< Hosea 5 >

1 “Montie mo asɔfoɔ! Monhyɛ yei nso, mo Israelfoɔ! Monyɛ aso, Ao adehyefie! Saa atemmuo yi tia mo: Moayɛ afidie wɔ Mispa, ne asau a wɔagu no Tabor so.
O ye Priestes, heare this, and hearken ye, O house of Israel, and giue ye eare, O house of the King: for iudgement is towarde you, because you haue bene a snare on Mizpah, and a net spred vpon Tabor.
2 Atuatefoɔ adɔ mogyahwiegu mu asukɔ. Mɛtwe wɔn nyinaa aso.
Yet they were profounde, to decline to slaughter, though I haue bene a rebuker of them all.
3 Menim Efraim ho nsɛm nyinaa; wɔmfaa Israel nhintaa me. Efraim, seesei deɛ wobɔ adwaman; na Israel aprɔ.
I knowe Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me: for nowe, O Ephraim thou art become an harlot, and Israel is defiled.
4 “Wɔn nneyɛeɛ mma wɔn ɛkwan mma wɔnkɔ Onyankopɔn nkyɛn. Adwamammɔ honhom wɔ wɔn akoma mu; wɔnnye Awurade nto mu.
They will not giue their mindes to turne vnto their God: for the spirit of fornication is in the middes of them, and they haue not knowen the Lord.
5 Israel ahantan di tia no. Israelfoɔ, mpo Efraim suntisunti wɔ wɔn amumuyɛ mu; Yuda nso ne wɔn sunti saa ara.
And the pride of Israel doth testifie to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquitie: Iudah also shall fall with them.
6 Sɛ wɔne wɔn nnwan ne wɔn anantwie kɔhwehwɛ Awurade a Wɔrenhunu no, ɛfiri sɛ, watwe ne ho afiri wɔn ho.
They shall goe with their sheepe, and with their bullockes to seeke the Lord: but they shall not finde him: for he hath withdrawne himselfe from them.
7 Wɔanni Awurade nokorɛ. Wɔwowoo adwamam mma. Afei wɔn Bosome Foforɔ Afahyɛ bɛsɛe wɔn ne wɔn nsase.
They haue transgressed against the Lord: for they haue begotte strange children: now shall a moneth deuoure them with their portions.
8 “Hyɛn totorobɛnto no wɔ Gibea. Hyɛn abɛn no wɔ Rama. Momma ɔko nteam so wɔ Bet Awen; Ao, Benyamin akofoɔ, monsɔre nni anim.
Blowe ye the trumpet in Gibeah, and the shaume in Ramah: crie out at Beth-auen, after thee, O Beniamin.
9 Wɔbɛsɛe Efraim wɔ akontabuo da. Israel mmusuakuo no mu no mepae mu ka deɛ ɛwom.
Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israel haue I caused to knowe the trueth.
10 Yuda sodifoɔ no te sɛ wɔn a wɔyiyi ahyeɛso aboɔ. Mɛhwie mʼabufuo agu wɔn so te sɛ nsuyire.
The princes of Iudah were like them that remoue the bounde: therefore will I powre out my wrath vpon them like water.
11 Wɔhyɛ Efraim so, wɔtiatia ne so wɔ atemmuo mu, wasi nʼadwene pi sɛ ɔbɛdi ahoni akyi.
Ephraim is oppressed, and broken in iudgement, because he willingly walked after the commandement.
12 Mɛyɛ sɛ nweweboa ama Efraim na mayɛ Yudafoɔ sɛ dua a aporɔ.
Therefore wil I be vnto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Iudah as a rottennesse.
13 “Ɛberɛ a Efraim hunuu ne yadeɛ, na Yuda nso hunuu nʼakuro no, Efraim de nʼani kyerɛɛ Asiria. Ɔsoma kɔɔ ɔhene kɛseɛ no hɔ kɔpɛɛ mmoa. Nanso wantumi ansa no yadeɛ, na akuro no nso anwuwu.
When Ephraim sawe his sickenes, and Iudah his wound, then went Ephraim vnto Asshur, and sent vnto King Iareb: yet coulde hee not heale you, nor cure you of your wound.
14 Enti mɛyɛ sɛ gyata ama Efraim na mayɛ sɛ gyata hoɔdenfoɔ ama Yuda. Mɛtete wɔn mu nkete nkete, na makɔ; Mɛsoa wɔn akɔ, na obiara rentumi nnye wɔn.
For I will be vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iudah: I, euen I will spoyle, and goe away: I will take away, and none shall rescue it.
15 Afei, mɛsane akɔ me nkyi kɔsi sɛ wobɛnya ahonu. Na wɔbɛhwehwɛ mʼakyiri ɛkwan; wɔn awerɛhoɔ mu, wɔbɛhwehwɛ me anibereɛ so.”
I will go, and returne to my place, til they acknowledge their fault, and seeke me: in their affliction they will seeke me diligently.

< Hosea 5 >