Babylon which Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw.
2 Pagya frankaa wɔ bepɔ a hwee nni soɔ no atifi, teaam frɛ wɔn: nyama wɔn ma wɔn nhyɛne atitire no apono mu.
Over the foggy mountain lift up a sign! Raise the voice, lift up the hand, and let the rulers enter through the gates!
3 Mahyɛ mʼahotefoɔ; mafrɛ mʼakofoɔ sɛ wɔnna mʼabufuhyeɛ adi, wɔn a wɔdi me nkonimdie ho ahurisie.
In my wrath, I commanded my sanctified ones, and I called my strong ones, those who exult in my glory.
4 Tie hooyɛ bi a ɛwɔ mmepɔ no so te sɛ nnipa dɔm bebree deɛ! Tie akasakasa a ɛwɔ ahennie ahodoɔ mu, te sɛ amanaman a wɔreboaboa wɔn ho ano! Asafo Awurade reboa ɛdɔm ano akɔ ɔko.
On the mountains, there is the voice of a multitude, as if of a numerous people, a voice with the sound of kings, of nations gathered together. For the Lord of hosts has given orders to soldiers of war,
5 Wɔfifiri akyirikyiri aman so, wɔfirifiri ɔsoro ahyeɛ so, Awurade ne nʼakodeɛ a ɛyɛ nʼabufuhyeɛ; bɛsɛe ɔman no nyinaa.
to those who are arriving from a far off land, from the heights of the heavens. It is the Lord and the instruments of his fury, so that he may bring ruin to all the earth.
6 Twa adwo, na Awurade da no abɛn; ɛbɛba te sɛ ɔsɛeɛ a ɛfiri Otumfoɔ no.
Wail aloud! For the day of the Lord draws near! It will arrive like a devastation from the Lord.
7 Yei enti, nsa nyinaa bɛdwodwo, obiara akoma bɛboto.
Because of it, every hand will fail, and every heart of man will waste away and be crushed.
8 Wɔbɛbɔ hunu, ɔyea ne apinisie bɛkuta wɔn; wɔbɛnukanuka wɔn mu te sɛ ɔbaa a awoɔ aka no. Wɔde abasamutuo bɛhwɛ wɔn ho wɔn ho anim, a wɔn ani asosɔ ogya.
Writhing and pain will seize them. They will be in pain, like a woman in labor. Each one will appear stupefied to his neighbor. Their countenances will be like faces which have been burned up.
9 Hwɛ, Awurade da no reba ɛda bɔne a abufuo ne abufuhyeɛ wɔ mu, ɛrebɛsɛe asase no na asɛe abɔnefoɔ a wɔte soɔ no.
Behold, the day of the Lord approaches: a cruel day, full of indignation and wrath and fury, which will place the earth in solitude and crush the sinners from it.
10 Ɔsoro nsoromma ne wɔn akuo renhyerɛn. Esum bɛduru owia a ɛrepue na ɔsrane nso renhyerɛn.
For the stars of the heavens, in their splendor, will not display their light. The sun will be obscured at its rising, and the moon will not shine in her brightness.
11 Mɛtwe ewiase aso, ne bɔne enti, ne amumuyɛfoɔ wɔ wɔn nnebɔne ho. Mɛtwa ahantanfoɔ ahomasoɔ so na mabrɛ deɛ ɔdi awurukasɛm no ahantan ase.
And I will act against the evils of the world, and against the impious for their iniquity. And I will cause the pride of the unfaithful to cease, and I will bring down the arrogance of the strong.
12 Mɛma onipa ho ayɛ na asene sika kɔkɔɔ amapa; ɔbɛsene Ofir sikakɔkɔɔ.
A man will be more precious than gold, and mankind will become like pure refined gold.
13 Enti mɛma ɔsoro awoso; na asase ahinhim wɔ ne siberɛ wɔ Asafo Awurade abufuhyeɛ ano, nʼabufuhyeɛ da no.
For this purpose, I will stir up heaven, and the earth will be moved from its place, because of the indignation of the Lord of hosts, because of the day of his furious wrath.
14 Sɛdeɛ ɔwansane a ɔbɔmmɔfoɔ repɛ no akum no dwane, anaasɛ nnwan a wɔnni ɔhwɛfoɔ yera kwan, saa ara na obiara bɛdwane akɔhwehwɛ ne nkurɔfoɔ. Obiara bɛdwane akɔ nʼasase so.
And they will be like a doe fleeing away, or like sheep; and there will be no one who may gather them together. Each one will turn to his own people, and every one will flee to his own land.
15 Obiara a wɔbɛfa no dedua no, wɔbɛwɔ no akofena akum no; wɔn a wɔbɛkyere wɔn no nyinaa bɛtɔ wɔ akofena ano.
All who are found will be killed, and all who are caught unaware will fall by the sword.
16 Wɔbɛtoto nkokoaa ahwehwe fam wɔ wɔn anim: wɔbɛfom wɔn afie mu nneɛma na wɔato wɔn yerenom monnaa.
Their infants will be thrown down violently before their eyes. Their houses will be plundered, and their wives will be violated.
17 Hwɛ, mɛhwanyan Mediafoɔ atia wɔn, wɔn na wɔmfa dwetɛ nyɛ hwee na wɔn ani nnye sikakɔkɔɔ ho.
Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them. They will not seek silver, nor desire gold.
18 Wɔn tadua bɛbobɔ mmeranteɛ ahwehwe fam; wɔrenhunu nkokoaa mmɔbɔ na wɔrennya ayamhyehyeɛ mma mmɔfra.
Instead, with their arrows, they will put the little children to death, and they will take no pity on breastfeeding women, and their eye will not spare their children.
19 Babilonia, ahennie ahodoɔ mu ɔbohemaa, animuonyamdeɛ a Babiloniafoɔ de hoahoa wɔn ho no, Onyankopɔn bɛdane abutu te sɛ Sodom ne Gomora.
And then Babylon, the glorious one among kingdoms, that famous pride of the Chaldeans, will be destroyed, even as the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 Nnipa rentena hɔ bio awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ nyinaa mu; Arabni biara rensi ne ntomadan wɔ hɔ; odwanhwɛfoɔ biara remfa ne nnwan nkɔ home wɔ hɔ.
It will not be inhabited, even unto the end, and it will not be reestablished, even from generation to generation. The Arab will not pitch his tents there, nor will the shepherds take rest there.
21 Nanso ɛserɛ so mmoa bɛda hɔ. Sakraman bɛyɛ nʼafie no mu ma; ɛhɔ na apatuo bɛtena, ɛhɔ na wira mu mpɔnkye nso bɛdi agorɔ.
Instead, the wild beasts will rest there, and their houses will be filled with serpents, and ostriches will live there, and the hairy ones will leap about there.
22 Mpataku bɛpɔ so wɔ nʼaban denden mu, sakraman bɛyɛ nʼahemfie fɛfɛ no mu ma. Ne berɛ aso, na wɔrento ne nna mu.
And the tawny owls will answer one another there, in its buildings, and the Sirens in its shrines of pleasure.

< Yesaia 13 >