< Hebrifoɔ 1 >

1 Mmerɛ a atwam no, na Onyankopɔn nam akwan ahodoɔ bebree so fa adiyifoɔ so kasa kyerɛ yɛn mpanimfoɔ.
Whereas, in many parts and in many ways of old, God spake unto the fathers, in the prophets,
2 Nanso, mmerɛ a ɛdi akyire no deɛ, ɔnam ne Ba no so akasa akyerɛ yɛn. Ɔno na Onyankopɔn nam ne so bɔɔ ewiase. Na ɔno na Onyankopɔn ayi no sɛ awieeɛ no, nneɛma nyinaa bɛyɛ ne dea. (aiōn g165)
At the end of these days, He hath spoken unto us in his Son, —whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages; (aiōn g165)
3 Ɔnam hyerɛn a Onyankopɔn animuonyam hyerɛn no so hran. Ɔyɛ Onyankopɔn sɛso pɛpɛɛpɛ, na ɔde nʼasɛm a tumi wɔ mu no sɔ ewiase mu. Ɔtee nnipa ho firii wɔn bɔne mu wieeɛ no, ɔtenaa Otumfoɔ Onyankopɔn nifa so wɔ ɔsoro.
Who, being an eradiated brightness of his glory, and an exact representation of his very being, also bearing up all things by the utterance of his power, purification of sins, having achieved, sat down on the right hand of the majesty in high places:
4 Ɛno enti, ɔyɛɛ kɛse sene abɔfoɔ no, ɛfiri sɛ, edin a Onyankopɔn de too no no yɛ kɛse sene wɔn deɛ no.
By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.
5 Ɛfiri sɛ, Onyankopɔn nso anka ankyerɛ nʼabɔfoɔ no mu biara sɛ, “Woyɛ me Ba; na ɛnnɛ, mayɛ wʼAgya.” Ɛnna wanka ankyerɛ ɔbɔfoɔ biara sɛ, “Mɛyɛ wʼAgya na wayɛ me Ba.”
For unto which of the messengers said he at any time—My Son, art, thou, I, this day have begotten thee? and again—I, will become, his father, and, he, shall become my Son?
6 Ɛberɛ a Onyankopɔn pɛɛ sɛ ɔsoma nʼabakan no ba ewiase no, ɔsane kaa sɛ, “Ɛsɛ sɛ Onyankopɔn abɔfoɔ nyinaa som no.”
But, whensoever he again introduceth the first-begotten into the habitable earth, he saith—And let all God’s messengers worship him!
7 Asɛm a Onyankopɔn ka faa abɔfoɔ no ho ne sɛ, “Onyankopɔn soma nʼabɔfoɔ sɛ mframa, na ɔsoma nʼasomfoɔ sɛ gyadɛreeɛ.”
Even as to the messengers, indeed, he saith—Who maketh his messengers, winds, and his ministers of state, a fiery flame;
8 Na ɛfa Ɔba no ho no, Onyankopɔn kaa sɛ, “Ao, Onyankopɔn, wʼahennwa bɛtena hɔ daa nyinaa; wʼAhennie yɛ atɛntenenee. (aiōn g165)
but, as to the Son, —Thy throne, O God, is unto times age-abiding, and—A sceptre of equity, is the sceptre of his kingdom, (aiōn g165)
9 Wodɔ tenenee, na wokyiri bɔne, ɛno enti, Onyankopɔn wo Onyankopɔn de wo asi wo mfɛfoɔ so, na ɔde anigyeɛ ngo asra wo.”
Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, —For this cause, hath God, thy God, anointed thee with the oil of exultation, beyond thy partners;
10 Onyankopɔn sane kaa sɛ, “Mfitiaseɛ no wotoo asase fapem, na ɔsoro yɛ wo nsa ano adwuma.
and—Thou, by way of beginning, Lord, the earth, didst found, and, the works of thy hands, are the heavens, —
11 Ne nyinaa bɛtwam na wo deɛ wobɛtena hɔ daa; wɔbɛtete sɛ atadeɛ.
They, shall perish, but, thou, abidest still, and, all, as a mantle, shall be worn out,
12 Wɔbɛbobɔ no sɛ ntoma; na wɔbɛsesa no sɛ ntadeɛ. Nanso, wote sɛdeɛ woteɛ, na wo mfeɛ to rentwa da.”
And, as if a robe, wilt thou fold them up, —as a mantle, and they shall be changed; but, thou, art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
13 Onyankopɔn anka ankyerɛ nʼabɔfoɔ no sɛ, “Montena me nifa so kɔsi sɛ mede mo atamfoɔ bɛyɛ mo nan ntiasoɔ.”
But, to which of the messengers, hath he said, at any time—Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool?
14 Sɛ saa a, na abɔfoɔ no yɛ dɛn? Wɔn nyinaa yɛ ahonhom a wɔsom Onyankopɔn na ɔsoma wɔn ma wɔkɔboa wɔn a wɔrehwehwɛ nkwagyeɛ no.
Are they not, all, spirits, doing public service, —for ministry, sent forth, for the sake of them who are about to inherit salvation?

< Hebrifoɔ 1 >