< 1 Mose 8 >

1 Nanso, Onyankopɔn kaee Noa ne wiram mmoa a na wɔne no wɔ adaka no mu no. Onyankopɔn maa mframa bɔ faa asase so, na nsuo no tweeɛ.
Then God remembered Noah, and all living things, and all the cattle, which were with him in the ark, and he brought a wind across the earth, and the waters were diminished.
2 Nsutire a ɛwɔ asase ase no mu nsuo a ɛbɔeɛ no gyaee ba, na ɛsoro mpomma no nso mu totoeɛ, maa nsuo no gyaee tɔ.
And the fountains of the abyss and the floodgates of heaven were closed. And the rain from heaven was restrained.
3 Nsuo no toaa so twe firii asase so. Nnafua ɔha ne aduonum akyiri no, na nsuo no atwe koraa.
And the waters were restored to their coming and going from the earth. And they began to diminish after one hundred and fifty days.
4 Bosome a ɛtɔ so nson no ɛda a ɛtɔ so dunson so, Adaka no kɔtaa Ararat mmepɔ so.
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, upon the mountains of Armenia.
5 Nsuo no toaa so, tweeɛ ara kɔsii ɔbosome a ɛtɔ so edu no so. Na ɔbosome edu no ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan no, mmepɔ no atifi daa adi.
Yet in truth, the waters were departing and decreasing until the tenth month. For in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tips of the mountains appeared.
6 Adaduanan akyiri no, Noa buee mpomma a ɔtwa too adaka no ho no,
And when forty days had passed, Noah, opening the window that he had made in the ark, sent forth a raven,
7 na ɔsomaa kwaakwaadabi, ma ɔdii akɔneaba kɔsii sɛ nsuo no nyinaa we firii asase no so.
which went forth and did not return, until the waters were dried up across the earth.
8 Afei, ɔsomaa aborɔnoma sɛ, ɔnkɔhwɛ sɛ asase no so awo anaa.
Likewise, he sent forth a dove after him, in order to see if the waters had now ceased upon the face of the earth.
9 Nanso, aborɔnoma no annya baabi ansi, ɛfiri sɛ, na nsuo no akata asase no so nyinaa. Enti, ɔsane baa Noa nkyɛn, maa Noa tenee ne nsa sɔɔ ne mu de no baa Adaka no mu.
But when she did not find a place where her foot might rest, she returned to him in the ark. For the waters were upon the whole earth. And he extended his hand and caught her, and he brought her into the ark.
10 Noa twɛn nnanson, na ɛno akyiri no, ɔsane somaa aborɔnoma no bio.
And then, having waited a further seven days, he again sent forth the dove out of the ark.
11 Ɛberɛ a aborɔnoma no sane baa ne nkyɛn anwummerɛ no, na ngo dua ahahammono a wate tua nʼano. Ɛno na ɛmaa Noa hunuu sɛ, nsuo no atwe afiri asase no so.
And she came to him in the evening, carrying in her mouth an olive branch with green leaves. Noah then understood that the waters had ceased upon the earth.
12 Noa twɛnee nnanson bio, na ɔsane somaa aborɔnoma no, nanso wansane amma ne nkyɛn bio.
And nevertheless, he waited another seven days. And he sent forth the dove, which no longer returned to him.
13 Na ɛbaa sɛ Noa dii mfeɛ ahansia ne baako, bosome a ɛdi ɛkan no mu ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan no, na nsuo no atwe afiri asase no so. Enti, Noa yii adaka no suhyɛ no, na ɔhunuu sɛ, asase so awo.
Therefore, in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were diminished upon the earth. And Noah, opening the cover of the ark, gazed out and saw that the surface of the earth had become dry.
14 Ɔbosome a ɛtɔ so mmienu no ɛda a ɛtɔ so aduonu nson so no na asase no so woo koraa.
In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was made dry.
15 Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Noa sɛ,
Then God spoke to Noah, saying:
16 “Wo ne wo yere ne wo mmammarima ne wɔn yerenom mfiri adaka no mu mfi.
“Go out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and the wives of your sons with you.
17 Afei, yi abɔdeɛ biara a nkwa wɔ mu a wɔwɔ wo nkyɛn, a ɛyɛ nnomaa, mmoa ne mmoa a wɔnam asase so nyinaa firi adaka no mu sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wɔn ase bɛdɔre wɔ asase so.”
Bring out with you all the living things that are with you, all that is flesh: as with the birds, so also with the wild beasts and all the animals that move upon the earth. And enter upon the land: increase and multiply upon it.”
18 Enti, Noa ne ne mmammarima ne ne yere ne ne mmammarima yerenom firii adaka no mu.
And so Noah and his sons went out, and his wife and the wives of his sons with him.
19 Mmoa no nyinaa ne abɔdeɛ a wɔnam asase so nyinaa ne nnomaa nyinaa ne biribiara a ɛnam asase so ahodoɔ nyinaa firii Adaka no mu saa ara mmaako mmaako.
Then also all living things, and the cattle, and the animals that move upon the earth, according to their kinds, departed from the ark.
20 Afei, Noa sii afɔrebukyia maa Awurade. Ɔfaa mmoa ne nnomaa a wɔn ho te, de bɔɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ wɔ afɔrebukyia no so.
Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. And, taking from each of the cattle and birds that were clean, he offered holocausts upon the altar.
21 Awurade tee afɔdeɛ no a Noa bɔeɛ no hwam a ɛyɛ no, ɔkaa wɔ nʼakoma mu sɛ, “Ɛwom sɛ bɔne ahyɛ onipa akoma ma firi ne mmɔfraase deɛ, nanso merenni onipa akyiri nnome asase bio. Na merensɛe abɔdeɛ a nkwa wɔ mu bio sɛdeɛ mayɛ yi.
And the Lord smelled the sweet odor and said: “I will no longer curse the earth because of man. For the feelings and thoughts of the heart of man are prone to evil from his youth. Therefore, I will no longer pierce every living soul as I have done.
22 “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a asase da so wɔ hɔ yi, oguo ne otwa, awɔ ne ahuhuro, asusɔ ne ɔpɛ, owia ne anadwo rentwam da.”
All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, will not cease.”

< 1 Mose 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark