< Hosea 8 >

1 “Monhyɛn totorobɛnto! Ɔkɔdeɛ bi wɔ Awurade fiefoɔ so ɛfiri sɛ nnipa no abu mʼapam so na wɔasɔre atia me mmara.
Set the trumpet to thy mouth: he shall come as an eagle against the House of the Lord, because they haue transgressed my couenant, and trespassed against my Lawe.
2 Afei, Israel su frɛ me sɛ, ‘Ao, yɛn Onyankopɔn, yɛgye wo to mu!’
Israel shall crie vnto me, My God, we know thee.
3 Nanso, Israel apo deɛ ɛyɛ; ɔtamfoɔ bɛtaa no.
Israel hath cast off ye thing that is good: the enemie shall pursue him.
4 Wɔsisi ahemfo a mennim ho hwee wɔpa ahenemma wɔ ɛberɛ a mempenee so. Wɔde wɔn dwetɛ ne wɔn sikakɔkɔɔ yɛ ahoni ma wɔn ho de sɛeɛ wɔn ankasa ho.
They haue set vp a King, but not by me: they haue made princes, and I knew it not: of their siluer and their gold haue they made them idoles: therefore shall they be destroyed.
5 To wo nantwie ba ohoni no twene, Ao, Samaria! Mʼabufuhyeɛ reba wɔn so. Wɔbɛtena deɛ ɛho nteɛ mu, akɔsi da bɛn?
Thy calfe, O Samaria, hath cast thee off: mine anger is kindled against them: howe long will they be without innocencie!
6 Wɔfiri Israel! Saa nantwie ba yi, odwumfoɔ bi na ɔseneeɛ; ɛnyɛ Onyankopɔn! Wɔbɛbubu mu asinasini, saa Samaria nantwie ba no.
For it came euen from Israel: the workeman made it, therefore it is not God: but the calfe of Samaria shall be broken in pieces.
7 “Wɔdua mframa na wɔtwa ntwahoframa. Awuo a ɛgyina hɔ no nni tire; enti wɔrennya esam mfiri mu. Sɛ ɛso aduane mpo a, ahɔhoɔ na wɔbɛdi.
For they haue sowne the winde, and they shall reape the whirlewind: it hath no stalke: the budde shall bring foorth no meale: if so be it bring forth, the strangers shall deuoure it.
8 Wɔamene Israel; afei ɔfra aman no mu te sɛ adeɛ a ɛho nni mfasoɔ biara.
Israel is deuoured, now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessell wherein is no pleasure.
9 Na wɔakɔ Asiria te sɛ wiram afunumu a ɔno nko ara nenam. Efraim nso atɔn ne ho ama adɔfoɔ.
For they are gone vp to Asshur: they are as a wilde asse alone by himselfe: Ephraim hath hired louers.
10 Ɛwom, wɔatɔn wɔn ho wɔ amanaman no mu deɛ, nanso mɛboaboa wɔn ano. Wɔn so bɛfiri aseɛ ate wɔ ɔhene kɛseɛ bi nhyɛsoɔ ase.
Yet though they haue hired among the nations, nowe will I gather them, and they shall sorowe a litle, for the burden of the King and the princes.
11 “Ɛwom sɛ Efraim sisii afɔrebukyia bebree a wɔbɔ bɔne fakyɛ afɔdeɛ wɔ so deɛ, ɛno enti abɛyɛ afɔrebukyia a wɔyɛ bɔne wɔ so.
Because Ephraim hath made many altars to sinne, his altars shalbe to sinne.
12 Metwerɛɛ me mmara a ɛfa nneɛma bebree ho maa wɔn, nanso wɔfaa no sɛ ananafoɔ adeɛ.
I haue written to them the great things of my Lawe: but they were counted as a strange thing.
13 Wɔde mʼayɛyɛdeɛ bɔ afɔdeɛ na wɔwe ɛnam no, nanso wɔnsɔ Awurade ani. Afei, ɔbɛkae wɔn atirimuɔdensɛm na watwe wɔn aso wɔ wɔn bɔne ho: Wɔbɛsane akɔ Misraim.
They sacrifice flesh for ye sacrifices of mine offerings, and eate it: but the Lord accepteth them not: now will he remember their iniquitie, and visite their sinnes: they shall returne to Egypt.
14 Israel werɛ afiri ne yɛfoɔ na wasisi ahemfie akɛseakɛseɛ; Yuda abɔ nkuro bebree ho ban. Nanso, mɛto ne nkuropɔn mu ogya a ɛbɛhye wɔn aban.”
For Israel hath forgotten his maker, and buildeth Temples, and Iudah hath increased strong cities: but I will sende a fire vpon his cities, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof.

< Hosea 8 >