< Hebrifoɔ 9 >

1 Na apam a ɛdi ɛkan no wɔ mmara a wɔnam so som. Saa ara nso na na wɔwɔ beaeɛ a nnipa asiesie a wɔsom.
Then the first Testament had also ordinances of religion, and a worldly Sanctuarie.
2 Wɔsii ntomadan a wɔatwa mu mmienu. Ɛdan a ɛdi ɛkan no a wɔfrɛ no Kronkronbea no na kaneadua, ɛpono ne burodo a wɔate ho a wɔde ma Onyankopɔn no wɔ.
For the first Tabernacle was made, wherein was the candlesticke, and the table, and the shewebread, which Tabernacle is called the Holy places.
3 Ntwamu no akyi a wɔfrɛ hɔ Kronkron mu Kronkron no,
And after the seconde vaile was the Tabernacle, which is called the Holiest of all,
4 na sika aduhwamhyeɛ afɔrebukyia ne Apam Adaka a wɔde sika adura ho nyinaa wɔ. Saa adaka no mu na na sika pɔre a mana ne Aaron poma a ɛfefɛeɛ ne apam abopono no wɔ.
Which had the golden censer, and the Arke of the Testament ouerlayde rounde about with golde, wherein the golden pot, which had Manna, was, and Aarons rod that had budded, and the tables of the Testament.
5 Adaka no so hɔ nso na animuonyam Kerubim a wɔatrɛ wɔn ntaban mu akata Adaka no nkatasoɔ no so si. Nanso, yɛrentumi nka nneɛma yi ho asɛm nkɔ akyiri seesei.
And ouer the Arke were the glorious Cherubims, shadowing the mercie seat: of which things we will not nowe speake particularly.
6 Saa na wɔahyehyɛ nneɛma no. Ɛda biara na asɔfoɔ no kɔ ɛdan a ɛdi ɛkan no mu kɔyɛ wɔn adwuma;
Nowe when these things were thus ordeined, the Priestes went alwayes into the first Tabernacle, and accomplished the seruice.
7 nanso na Ɔsɔfopanin no nko ara na ɔwɔ ho ɛkwan sɛ ɔkɔ Kronkron mu Kronkron hɔ pɛnkorɔ pɛ afe biara. Ɔde mogya a ɔde bɔ ɔno ankasa ne ne nkurɔfoɔ mfomsoɔ ho afɔdeɛ ka ne ho kɔ.
But into the second went the hie Priest alone, once euery yere, not without blood which hee offered for himselfe, and for the ignorances of the people.
8 Honhom Kronkron no nam saa ɛkwan yi so kyerɛ yɛn sɛ, wɔnnya mmuee ɛkwan a wɔde kɔ Kronkron mu Kronkron hɔ wɔ ɛberɛ a Ntomadan no ne emu nneɛma da so wɔ hɔ.
Whereby the holy Ghost this signified, that the way into ye Holiest of all was not yet opened, while as yet the first tabernacle was standing,
9 Ɛyɛ mfatoho ma ɛnnɛ berɛ yi. Ɛkyerɛ sɛ akyɛdeɛ ne mmoa a na wɔde bɔ afɔdeɛ ma Onyankopɔn no rentumi mma wɔn a wɔsom no akoma mu nyɛ kronn.
Which was a figure for that present time, wherein were offred gifts and sacrifices that could not make holy, concerning the conscience, him that did the seruice,
10 Wɔde nnuane, anonneɛ ne nneɛma ahodoɔ a wɔde dwira wɔn ho na ɛdi dwuma no. Yei yɛ ɔhonam fam nhyehyɛeɛ a ɛyɛ adwuma kɔsi ɛberɛ a nhyehyɛeɛ foforɔ bɛba.
Which only stood in meates and drinkes, and diuers washings, and carnal rites, which were inioyned, vntill the time of reformation.
11 Nanso, Kristo aba dada sɛ Ɔsɔfopanin ama nneɛma pa a yɛwɔ dada yi. Ntomadan a ɔsom wɔ mu no so na ɛdi mu kyɛn dada no. Ɛnnyɛ nnipa na wɔyɛeɛ. Afei nso, ɛmmfiri adebɔ yi mu.
But Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, by a greater and a more perfect Tabernacle, not made with handes, that is, not of this building,
12 Ɛberɛ a Kristo kɔɔ ntomadan no mu a ɔkɔɔ Kronkronbea hɔ pɛnkorɔ no, wamfa mmirekyie ne anantwie mogya na ɛkɔbɔɔ afɔdeɛ. Mmom, ɔno ara de ne mogya na ɛbɔɔ afɔdeɛ de gyee nkwa a ɛnni awieeɛ maa yɛn. (aiōnios g166)
Neither by the blood of goates and calues: but by his owne blood entred he in once vnto the holy place, and obteined eternall redemption for vs. (aiōnios g166)
13 Na sɛ mmirekyie ne anantwinini mogya ne anantwibereɛ nsõ a wɔde dwira wɔn a wɔn ho agu fi te wɔn ho kɔ honam ahofirie mu a,
For if the blood of bulles and of goates, and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling them that are vncleane, sanctifieth as touching the purifying of the flesh,
14 mpɛn ahe na Kristo a ɔnam Honhom so, de ne ho bɔɔ afɔdeɛ a ɛho nni dɛm maa Onyankopɔn no mogya rente mo ho mfiri nnwuma bɔne mu, na mo nkɔsom Onyankopɔn a ɔte ase no? (aiōnios g166)
How much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without fault to God, purge your conscience from dead workes, to serue the liuing God? (aiōnios g166)
15 Yei enti na Kristo yɛ apam foforɔ no ntamgyinafoɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wɔn a Onyankopɔn afrɛ wɔn no bɛnya nhyira a ɛnni awieeɛ sɛdeɛ Onyankopɔn ahyɛ bɔ no. Yei aba saa, ɛfiri sɛ, owuo bi asi a ɛgye nnipa firi wɔn bɔne a wɔyɛɛ ɛberɛ a na wɔwɔ apam a ɛdi ɛkan no mu no. (aiōnios g166)
And for this cause is he the Mediatour of the newe Testament, that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament, they which were called, might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance. (aiōnios g166)
16 Sɛ nsamanseɛ bi wɔ hɔ a, ɛwɔ sɛ wɔtumi kyerɛ sɛ onipa a ɔhyɛɛ saa samanseɛ no awu.
For where a Testament is, there must be the death of him that made the Testament.
17 Sɛ onipa a ɔhyɛɛ nsamanseɛ no te ase a, saa nsamanseɛ no nka hwee. Ɛberɛ a wawu no na ɛka biribi.
For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead: for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it, is aliue.
18 Ɛno enti na apam a ɛdi ɛkan no wɔnam mogya so na wɔhyɛɛ no den no.
Wherefore neither was the first ordeined without blood.
19 Deɛ ɛdi ɛkan no, Mose kaa mmaransɛm no nyinaa, sɛdeɛ ɛwɔ Mmara no mu no kyerɛɛ nnipa no. Nantwie mma mogya ne nsuo ne kuntu kɔkɔɔ ne sommɛ na ɔde petee Mmara nwoma no ne nnipa no nyinaa so
For when Moses had spoken euery precept to the people, according to the Law, he tooke the blood of calues and of goates, with water and purple wooll and hyssope, and sprinckled both the booke, and all the people,
20 kaa sɛ, “Yei ne mogya a ɛsɔ apam a Onyankopɔn ahyɛ mo sɛ monni so no ano.”
Saying, This is the blood of the Testament, which God hath appointed vnto you.
21 Saa ara na Mose petee mogya guu ntomadan no ne nneɛma a wɔde som no nyinaa so ne no.
Moreouer, he sprinkled likewise the Tabernacle with blood also, and all the ministring vessels.
22 Nokorɛm, sɛdeɛ Mmara no kyerɛ no, ɛkame ayɛ sɛ mogya na ɛtumi te adeɛ nyinaa ho, na saa ara nso na gye sɛ mogya ahwie agu ansa na bɔnefakyɛ aba.
And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood, and without sheading of blood is no remission.
23 Saa ɛkwan yi ara so na wɔnam ma biribiara a ɛyɛ ɔsoro nhwɛsodeɛ no ho te. Nanso, ɔsoro nneɛma no ankasa deɛ, afɔdeɛ a ɛyɛ kyɛn yeinom na wɔde te ho.
It was then necessary, that the similitudes of heauenly things should be purified with such things: but the heauenly things them selues are purified with better sacrifices then are these.
24 Ɛfiri sɛ, Kristo ankɔ baabi a ɛyɛ kronkron a nnipa de wɔn nsa na ayɛ a ɛyɛ ade kann nhwɛsodeɛ. Ɔkɔɔ ɔsoro ankasa na ɔsi yɛn ananmu wɔ hɔ wɔ Onyankopɔn anim.
For Christ is not entred into ye holy places that are made with hands, which are similitudes of ye true Sanctuarie: but is entred into very heauen, to appeare now in ye sight of God for vs,
25 Afe biara Yudafoɔ Sɔfopanin de aboa mogya kɔ Kronkronbea hɔ. Nanso, Kristo amfa ne ho amma mpɛn bebree saa.
Not that he should offer himselfe often, as the hie Priest entred into the Holy place euery yeere with other blood,
26 Sɛ ɔyɛɛ saa a, anka ɛfiri adebɔ ahyɛaseɛ no, ɔbɛhunu amane mpɛn bebree. Mmom, waba prɛko a nneɛma nyinaa reba awieeɛ, na ɔnam afɔdeɛ a ɔde ne ho bɔeɛ no so apepa bɔne. (aiōn g165)
(For then must he haue often suffred since the foundation of the world) but now in the end of the world hath he bene made manifest, once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of him selfe. (aiōn g165)
27 Ɛsɛ sɛ obiara wu prɛko pɛ, na ɛno akyi Onyankopɔn abu no atɛn.
And as it is appointed vnto men that they shall once die, and after that commeth the iudgement:
28 Saa ara na wɔde Kristo nso bɔɔ afɔdeɛ baako pɛ de gyee dodoɔ no ara wɔ wɔn bɔne mu. Ɔbɛba ne mprenu so a ɔmmɛgye nnebɔneyɛfoɔ na mmom, ɔbɛba abɛgye wɔn a wɔretwɛn no no nkwa.
So Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many, and vnto them that looke for him, shall he appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation.

< Hebrifoɔ 9 >